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  1. contender

    Elephant in the room

    Check again, its the same title but difference contents.
  2. contender

    Elephant in the room

    The Elephant in the Room The biggest pain in Asia isn't the country you'd think. BY BARBARA CROSSETTE | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2010 Think for a moment about which countries cause the most global consternation. Afghanistan. Iran. Venezuela. North Korea. Pakistan. Perhaps rising China. But...
  3. contender

    U.S. Stands With an Ally, Eager for China to Join the Line

    China Hints at Shift on Ship-Sinking Stance MAY 28, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen, left, with South Korean President Lee, greet flag-waving children ahead of a meeting Friday that ran an hour longer than expected and covered the Cheonan issue. By EVAN RAMSTAD SEOUL—Chinese Premier Wen...
  4. contender

    It’s Georgian Independence Day - but how many more will there be?

    It’s Georgian Independence Day - but how many more will there be? Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili: no one attacks his stance on Russia At the end of a dusty road leading north from the town of Gori — Stalin’s birthplace — a small encampment of sandbags and a Georgian flag marks...
  5. contender

    Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

    Are India's Maoist rebels winning the war? 28 May 2010 Tribespeople in parts of West Bengal support the rebels Friday's train crash in India has been blamed on "sabotage" by Maoist rebels. It was the latest in a series of rebel attacks after the government launched an offensive against...
  6. contender

    China for greater Indian role in United Nations' Security Council

    You still don't get it? illegal Indians are taking aways jobs from us in all levels. Yeah, right, a valid visa? even the legal one share their social security card with others, family members, relatives and even friends. And you wonder why Indians are disliked in US? Indians are disliked in...
  7. contender

    China for greater Indian role in United Nations' Security Council

    Keep lying Indian, too bad the reality go the other way. Indian illegal immigrants in US up 64 percent last decade | TopNews And tell me about it.:lol::usflag::usflag:
  8. contender

    China for greater Indian role in United Nations' Security Council

    Don't you try to get personal with me, you fleaking Indian, i am here to express my concern only, so take it or leave it. The main reason for you "illegal Indian immigrants" to plague US and increasing in big numbers cos our government appear weak and corrupt, turning a blind eye to illegal...
  9. contender

    Opinions on US Drone strikes - casualties and legality

    U.N. Official Set to Ask U.S. to End C.I.A. Drone Strikes By CHARLIE SAVAGE Published: May 27, 2010 WASHINGTON — A senior United Nations official is expected to call on the United States next week to stop Central Intelligence Agency drone strikes against people suspected of belonging to Al...
  10. contender

    Chinese premier visits Seoul as Korea crisis continues

    Chinese premier visits Seoul as Korea crisis continues 28 May 2010 The Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao, is visiting South Korea amid continuing tension over the sinking - allegedly by North Korea - of a South Korean warship in March. The issue is expected to dominate Mr Wen's talks on...
  11. contender

    At least 25 dead in India train blast and collision

    At least 25 dead in India train blast and collision 28 May 2010 Passengers were feared trapped in the mangled wreckage Rescue workers are trying to free survivors from the wreckage of a train in eastern India after a blast on the line killed at least 25. The blast hurled a passenger...
  12. contender

    China for greater Indian role in United Nations' Security Council

    I am talking about "illegal Indian immigrant" in US here, speak up against an unfair competition, we are being out class by illegal Indian immigrants in their game of taking "Cheap pay". The increasing rate of "illegal Indian immigrants" is just alarming, i got every right to show my concern...
  13. contender

    China for greater Indian role in United Nations' Security Council

    Yes, sure, 100% indigenous Indians, what about those illegal ones in US, why don't all of you indigenous Indians stay in your lovely country? stop taking jobs away from us, we definite will have a better life without you "indigenous Indians", just go back to where you belong...
  14. contender

    India to Gear up for 'Star Wars' with Countries like China

    Sorry, this is the image of India to common Americans.:argh::usflag::usflag: BBC NEWS | South Asia | Poverty still grips millions in India The most recent government figure is that about 26% of India's population are officially classed as poor - that is people getting less than the minimum...
  15. contender

    India to Gear up for 'Star Wars' with Countries like China

    Boy, are you from mars? do you know illegal Indian immigrants are flooding my country? they even took away the monopoly job from the Mexicans which is "Lawn care services", people are sending Indians to do my lawn instead of Mexicans nowadays. No wonder Mexicans hate Indians...
  16. contender

    Analysis: North Korea will get away with this outrage – again

    Analysis: North Korea will get away with this outrage – again May 26, 2010 Pyongyang is unlikely to face significant reprisals for the sinking of the Cheonan When it became clear that North Korea had sunk a South Korean naval ship, killing 46 sailors in an unprovoked attack, it was...
  17. contender

    U.S. Stands With an Ally, Eager for China to Join the Line

    Boy, you got to know who is the boss, hopefully not too much of your kind in India, if not, your country's future looks bleak. The U.S.-India Nuclear Deal - Council on Foreign Relations be grateful to us.:usflag::usflag:
  18. contender

    U.S. Stands With an Ally, Eager for China to Join the Line

    Whether you like it or not, in US, we hardly ever heard anythings about India, even if any, it will be poverty like any other third world countries. Don't forget we are the biggest donator to your sanitation projects , so a big thankyou from you will be appropriate.:argh::usflag::usflag:
  19. contender

    U.S. Stands With an Ally, Eager for China to Join the Line

    Sorry, Indians, you are not part of our world equation, your infleunce so far regarding this issue is a big"0" , so stay out of it.:argh:
  20. contender

    U.S. Stands With an Ally, Eager for China to Join the Line

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton held talks with President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea in Seoul on Wednesday. U.S. Stands With an Ally, Eager for China to Join the Line By MARK LANDLER Published: May 26, 2010 SEOUL, South Korea — When Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton...
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