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    this is not a conspiracy my friend its the truth, i agree with the truth , i will not agree with a lie just because i am a pakistani and my so called country wants me to. i have a mind of my own to decide what i feel is the truth or a lie.
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    if you want people of pakistan to be united then have shared power have equal members in the assembly, equal spending on all states, equal employment in army,navy, airforce and various other goverment departments. I am a pokhtoon and when i go punjab people are so ignorant that they call me...
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    you come out with utter rubbish. i think the goverment should hold out, shut everything down, no power, no food let them starve out. Its no point storming in and having a massacre. violence has no place in any society be it shia be it sunni, some foolish people differ and divide communities, we...
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    Great myths of Indian history

    i dont know where you are getting your information from but its wrong, well i guess you have to alter a few things to distance your self from your indian ancestors. Pushtoons are afghans and yes balouch also relate to iran. please go and read before you come and debate with me, its no good...
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    No need to keep huge army, says Asghar Khan

    Why have such a big army to to protect us from indian?, what we need is a protection from our own army who dismatles democracy and forcefully rules the nation. Asa proud pakistani i say its better to be an indian slave then a free pakistani, atleast it wont be that painful knowing that our...
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    Great myths of Indian history

    pakistans history doesnt exist from before 1947, pakistan is a country that doesnt have much history. Though it likes to create an image that mughals etc were the early day pakistanis. This is not the case people of pnjab and sindh need to look back and will find that their history is tied with...
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    Pakistan president's plane fired on: intelligence official

    well its sad they missed, his death would bring the country back to democracy. Not that i believe in killing of anyone but musharrif is not good for pakistan democracy is.
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    Pakistan defence budget to go up by Rs.30 bn

    yes i agree what was the point of having nuclear option if we are to keep financing the military more and more. Why can that increase not be used to help the pakistani economy and those who are still homeless after the earth quake. The goverment was very swift to assure that houses will be built...
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    Pakistani UN peacekeeping forces trading Gun for Gold

    i agree with you on that, yes its most liely true that this was the case, i mean if the army can do what it feels like in pakistan, i doubt it will have any concious on selling guns etc in exchange for gold. Seems like anything that pakistan military touches soon becomes corrupt.
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 1]

    propaganda hay well what other comment would we expect back from someone who has obviously something to dowith the military and doesnt like truth being spoken, its a shame people like your self sell your souls for a few rupees and a bit of power.
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 1]

    so i have unleashed propaganda, well batman you are a classic example of a typical pakistani who does not listen, and when situation doesnt suit him. You are entitled to your views and i to mine, does pakistan belong to you and only you?. do you only feel passion for it, please go and educate...
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    Billion+ dollar pak army empire

    60 years is not being patient enough?
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    Billion+ dollar pak army empire

    No pakistan doesnt by right belong to kasmiris and urdu speaking people, kasmiris seek their independence from india and pakistan, they have no loyalty to pakistan and i belive pakistan should have no loyalty to them. Our fathers and brothers died for kashmir, what a waste of precious life for...
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    Pakistan's name should be changed to Army Welfare Centre

    Well freedom of speech is not entirely possible, it may be in the institution but when you have police battering you, you soon changed your mind. You all may have seen the attack by the police on geo tv, reason because it was broadcasting police brutality. Police are suppose to be neutral and...
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    Pakistan's name should be changed to Army Welfare Centre

    Lets have a democratic goverment elected by the people a strong party to come forward and modernise pakistan creat jobs, boost the economy. Atrract foreign investment and shakeup the official offices to fit for pupose to lead pakistan in to 21st century. Someone with a vision to create industry...
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    Pakistan's name should be changed to Army Welfare Centre

    Musharrif and the military are as much help to the pakistani public as an ashtray is on a motorbike.
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    Billion+ dollar pak army empire

    Originally Posted by Asim Aquil Dude I'm part Mohajir and trust me, I'm becoming PM! . Well good luck i am sure you will make an excellent primeminister but it wont be long before you are toppled by the military. Thats what pakistan is about corruption and scandals, i can sympathise...
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