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  1. BJP*

    China:It’s up to India, Pak to resolve LoC tension

    It were you who called US, saudies, chinese and every one in afraid of India after mumbai attacks. This was the statement of the then US secretory
  2. BJP*

    China:It’s up to India, Pak to resolve LoC tension

    Yes short term policy failed but long term policy succeeded, hence turning situation to India's favor
  3. BJP*

    China:It’s up to India, Pak to resolve LoC tension

    Actually, Chinese don't have enough option. India knew these type of incidents occur regularly in Indo-pak relationship. What is different from earlier times is china didn't supported all weathered friend ally this time against India. Thanks to medicines of IN to China in SCS. :azn::azn:
  4. BJP*

    Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan pledges to fight in Kashmir, sharia in India

    1000 years?? what are you smoking? Muslim rule started in limited parts of India in around 1267. And It was formally ended in 1857. Now. Do you know mathematics. or you have big mouth with a foot in it?? !! :what:
  5. BJP*

    China, Japan, Vietnam & Korea

    "Sinosphere" ??? I think term "Sino" is used for china. Like in news term "Sino-Indian relations" are used to represent India-china relations.
  6. BJP*

    Narendra Modi to be sworn in as Gujarat CM for the fourth consecutive time

    You are totally biased. If News papers dont report development of Uttar Pradesh in your part of country that is not my fault. Have a look on below facts. Uttar Pradesh is the second largest economy in India after Maharashtra.[2] Uttar Pradesh's gross state domestic product for 2004 is $339.5...
  7. BJP*

    Narendra Modi to be sworn in as Gujarat CM for the fourth consecutive time

    simple answer is I invite you to UP. and you yourself judge how much is gunda raj is here. All parts of UP are better than our rape capital which is continuously ruled by congress since last 20 years and still manage to get into power every time.
  8. BJP*

    Narendra Modi to be sworn in as Gujarat CM for the fourth consecutive time

    You are merely judging actions of SP and BSP with parliament and nation politics. What I am saying is These parties have better understanding of UP people than nation parties. What ever else is done in parliament and in center politics do not represent UP people.
  9. BJP*

    Narendra Modi to be sworn in as Gujarat CM for the fourth consecutive time

    yeah... really... UP people elects local parties whats the problem with that?? Can you name a single leader from other states who is not having the qualities you mentioned? the same is with DMK and AIDMK. National parties lost their hold in UP politics because they failed to understand the...
  10. BJP*

    Turkish soaps: threat to Pakistan's culture or entertainment market?

    LOL we have never watched a turkish movie... any logic???
  11. BJP*

    Turkish soaps: threat to Pakistan's culture or entertainment market?

    Pakistanis hate Hollywood but watch them. Pakistanis hate Indian serials but still watch them. Pakistanis love turkish serials but feel a threat from them. Pakistanies have their own serials but dont bother about them. Can any one sense CONFUSION!!!!!!!! I remember Bollywood scene in which a...
  12. BJP*

    Outrage in India over Delhi bus gang rape

    None of the neighboring regions of Delhi are backward. Delhi is surrounded mainly by two states ie Haryana and west UP. Below is little description of both of them. Haryana Haryana is one of the wealthiest states of India and has the third highest per capita income in the country at Rs...
  13. BJP*

    Outrage in India over Delhi bus gang rape

    you know the best thing is Congress is ruling Delhi for last 20 years and is in center for last 8 years. Delhi police directly answerable to union home ministry Chinkis are fine in Delhi now. South Indians too don't face that problems what north Indians face in Chennai and mumbai. We cant...
  14. BJP*

    Yoga programme at US school sparks religious controversy

    that's sounds weird. In Hinduism, Its upon people to worship God or not, go to temple or not. No one can not force any human to do that. By your lines, I feel, Hinduism is democratic religion and christianity is autocratic religion.
  15. BJP*

    Malik’s visit backfires, India rules out joint statement

    nothing was signed. Only thing which was decided on this visit was that Indian delegation will visit Pakistan soon. Indian media uses this line to describe him "(Malik is)a politician who suffers from an acute case of the foot-in-mouth syndrome. " Rehman Malik is a troll, but we’re...
  16. BJP*

    how much of Urdu is Sanskrit based and persian based?

    Below lines are reply of North-east Indian to a pakistani blog which worries of using hindi words in Urdu. I like these lines very much hence sharing them. it seems pakistan is disturbed with the popularity of hindi language in pakistan. on the otherhand india has no issues with urdu.. maybe...
  17. BJP*

    India-China border row: US sticks to McMahon Line

    Its not US lip service. We have maintained our stance since 1947. We will even welcome Trinidad and Tobago if they recognize McMohan line. US is just another country, we welcome them to support us on this issue. It doesn't matter if you start or stop argument. This was our stance and this will...
  18. BJP*

    Burma army sends fresh troops to Indian border in fight against KIO

    India supports Mayanmar in crushing down the separatists and rohingya terrorists.
  19. BJP*

    Peshawar Airport under attack...

    what is Kamra attack? Is this special type of attack used in pakistani soil??
  20. BJP*

    Pakistan VS India Series 2012: Updates, Gossips and Discussions

    and rest you lost :lol:
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