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  1. S

    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    Keep living in your own little world. The bottom line is that the Indian Rupee is collapsing due to a loss of confidence. No amount of face saving nonsense from ignorant Indian members will solve your currency crisis.
  2. S

    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    I believe the Indian economy is shrinking now. There is no way economies grow while the currency is collapsing. A collapsing currency is a sign the economy is in recession. India has been running a massive debt based Ponzi scheme economy for about a decade and its ending now. Investors are...
  3. S

    Goldman Sachs downgrades India, says rupee can hit 65 to dollar

    Indian economy is in full collapse now. Their currency collapse is the ultimate sign. The Indian economy is a complete facade.
  4. S

    Chinese ASAT vs US ASAT

    You know we are ahead in ASAT so you bring up nonsense about other things.
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    'Comfort women' get a memorial statue in Glendale, California

    Indian men have psychopathic mentality. Nazi regime and fascist Japan is pretty popular among Indians. Now I understand when I heard that the worst place to be born as a woman is in India. Just look how they brutally gang rape innocent women. Says alot about their civilization. Indians are the...
  6. S

    UAE sentences Indian man to death over rape

    Yup, they have a sick mentality that no other group of people have. They have an inferiority complex.
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    UK: 3 Sikhs convicted of attacking Lt General Kuldip Singh Brar

    Khalistan is the homeland of the Sikhs that was brutally crushed by the Hindus. Hopefully Sikhs get their I deodorant country back one day.
  8. S

    Chinese ASAT vs US ASAT

    Can't argue my points so divert the topic :lol:
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    NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet'

    Fascism of the worst kind.
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    Snowden’s father "My son won’t get fair trial in US"

    The US has no rule of law. Corruption is part of American culture. Eddie Snowden is a hero.
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    5,000 Chinese factory workers strike over Indian takeover of American firm

    Indians are not good at business. Just look at what a failure their country is turning out to be. The Indian rupee is in total collapse. Unfortunately this firm will be destroyed by the Indians with their poor management and outrageous jingoism. Sad. Never trust Indians, I've done business...
  12. S

    UAE sentences Indian man to death over rape

    Notice how the Indians are defending this rapist. I wonder how many Indians on this forum do these kind of things. They seem to sympathise with and defend rapists. It's a very poor reflection of their country, society and civilization.
  13. S

    The United States vs. China

    Completely flawed 'analysis' by a another racist Indian. Most of our manufacturing is done by East Asian companies and 60% of our high tech exports are done by Taiwanese companies. Chinese manufacturing is growing extremely fast. Anyone that does not know this is not qualified to talk about...
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    Japanese Deputy PM, Taro Aso wants his govt to learn from Nazi Germany

    Agreed. Indians are known as extreme racists and it shows in their posts. There are alot of sympathisers of fascism in India. Their caste system is the most vulgar and repulsive system ever. That's why India never develops as a country and as people. I would say the caste system is straight...
  15. S

    India to call on millions of non-residents to defend rupee - sources

    I really think India is experiencing a financial crisis right now. This is why the Rupee has been dropping as investors have lost confidence in India and the Rupee collapsing is the perfect sign of it. I think India is in recession right now. I don't believe their economic numbers for one...
  16. S

    "China was a part of India" - Indian education textbook

    Indians have too many fantasies about cows, white servants and this. That's why the country never progress despite its falsified GDP 'growth'. Pretty much the current land of India belongs to the Persians.
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    Kerala schools stop serving midday meals during Ramzan

    Good to see Indian regime embracing Islam.
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    India's longest bridge coming up in Northeast

    2016 my butt. It won't be completed this decade going by typical Indian delays.
  19. S

    Chinese ASAT vs US ASAT

    Americans know their days at the top are numbered. It's only a matter of time before we match them and surpass them. They know this, this is why they are reacting the way they are. The 21st century will belong to us. Why? Because its our destiny and I will go as far as to say its our birthright!
  20. S

    Chinese ASAT vs US ASAT

    Who is 'we'? You are a Vietnamese. You will remain that way for the rest of your life. In ASAT, we are definitely ahead of the US. In other areas, we might be ahead of the US but our military is very secret so it's hard to tell. Just look at our DF-21D which now makes the aircraft carrier...
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