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  1. R

    What you are Batsman, Bowler or Good Fileder

    Well, I'm 51 now, I've not played cricket since 1977 however as a lad I was a right arm swing bowler, LHB. I used to open the batting and the bowling when I was at school... Then I was on the books of a Minor county(Hertfordshire CCC) I never got as far as playing a semi-professional match, no...
  2. R

    3rd Test: England vs Pakistan at Kennington Oval, Aug 18-22, 2010

    As I said, an absolutely amazing bowling session. Even yesterday I said I win or lose I don't care so long as there is some exciting cricket played. Today it was Englands game to lose, Tomorrow it's Pakistans game to win. 150 is a low total but you've still got to get to the crease and...
  3. R

    3rd Test: England vs Pakistan at Kennington Oval, Aug 18-22, 2010

    What I said yesterday now sounds like words of wisdom, the effective score is 35-2 with one of the batsman out the Nightwatchman, I think that England might just about be ahead when you consider the batting still to come on a quite good wicket and Pakistan having to bat 4th... Edit: Alastair...
  4. R

    3rd Test: England vs Pakistan at Kennington Oval, Aug 18-22, 2010

    Finally a bit of a match! England fan or not it's much better to watch a decent match and lose than just walk over the opposition. This 3rd Innings is the one that shapes the game, whoever comes out on top will probably win, as much as so far in the match Pakistan are ahead this is still...
  5. R

    ICC 2010 Twenty20 World Cup THREAD

    I think it's fair to say the best team won...
  6. R

    MI5, British Govt & Media Helping Terrorist Combat 18 in Ethnic Cleansing of Britain?

    1. Don't know, don't care; it's not my, nor Britain's problem, we've got our own to deal with 2.The only one mass murderer or dictator that comes to mind is General Pinochet, smuglers get into every country and Kleptocrats are everywhere... Before attacking what I have said you would benefit...
  7. R

    MI5, British Govt & Media Helping Terrorist Combat 18 in Ethnic Cleansing of Britain?

    Anyone that beleives this crap deserves everything they get... I've never read such poorly written xenophobic rubbish and I've been reading British newspapers for 40 years It's exactly this sort of lies that stirs up extremism amongst British Muslim youth, which in turn creates tension between...
  8. R

    Boeing displays manned "sixth-generation" F/A-XX concept jet

    Don't buy into this generation rubbish, it's a ploy invented by US arms manufacturers in order to sell their kit before they change the rules again (like Lockheed trying to say that an aircraft must be capable of M1.5 without reheat to be considered capable of supercruise... idiots) In 20...
  9. R

    U.S. commander: F-22 was shot down

    OK, upon review this is perhaps another untrustworthy souce, it's listed in my notes but I didn't look 2 lines down and see "IAPR, 2006" who IIRC have a history for talking rubbish ""international AIR POWER REVIEW" - year 2006, issue 20, page 45. - ISNB: 1-880588-91-9 (casebound) or ISBN...
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    If this turns out to be true I wonder how the Saudi S-400 deal will go... I thought the Saudis were only going to buy the S-400 so that Russia wouldn't sell more S-300 to Iran.
  11. R


    Iran already has S-300 systems of varying ages but there is little commonality... Furthermore UK mainstream press news isn't to be blindly trusted, standards have slipped and they seam to print all sorts of crap with no substance or knowledge behind their accusations, this has been infuriating...
  12. R

    Muslim staff escape NHS hygiene rule

    I'm sorry but in a world where superbugs exist and thrive there can be no compromises, upsetting a few people (regardless of religion or culture) is better than putting patients in potentially mortal danger and there are no two ways about it, Britain is meant to be a secular state in which...
  13. R

    U.S. commander: F-22 was shot down

    While we're on the subject of F-22 problems... In wargames with F-22 an RAF Typhoon achieved a long-range lock on an F-22, the Raptors all run home back to base and said they were "unstealthy" at the time and F-22 wern't used again in the mock-fights... unlike the above story this is genuinely...
  14. R

    Leaked video of U.S. Military killing civilians and Reuters journalists.

    This is disgusting, I spent 22 years as a Royal Marine, and a hazy approximation of what might be a weapon of some description is no reason to fire, furthermore WHY are they firing on UNARMED people collecting wounded/bodies? I am absolutely appaled, the RoE must've been incredibly relaxed for...
  15. R

    Oman Interested to buy Typhoon from UK

    The Typhoons will be taken from UK production slots, the aircraft will still be made as per usual, parts made in UK, Germany, Spain and Italy, and as the aircraft are to come from UK proudction slots final assembly will be in the UK. RAF orders will then be added to the end of the batch...
  16. R

    Nimrod MRA4 - UK declares Nimrod MRA4 Ready

    Huge fan of Nimrod, she's had her problems but she's still the best MPA aircraft that has ever flown, not only that but she has the longest weapons-bay of any aircraft in NATO with a hefty payload which begs the question about filling her full of Paveway and using them as long endurance CAS/AI...
  17. R

    Aussies F35 will lose out to PAK FA

    Ignore the report; Karlo Kopp and his chums know absolutely nothing about anything they're talking about, read some of the other articles to find that out. He knows of gimmicks and that's about it, he keeps banging on about 3DTVC, it means nothing in high speed flight, it's best use is subsonic...
  18. R

    Russia to provide Lebanon with choppers

    For the record it might be worth noting that at the moment the Lebanese air force are still flying Hawker Hunters an aircraft that entered service with the RAF in the middle '50s, I would guess that HAIDER is bang on with the problems of accepting Fulcrums, they cost millions a year to maintain...
  19. R

    1 man, 14 wives

    14 wives? Where did he find the time? I have problems satisfying the needs of one!
  20. R

    Argentina to blockade Falkland waters in dispute over oil rights

    You obviously want to see Argentina invade the Falklands islands again, yet can provide no reasons why other than "It's not 1910 anymore", I doubt you have any reasons other than you advocate war against the US and friends; you obviously have a chip on your shoulder. You should research the...
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