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  1. BJP*

    Chennai: German teen raped in moving train

    Oh!!! yes and your state lies in United States of Amrica!
  2. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    Exactly, it is not what Chinese thought about India, I still challenge to quote the words from any academia around the world which states that India was "created" in 1947. I believe you have some confusions between 'Independence' and 'creation' go threw the Cambridge dictionary once again...
  3. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    I challenged you to open any source around the world. You can refer to your favorite CIA. Even in CIA the History of India starts from 185BC. It nowhere mentions 'India is a country created, or formed'. I even challenged you to provide any source which states that India was 'created' in 1947...
  4. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    Firstly, My any of the points are not of personal opinion. They are based on facts. Open any source from any part of the world. History of Indian nation always start from 660 BC. It never starts from 1947. Independence is an important 'event' of our history but it does not mark creation of our...
  5. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    Yes constitution was written in english, hindi, tamil telgu etc. Originally it was written in Hindi and officially it was accepted in Hindi whats your point ? Constitution of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia just check last 10 posts I was explaining you the same thing. it seems all was...
  6. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    I will only understand what you type here. Definition of country/nation is "An area or expanse outside cities and towns; a rural area and an area of land distinguished by its political autonomy; state" nowhere it means a 'geographical entity enclosed by borders'. Dictionary here do not synonym...
  7. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    And you believe independence = creation? :haha: are you prooving your IQ here? :omghaha: You are ranting here about "creation" I quoted you line as it is which says that 'India was created in 1947'. Unfortunately, you are unable to prove it. However you your self agreed at least to honkong...
  8. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    I chalange to to quote or paste the screen shot from CIA where it is stated that India was created in 1947. But it seems you have no Idea about china, Tibet was forcefully taken, even their govt is living in India in exile. Taiwan also claims to be china and claims its entire chinese history...
  9. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    ....And the fact remains that China is still not united. You have several times posted the "facts" from CIA. The same CIA tell you that history of "India" starts 660 BC. Keep in mind kid it is telling you the history of Indian Nation not the subcontinent. There is no proof that China is still...
  10. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    :toast_sign:Heights of Insecurity, In mainland when ever any foreign head of state travels they want him to follow "One China Policy". Have you ever heard India is asking its guests to follow "One India Policy". Every one knows India is united and there is no another India in the world, so 'one...
  11. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    Is Mainland allowed to deploy it armies in Taiwan? If not how it can be compared with Kashmir. Our armies are there to enforce law? Can the mailnland do the same with taiwan?. Lol at your knowledge, Unrecognized Truth does not become lie or false. Mate you should get it down to your thought that...
  12. BJP*

    Thread Bared: Communal tensions in India

    Why are you so frustated??! I said truth. Present Pakistan was the site of Hindus. Thats what going to happen. Pakistani land will be free from muslims. As you put it correctly history will repeat itself. You forgot to mentions Muslims are being killed in there own country like dogs and all 47...
  13. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    Why personally attack me!! This is fact that Mainland and Taiwan both claims to be china. both have independent govts. It dosent matter who recognizes what. Truth do requires itself to be recognized. Plain and simple fact is China was never united and is still not united.
  14. BJP*

    Thread Bared: Communal tensions in India

    If modi is elected continuously for two terms, you will not exist as independent nation :P
  15. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    They are not yet united. Taiwan and Mainland both claim themselves to be China. How can a single country is ruled by two different governments;)
  16. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    I have not referred to any mythology, I have given you plain and simple facts. Texts do not come under Mythology. Otherwise your history also comes under mythology Exactly, Country was formed in 300 BC, but ruled by different empires and religions. Had the country was different its Political...
  17. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    Look at the map below, this map was of the time when Britishers were leaving India. The pale yellow part were ruled by Indian rulers. The colored were ruled by britishers. The territories of Jammu & Kashmir, Rajputana, Hyderabad, Mysore, Baluchistan, nepal, bhutan were not under British Empire...
  18. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    Yes, because in India we never give that much importance to names. Even today, 'India' is used mainly by foriegn countries, and english media. We the citizens rarely call our country as 'India' in our normal talks rather we call it as 'Bharat'. Even our neighbours call us as 'Hindustan', which...
  19. BJP*

    Gunday Trailer

    By your posts it seems that Bangladesh and India are friendly countries. Why then Bangladeshis hate Indians so much?
  20. BJP*

    India third largest economy by 2028: CEBR

    No, If mughals are foriegn invaders, so are the Aryans. You can not compare with mughals and britishers. Mughals were Indian emperors their capital was in India, all the policies were made within the boundaries. Most of the time since 300 BC the capital of India was not changed it remained...
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