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  1. ViXuyen

    US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam

    Having a AAW fortress at sea is nice but that price is too high at $1.8 billion if you buy it directly from foreign shipbuilder. Like I said earlier that all the equipment for this kind of destroyer totaled no more than $500 millions out of the price of $1.8 billion. The only way that Vietnam...
  2. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    I'm a guy, not a girl Your 3000 sqft home in the middle of Nevada desert has zero equity in it, private. Let's just say that you have everything and I have nothing; I'm still not impressed by what you got.......I pity you that you believe us are "jealous" of Viet kieu who are just nail salon...
  3. ViXuyen

    US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam

    With $2 billion/destroyer, Vietnam will probably go for another 5 Kilo-class submarines or 30 su-30. :p: I think you got carried away too far about Viet Nam having a destroyer; I would say the earliest is after 2025:o: Having a destroyer at sea is like having a floating fortress that get ready...
  4. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    The guy is a serial liar, he makes up a lot of "fact" for the sake of backing up his lies. He wants Viet Nam to be another democrap like India or the Phillpines so he substitutes his observation from those two countries as what he saw in Viet Nam
  5. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    These Viet Kieu are delusional or pretend to be delusional because if being a democrap means super economic powa then the Phillipines, India, Latin America, Southeast Asia, Africa would be like Western Europe LOL Democrappy is cheap, it is just a facade by these Viet kieu to hide the fact that...
  6. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    You're a broken record with your cheap democrappy rant You fought on the side of the french at Dien Bien Phu and now you and your kind rewrite history to slander the Viet Minh; no wonder why no Viet in Viet Nam believes in your shxit academic paperwork You deserted your comrade and hopped on...
  7. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    This guy gambit is a joke, a deserter who deserted South Viet Nam and his comrades and hopped on the U.S carrier on April 30th, 1975 to run away and not staying to fight the commie. The U.S military really makes a mistake of allowing a deserter like this guy to join their military especially...
  8. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    Maybe you don't know but I'm a staunch supporter of exterminating/exporting certain undesirable genes/group of people out of Viet Nam's gene pool. We alrady It's garbage that's why the Viet Minh downplay it If it's not garbage, why no one in Viet Nam believes in your crap? Don't blame the...
  9. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    Garbage history, nobody believes in that shiet except the like of your kind. You fought on the side of the French at Dien Bien Phu, enough said. Viet Kieu like you will get at best an average looking girl, get back to reality please.
  10. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    You're a broken record with this "I could have had any Viet girl"; this is not the 90's:sleep: Stop wacking yourself with your Viet kieu status; the pretty girls in Viet Nam no longer want you unless you're multi-millionares
  11. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    Don't flirt with me please because I'm not the girl in my avatar:p:
  12. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    A bunch of losers with no country to rule don't have any credibility in teaching anyone how to rule a country:sleep:
  13. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    No where as hurtful as a bunch of losers who live in exile and have no "poor" country to rule. Does it hurt?:sleep:
  14. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    Are you still stupid? Calling Viet Nam as a poor country from a bunch of losers who lost the war and living in exile? That's why you guys are clowns
  15. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    You should get one fact straight that you are a loser. You don't even have a South Viet Nam to rule. Talking about Viet Nam as a poor country as supposed to a bunch of losers living in exile without a country is quite ironic What would I be mad at a refugee loser? Are you going to fight for...
  16. ViXuyen

    In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

    Get lost, you oversea refugee. You don't even have a country to rule to begin with. Human right, freedom blah blah those cheap shiet take your rant somewhere else.
  17. ViXuyen

    US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam

    That's because we could built the ship and the weapons ourselves back then. Flash forward to 2014, a heavy warship would cost $1.5 billion usd. The price is high because shipbuilder wants to add profit margin and labour cost on top of the weapons and radar system. My guess is that the ship...
  18. ViXuyen

    US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam

    So scary so SUPA BOWA. The American dropped 20,000 tons of TNT on Ha Noi and Hai Phong in 11 days in 1972 and we did not flinch. Come back here if you can deliver that kind of tonnage destruction.
  19. ViXuyen

    US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam

    And Viet Nam will stand still while China moves on:p:
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