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  1. TigerOfQin

    Ethnic Identity and National Conflict in China

    Western world always poison Chinese people with their false media. West dont like China. West only want to divide China then let China die. When Sun asked for West to help build a democratic China, the West didn't help Sun Yat Sen because they were too busy stealing everything from China. Only...
  2. TigerOfQin

    China tensions stoke Vietnam naval ambitions

    Your buddies have been bringing up Japs and Mongols to back VN. LOL! Viets are clowns of Asia.
  3. TigerOfQin

    Chinese Vice-President Xi-Jinping arrived in Thailand

    Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra looks too light to be Thai. She is probaly Chinese concubine ruling over Thailand. Of course Thai would be pro-China. :yahoo:
  4. TigerOfQin

    China tensions stoke Vietnam naval ambitions

    VN the sickening bastard child. It really makes me sick that Viets always point out the Nanjing massacre when they argue with Chinese. Viets very very naughty. China will spank their *** again. China needs to spank all his children(SK, Jap, Viet).
  5. TigerOfQin

    China tensions stoke Vietnam naval ambitions

    China has the most mongols in the world. Mongols in China are growing by 2.3% compared to outer Mongolia mongols growing by 1.6%. Viets can't beat China so they pull in their former masters such as the US, French, Japs, Mongols to beat China. VN so tough talk 1v1 dont bring in other nations...
  6. TigerOfQin

    China - Uighur teenager handed death sentence over ethnic riots

    Indians get out of Asia and China if you want to troll. Go with the middle easterns LOL!!!!
  7. TigerOfQin

    Hitler's speech they don't want you to listen

    Chinese people are "Honorary Aryans" to Hitler. :china: I believe Hitler invented the highway but he wasn't given credit for it.
  8. TigerOfQin

    China tensions stoke Vietnam naval ambitions

    Learn your history you Viet swamp monkey! 1) Genghis Kahn conquered half of China. You Viets didn't stand up against GK. You Viet Monkies stood up against incompetant Kublai Kahn. 2) Vietnam belongs to China.
  9. TigerOfQin

    China tensions stoke Vietnam naval ambitions

    Why Viets need Jap and American to help them? Why? Why can't VN learn from their father China. Be independent. Be self-sufficient. China doesn't need anyone. Vietnam needs their former masters to help them against their father China. VN is the definition of bastard child.
  10. TigerOfQin

    India "Explodes" as its "Time of Reckoning" Arrives

    India will never be a superpower. How many leaders of India have been assassinated? ghandi, Ghandi's daughter, Ghandi's daughter's uncle?, etc. How many leaders of China have been assassinated? 0. India is politically unstable. China is strong! West can try to poison Tibetan and...
  11. TigerOfQin

    Pakistan needs 159 years to catch up with industrialised nations

    I watched CCTV and they said that by 2026 or 2036? cant remember which one but by those years, China would eradicate poverty and move factories into rural areas of China. Can't wait to see that day! Rise of the Dragon!
  12. TigerOfQin

    China tensions stoke Vietnam naval ambitions

    Vietnam War was not a war! Americans didn't lose! Viets didn't win! LOL!
  13. TigerOfQin

    China tensions stoke Vietnam naval ambitions

    Very weak argument. How ironic that this is the same excuse Americans give when they clearly lost the war in Vietnam. Americans said they did not declare a war with Vietnam so they didn't lose the Vietnam War. ROFL!!! Hypocritical Viets.
  14. TigerOfQin

    Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

    Big bad Vietnam is ready for action! But why is Viet not in rank 30 of military firepower? Globalfirepower.com Submarine fleet in 6 years?! By that time China will have overpassed Russia in military firepower rankings. Vietnam why fight? You WILL lose. You can't beat them join them.
  15. TigerOfQin

    Chinese vice president meets Vietnamese president on relations

    But Viet president got no lips! :lol: Chinese will always be steps ahead of you my dear little naughty Viet boy.
  16. TigerOfQin

    China open ways for third world nations to catch up with the west

    Indians always have no life but troll in Chinese threads. Africa accepts China that is why they kicked out DUHlie lama out of Africa! LOL! Don't play the divide and rule game. I know British is fond of that. Or should I say British India.... :azn:
  17. TigerOfQin

    China tensions stoke Vietnam naval ambitions

    I saw it on Wiki and I calculated that for every 1 PLA soldier 21 Viets died. Now here is the truth Viets. Defect from that ***** you call Vietnam and become part of China. You too can share the glory! Afterall you were ONCE CHINESE! LOL!!!!:azn: ---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ----------...
  18. TigerOfQin

    China tensions stoke Vietnam naval ambitions

    Haplogroup O3 is a unique gene of Chinese in China. 33.3% of Viet males have this gene that originated from China. I wonder why?! :china:
  19. TigerOfQin

    China tensions stoke Vietnam naval ambitions

    26,000 Chinese died while 30,000 Viets died + 100,000 Viet Civilians died(Not civilians but MILITIAS). This is what is going to happen to you Viet boy. You will fight for Vietnam and when you die, VN gov will say that you were just a civilian. That is how VN makes themselves look good. ROFL...
  20. TigerOfQin

    Chinese vice president meets Vietnamese president on relations

    Why is the Viet president so ugly?!
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