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  1. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    This event puts a smile on my face. It will make us add more "toys" to our military:p:
  2. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Latest news is Vietnam has deployed 69 ships to this area and the military is on high alert for possible war
  3. ViXuyen

    Japan keen to lift ban on collective self-defense, Abe tells NATO

    I'm "afraid" that Japan is going to provide ODA weapon package to us. :p: Japan is currently providing ODA package to Vietnam to buy two radar imaging satellites. One is produced in Japan by NEC with the participation of Vietnamese engineers while the second will be assembled in Vietnam:-)
  4. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Didn't the Chinese mobilize 1 ship for the standoff with the Phil? Now, 44 ships for us. Are you guys trying to gang bang us or something?
  5. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    How come no videos or pictures from neither side?
  6. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    You're wrong. If we can spend $3 billion for the package of submarines in 2009, we can spend $5 billion for the F-35 with no problem. It's all boiled down to politics, not affordability.
  7. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Points are addressed above, you hold ZERO advantage over our airforc and navy over the Spratly; that's the reason why you did not even dare to attack us when we were in the 90's
  8. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    If the American are willing to sell us the F-35 like they're willing to sell us the nuke reactor, I would say the time has come for us to retake the Paracel by force. The garrison on the Paracel is weak, a preemptive strike can take it back pretty quick. Once we retake the Paracel, we would...
  9. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Since we already sent our coast guard to this area to confront the Chinese, we might as well use this opportunity to grab a few Paracel reefs too since the location of this rig is very near the Paracel.
  10. ViXuyen

    60 years ago: Vietnam remembers

    The air war in the first Indochina War has about the same devasting effect on casualties as the second Indochina War. In the first Indochina War, 300,000 Vietnamese were killed and MIA, the French and its allies suffered 90,000 killed. For the second Indochina War, 800,000 Vietnamese were...
  11. ViXuyen

    Vietnam, US sign nuclear agreement

    :enjoy:WOW, no objection from any US politicians. I'm stunt
  12. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    The range is your enemy as you don't have the capabilities to put a sizeable jets all in once at the same time to give u the numerical superiority over our 36 Flankers. When you run out of fuel or on your way home to do your refueling, even our Mig21 parked along the coast can attack you...
  13. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    Your airforce has little to no air refueling capabilities to put a sizeable # of jets in the SCS from its base in Hainan, my friend. This is why Vietnam holds the upper hand in this conflict in the SCS and your military knows it. In the 90's when your 4th generation jets outnumbered us at...
  14. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    One thing that you forget is your country has the biggest mouth of all. Reality speaks otherwise; you lost every single military conflict in the 20th century LOL. It's kinda good for us that you beat the loudest war drum because any time we smash you like what we have doing since 938 A.D, we...
  15. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

  16. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    20 years ago when you drilled 70 km away from our shore and we could remove you at the time when we were so much WEAKER now, you want to bet that we can't remove this rig now? In 10 more years, you'll regret why you do not attack us in the mid 2000's or even NOW.
  17. ViXuyen

    South China Sea Forum

    I bet u that this oil rig will be removed soon. Vietnam's soverignty over the Paracel is indisputeable. You robbed the island from us at gunpoint during our civil war. I've said this before, if we can get back our country after under your rule for more than 1000 years, we'll wait for the...
  18. ViXuyen

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    I'm not kidding you moron. When Vietnam invented the crossbow, the word "Chinese" did not exist in our state of thought. go read about the origin of the Chinese word "crossbow" if you want I don't care.
  19. ViXuyen

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Vietnam invented the multiple-shot crossbow that Chinese copied from. If you don't believe me, search for its linguistic origin of the word crossbow in Chinese eh......Keith.
  20. ViXuyen

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Come back here and provide where in Dai Viet Su Ky that write Le Loi was a non-Kinh? You made up a story about Le Loi and when I busted your lies you SCREAM. I ask you again where in Dai Viet Su Ky that write Le Loi was a non-Kinh? The last time I busted you chinaclowns for making up "fact"...
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