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  1. F

    Why does Pakistan name its weapons after people who invaded Pakistan and after Indian kings?

    The following are some Pakistani weapons named after historical figures: Al-Khalid MBT, named after the 7th century Arab general Khalid ibn al-Walid. Ghaznavi SRBM, named after the 11th century Turkic king Mahmud_of_Ghazni . Ghauri MRBM, named after the 12th century Turkic king...
  2. F

    How did the Hindu rulers become so powerful in the 15th century in India?

    This is not true. Its true that Pakistan and Afghanistan were ruled by foreign invaders like Greeks, Huns, Arabs, Turks and Mongols for more than 1000 years but not modern India.
  3. F

    How did the Hindu rulers become so powerful in the 15th century in India?

    After the decline of the Delhi Sultanate in the 15th century the 3 major Hindu states(the Rajput kingdoms, the Vijayanagara Empire and the Gajapati Dynasty) exercised considerable influence over huge parts of India. The Rajputs under the leadership of Rana Kumbha and Rao Jodha reconquered...
  4. F

    Greater India

    I doubt that the Kaaba was a Hindu Temple. But medieval Arab scholars were impressed by the Indian civilization and several Arab scholars admitted that the Indian civilization was superior to the Arab civilization. The Arab scholar Yaquibi (895 CE) stated:" The Hindus are superior to all other...
  5. F

    How China and India had always the biggest Economies for centuries

    Ok you are truly retarded. Speculate all you want. But Historians are still not able to decipher the Indus Valley script so they don't know much about the Indus Valley civilization. The first great Empire in South Asia was established in eastern India. It was the eastern Indian Maurya Empire...
  6. F

    How China and India had always the biggest Economies for centuries

    The Magadha dynasty was the first great Dynasty of South Asia that was established in eastern India in the 6th century BC. The successor of the Magadha Dynasty was the Maurya Empire of eastern India that conquered modern Pakistan and liberated Pakistan from Greek rule and gave its civilization...
  7. F

    How China and India had always the biggest Economies for centuries

    Don't be ridiculous. Pakistan was conquered by the Arabs because it was the least civilized region of South Asia. All the great Indian mathematicians like Aryabhata, Bhaskara and Madhava were born and lived in India and not Pakistan. A lot of the Arab scholars and traders like Sulaiman visited...
  8. F

    How China and India had always the biggest Economies for centuries

    This is particularly funny because the Arabs were the greatest admirers of Indian civilization in the past.
  9. F

    How China and India had always the biggest Economies for centuries

    Yes, Pakistan was indeed under Arab rule but not India.
  10. F

    Zaid Hamid on Ghazwa e Hind a full interview

    Dont insult Zaid Hamid. He is the greatest warrior that Pakistan ever produced.
  11. F

    Greater India

    The list is a joke. All kingdoms that sent ambassadors to the Chinese court were treated like tributary kingdoms. But the Chinese culture only influenced Vietnam.
  12. F

    Greater India

    I clearly stated that most of the Southeast Asian countries use the Indian script and not all. But countries like Indonesia and Malaysia used the Indian script in the past but gave it up after Indonesia was conquered by the Dutch.
  13. F

    Greater India

    Southeast Asia with exception of Vietnam was barely influenced by Chinese culture. Most of the alphabets of Southeast Asian countries are derived from the south Indian Pallava Dynasty. The medieval architecture of Southeast Asia was heavily influenced by the architecture of the Gupta, Pala and...
  14. F

    How China and India had always the biggest Economies for centuries

    This is not true. Unlike the Qin Kingdom The Pratihara Dynasty and the Rashtrakuta Dynasty also ruled the major part of modern India and both Dynasties used the same title as the Gupta Emperors. Which means that both Dynasties saw themselves as successors of the Gupta Empire and Harsha Empire.
  15. F

    How China and India had always the biggest Economies for centuries

    Your list is wrong. India and France were never under the rule of the Umayyad caliphate.
  16. F

    How China and India had always the biggest Economies for centuries

    Your list is wrong. India and France were never under the rule of the Umayyad caliphate.
  17. F

    Favourite English TV shows

    Yes, I agree with you.
  18. F

    Greater India

    Central Asia was barely under Indian influence. Central Asia was at first influenced by the Persian civilization after the Persian conquest of Central Asia. After the Arab conquest of Persia and Central Asia the Arab culture and religion started to influence Central Asia. The Mongol conquest...
  19. F

    Greater India

    The Southeast Asian countries still use the writing systems that were derived from the Indian script on the other hand Korea and Vietnam refuse to use the Chinese script. Vietnam prefers to use the Roman alphabet.
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