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  1. PakEagle

    It is nor Radical Islam, It's radical countries and it's people culture

    It was nice to see a non muslim trying to implicate Pak and take out Islam but dude as you mentioned the name Islam let me just enlighten you about this great religion in one line..Contrary to world slogan that its islam that teaches this violent jihad according to Islam the greatest jihad's is...
  2. PakEagle

    12 terrorists nabbed in Peshawar, explosives, suicide jackets recovered

    Brother we had to get rid of russian as their next stop after kabul was quetta as they wanted warm water approach and yu guys can see it was just american dollars only and rest all the strategy was designed by pak generals and ISI and we broke a superpower into pieces(you indians can think where...
  3. PakEagle

    Wherever throughout the World there are Turks, they are Muslims

    I feel Turks are Muslims wherever they are and based on my experience with them I have felt them to be liberal and inclined towards west but still like anyother Muslims community they do have good and bad muslims..As is in hadith the greatest jihad is against one's own desires I feel we all...
  4. PakEagle

    12 terrorists nabbed in Peshawar, explosives, suicide jackets recovered

    You are right one cannt give money to make some one terrorist but one can forsure have frontmen to distribute money training camps where kids are being brainwashed to commit suicidal bombings or most of these are the one's whom relatives died in drone attacks ..In any case how you guys think...
  5. PakEagle

    Hersh: US terror groups in Iran

    Muslim unity let it be with Iran or gulf states is beneficial to us in every way..Recent news about pak-iran high level meetings is indeed pleasing but we pakistani's owing to our linkages with most of the irans opponents has to tread carefully and should 1st try to not only clear our own image...
  6. PakEagle

    Error 404 : Democracy not found

    Even worse than SOPA: New CISPA cybersecurity bill will censor the Web An onrush of condemnation and criticism kept the SOPA and PIPA acts from passing earlier this year, but US lawmakers have already authored another authoritarian bill that could give them free reign to creep the Web in the...
  7. PakEagle

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    Answer to highlighted part Conversion to Islam on the rise in the U.S. Following September 11 | Newsnet 14 Islam is the most fastly spreading religion in the world as well as united states and in contrary to what most hindus and other non muslims claim(thats it spread owing to muslim...
  8. PakEagle

    Terrorist and killer Narendra Modi on TIME 2012 list is a shame

    hey dude the hassan nisar you are talking about I know him a lot better and even how he gets paid by politicians to favor them in his columns and so talk abt some credible source.. Reagrding Pakistan from the very 1st day there were people who said she wont survive more than a year and its...
  9. PakEagle

    Terrorist and killer Narendra Modi on TIME 2012 list is a shame

    Looks like your history like your all other vital organs like heart and brain is in really bad shape..Or you guys have conveniently forgotten what happened in gujrat in 2006....In last 10 years in mainland inida and in occupied kashmir thousands of muslims,dalits and maoists have been killed...
  10. PakEagle

    Terrorist and killer Narendra Modi on TIME 2012 list is a shame

    A picture speaks a thousand words and it is evident how much hindus resepct indian mulims and can therefore speak on their behalf...
  11. PakEagle

    Terrorist and killer Narendra Modi on TIME 2012 list is a shame

    www.nation.com.pk/pakistan.../Killer-Modi-gets-relief-by-SC A killer remains a killer no doubt how he paints himself in public...
  12. PakEagle

    Terrorist and killer Narendra Modi on TIME 2012 list is a shame

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JbRS7CrRGc Modi exposed Its hard to conceal truth...Especially these days India was India is and India will be a state where weakers will be oppressed by elite and higher castes untill it disintegrates into smaller fractions to give people equal rights and we can...
  13. PakEagle

    Balochistan bringing world on the brink of The Third world war

    very informative and true thread....
  14. PakEagle

    Hafiz Saeed to US: I’m in Lahore tomorrow, contact me anytime

    And you know what you are one of those people about whom it is called"Ignorance is a blessing" I am not here in america like most of you indians washing cars and runnings cabs we are running an intel business with branches in 47 nations which infact pays american govt a huge tax, I have...
  15. PakEagle

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    This is what law is all about..Allegations needs to be substanially proved with evidence and You AMERICANS want world believe everything you say despite the fact that you guys are still searching for WMD in iraq and havnt found them yet. I agree with this part as far as you apply it on...
  16. PakEagle

    Hafiz Saeed to US: I’m in Lahore tomorrow, contact me anytime

    What he knows and for that matter most of the world believe as well is America is a tyrant and is ruled by satanists which should be broken down as soon as possible into dozens of independent states to reduce the bloodshed it can only offer world in coming times and I am sure his knowledge wont...
  17. PakEagle

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    I wonder how some people acts like clowns and still feel they are talking sense at one hand you are admitting there isnt evidence to prosecute him and on the other hand you are calling him a terrorist something even you cant prove in 4 years but still adamant just because you want to found one...
  18. PakEagle

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    Americans are in a habit of painting things in a very distorted way something that suits their covert agenda...but yet we have to admit that they have good presentation and can beautifully disguise the pain and suffering that country has inflicted on mankind under their immense love for world...
  19. PakEagle

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    Narendra modi exposed Its a real one so what secular indians did about it and you expect us to do somthing about hafiz saeed without even any proof thats shameful...
  20. PakEagle

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    To make my dumb indian friends understand let me put it in a way they may comprehend.. You guys belive in no money no honey...therefore no proof no conviction what is there to fuss about..
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