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    Angry India tells US 'times have changed' after diplomat spat

    What in the world is India doing. The lady was obviously abusing a contract and was going against American laws of minimum wage. Not being a full diplomat she does not have diplomatic immunity so she cannot encore her countries laws in the US. We're already in hot water with our economic...
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    Seven blunders that will haunt India for posterity

    And this is precisely where I have respect for Pakistan as opposed to India. Their military may hold way too much power over the government but at least it has the ability and power to get shit done. During pakistans military coups its economy grew fantastically. For gods sake nehru failed India...
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    A True Human Being , A True Pakistani , A True Muslim !!

    I agree with the above posters, the Nobel peace prize is become an extremely political thing these days. Sadly true heroes get ignored while political sentiments are appeased. Imagine what good this guy could do with the Nobel prize money (I believe it is something close to a million dollars)
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    A True Human Being , A True Pakistani , A True Muslim !!

    People have the ability to write whatever they want, this doesn't make it true. Why can't we agree that they are both great without trying to compare them/degrade one
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    My tour de UAE

    If you're travelling to the UAE be absolutely sure not to carry any food items with rare spices because the narcotics laws there are extremely strict. Also dress respectively and the purchase/consumption of alcohol is banned in some areas and is allowed in other areas with the possession of a...
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    A True Human Being , A True Pakistani , A True Muslim !!

    Amazing job, he's also a true human being
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    India and Pakistan ? Pakistan and India

    I will never stop being an optimist. Sure there is a lot of animosity between the countries but I like to think that one day Indian's and Pakistani's can laugh over the fact that they used to be enemy's. Also with regards to Kashmir I believe Kashmir belongs to India along with all other...
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    India and Pakistan ? Pakistan and India

    Gautam I agree but that is an identity created by their politicians. I'm hoping that rational Pakistani's don't hate India/Indian's and vice versa
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    India and Pakistan ? Pakistan and India

    I agree we have a lot of problems with the politicians of both sides. Also Kashmir is a contested issue but how does this affect the common person ? Why should Indian's and Pakistani's hate each other because of a problem that their countries can't solve ? I have had lengthy conversations with...
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    India and Pakistan ? Pakistan and India

    Hey everyone, This is my second post ever on this website and I believe that some may view what I say as controversial and it may be long but I implore you to read it fully because i still believe it needs to be said. I think it's about time that Indian's and Pakistani's...
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