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  1. N

    Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

    India Army need to give strong reply to Pakistan. They need to open eyes more widely when they are patrolling along the LOC. They should know by now that they can be attacked any time by Pakistani army. If Pakistan army has weapons then India army has weapons as well. My prayers are with the...
  2. N

    Beautiful rural Pakistan.

    One of my favourite thread..Keep it going mundeoo te kurioo!!
  3. N

    100 very Beautiful places to visit in India !!!!!!!

    people must be rude because your from such a **** country which we call CHINA..We are not dying to not have you as a visitor..So enjoy in your **** hole..
  4. N

    India's civilian aircraft plan expected to get nod tomorrow

    why they don't concentrate and prioritise in exporting those products like textile etc. which they are more expert and can produce cheaper then rest of countries instead jumping into another project which is 15 years away from any progress...
  5. N

    Nawaz sharif angreezi & confidence of the stupid !

    Such a disgrace for Pakistan!! If he can't speak in English, he should have spoken in Urdu or he should have translator with him..
  6. N

    India's civilian aircraft plan expected to get nod tomorrow

    Well i am so disappointed from the efforts of this government about the textile export. Importers in Uk are importing from Bangladesh and china even they are Indian origin. when u ask them why don't you import from India..they said they can get cheaper and better service from other countries...
  7. N

    A picture full of hope from India

    R u blind or just being a stupid. He has clearly mentioned about the hope of education for the kids living in slum or those can't afford education. Mr. Kumar is doing brilliant job. i would wish him Good luck. Thanks this is for orinhunter..
  8. N

    Attacks in Pakistan are not jihad, says Hafiz Saeed Read more: http://www.

    Terrorists should attack in other countries..thats what his mean!!Until people like Saeed exist in your country u guys have to suffer like this..Sorry brothers, but this is reality..he can't show right path to Pakistan..
  9. N

    Pakistan Police vs Indian Police

    Thats why you r such a failed state and not successful because you are always busy in making stupid video which are not true comparison and criticizing others. I would advice you to concentrate on real comparison which make sense and providing useful information.
  10. N

    Arjun MK-II Gearing up for final trials

    I am looking forward to see the trails of Arjun MK2. I hope it convince the Indian army that it can challenge any tank in the World with his performance..Good luck
  11. N

    Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

    Good results apart from couple of tests.Thanks for the information. we need to get submarines induct quickly so they can fill all the gaps.
  12. N

    India gearing up for a two-front war against China & Pakistan.

    After reading your meaningless reply i felt you are such a daft person from china whose brain is also small like his height..lol..you need to right something new in your post because you are talking same thing again and again which are totally nonsense..:lol: We came into your country just a...
  13. N

    India gearing up for a two-front war against China & Pakistan.

    keep daydreaming mate..Its not too far the day your **** army going to be pounded by mighty Indian army..pounded will be from both side..lol ,,If you understand what i meant..what victories you are talking about apart from 1962..Did not you seen your ***** army left the Indian land without even...
  14. N

    Black Panthers naval aviator gives a walkaround on the new Mig-29k

    If you are so concerned about the weapons Mig 29K carrying don't waste your time here..You should be in the navy and should be guiding them what weapons they should use for this aircraft..you are sounding like you know better then them which make you sound like DAFT..
  15. N

    Indian RAW terrorist Sarabjit Singh Dead.

    Such a shameless country and people..after watching this video i feel Sorry for sarabjit..i wouldn't have said anything if he was the real person who done that.
  16. N

    Which part of India is more developed?

    Well Only reason to blame to central govt. they are not making enough effort to encourage big companies to invest in Punjab. there's no TATA, MAHINDERA or Reliance in Punjab. These companies could get benefits of better infrastructure but again as u said land is expensive in Punjab so little...
  17. N

    Which part of India is more developed?

    I am quite shocked to see no one has discussed or mentioned about PUNJAB which brought revolution in Agriculture. I have been quite few states in India and seen condition of roads, Living standard and many more things,Punjab is much better place then most of places. Central govt. never gave...
  18. N

    Corrupt Pakistan Corrupt People!

    Well guys it's not troll..i want to share my experience and the time i have spend with pakistani people..i come across with quite few pakistani during my study.couple of them are still in touch with me..one of my friend was from sargodha..his name is sohail anjum.he had 2000 dollars from me for...
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