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  1. croptikal

    ISI Clearance Mandatory For Visit To Pakistan

    Normal tourists do not visit places like Pakistan, Iraq or Afghanistan which are in headlines for wrong reasons. People who visit are generally journalists, NGOs, and the like. These people enjoy diplomatic immunity. And if they happen to be from US then they cannot ge touched. As for...
  2. croptikal

    ISI Clearance Mandatory For Visit To Pakistan

    There are ways. Infact, US sends its weapons royally from the front door itself. ISI knows how the weapons come. Its all legal. US is not stopped.
  3. croptikal

    ISI Clearance Mandatory For Visit To Pakistan

    IMO, other agencies(their proxies) have gotten into the scenario. And I think the news is simply a scaretactic. Not sure, whether it will work. Because as most intelligence agencies know that ISI already checks the appropriate lists. If things are heating up in Gilgit, then the endgame in...
  4. croptikal

    ISI Clearance Mandatory For Visit To Pakistan

    All those who think that this move is for US, must think whether ISI can realistically stop those people whom US wants to send. If push comes to shove, they can do it easily from durand line.
  5. croptikal

    ISI Clearance Mandatory For Visit To Pakistan

    This is ISI's move and is not aimed at US. It is aimed at someone else working in Gilgit-Baltistan...
  6. croptikal

    ISI Clearance Mandatory For Visit To Pakistan

    :cheers: But, friend, your spirit is not shared by others it seems. You would have made an ideal mod.:D Lets get back to the topic now: What is surprising is why is it in news? I am sure ISI was checking the list before as well, but why is it now made official and why was it leaked to...
  7. croptikal

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    No. Indian movies do not impact media's workings. Maybe you imagine indian cinema as very powerful within India, but that is not true. There are many movies justifying terrorism as well. Kurbaan was a recent release which was from a terrorist's angle. Khalistan movement is dead because people...
  8. croptikal

    Baloch senator clears India of any ‘interference’ in Balochistan'

    Because this is a forum and all the members are free to discuss all the topics. If there were a rule that Indian members cannot discuss those subjects that do not pertain to India, then the issue would have been different. Sir, thats a very generalising statement and even derogatory to...
  9. croptikal

    Baloch senator clears India of any ‘interference’ in Balochistan'

    Sir, a guy in power has much more info at his disposal through variety of sources than someone who is dependent on other people who are in power. The honourable senator is obviously in the hot chair as far as the issue is concerned and knows more...however much some of us may disagree. His...
  10. croptikal

    Benazir's new book has some startling revelations

    hmm...never thought of this angle. Yes, the book seems to be aimed at international audience. If she wanted to come clean, she should have done so in public fora in Pakistan with pakistani masses. Obviously, if BB is telling the truth, then one has to deduce that army Gen.s were warmongering...
  11. croptikal

    PPP Federal minister Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan Jatoi arrested with call girls in Cat C

    True, elites are corrupt and poor are destitute... Sometimes, I feel there is no other way to change but for poor to take things in their own hands and do some kind of revolution!
  12. croptikal

    ISI Clearance Mandatory For Visit To Pakistan

    Perhaps you were considered suspicious or your background was suspicious. Otherwise, many Pakistanis do come and go as they please. Of course, the checks are tighter.
  13. croptikal

    Baloch senator clears India of any ‘interference’ in Balochistan'

    Sir, regardless of whether you care or not, he is a honorable senator of your country from the same province where India is alleged to be playing nasty. So, his views are taken seriously both within and outside of your country by people who matter.
  14. croptikal

    ISI Clearance Mandatory For Visit To Pakistan

    Well said. And it is most important that RAW never goes so big as to start doing that. That job is not of RAW and it must not do it. Period. However patriotic we may be, we cannot support an intelligence agency which tries to become bigger than the nation and its citizens. All countries take...
  15. croptikal

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Buddy, without outside support no secessionist movement can survive. Many such movements in India also of support from outside. Its all fair in the game...
  16. croptikal

    Pakistan's Biggest Threat

  17. croptikal

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    No, its a known thing. Its well acknowledged in media and public debates in India. But the trend in Kashmir is growing assimilation with India. In about a decade, Kashmiris will be as much Indians(in terms of jingoism) as we are today. You know who are the biggest helpers of IA in Kashmir in...
  18. croptikal

    Pakistan's Biggest Threat

    Lets assume everything you said is a true( The truth is contradictory, actually) . How does all this affect Pakistan, sir? Lets say all Indians hate Pakistan, Jinnah and are ruled by evil 'Brahmin Hindus'. How is that affecting Pakistan? How is that a threat to Pakistan? Anyway, my take...
  19. croptikal

    Baloch senator clears India of any ‘interference’ in Balochistan'

    Lets say that the senator is paid by Indian guys. Why cant Pakistan give him a better offer, you know an offer he cant refuse...?
  20. croptikal

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    True. When you get elected and go to assembly or Parliament, the elected representative has to take a vow to protect the integrity and sovereignity of India. In short, agree that Kashmir is an integral part of India. Hurriyat boycotts the elections and gives a boycott call to the people of...
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