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  1. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    US produces 12mln barrels per day and consumes 20mln barrels per day
  2. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    One thing Trump said in his speech is that US becomes energy independent....Iran should develop nuclear weapons as fast as possible because in 5 years from now deterrence in form of closing the Strait of Hormuz will not work
  3. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    USA was slapped in the face after bold Iranian and open attack on US assets and recently Trump made a step back to save his face
  4. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    All is well! Trump was slapped in the face and made a step back like a total pussy....no 52 targets attack after Iran slapped USA....but they should wait for covert revenge when Iran assasinate their soldiers and eject them from the region
  5. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    Dont you read previous posts....Khamenei said that this slap in the face of USA is not enough....this was overt response ...US assets were attacked and US made a step back like a pussy.... What will follow next is covert revenge to kill americans and eject them from the region
  6. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    this is just overt reaction---a slap to usa what will follow is covert assassinations against US generals to send a message
  7. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    I think it is 2 times more than that.... The Pentagon estimates that Iran is in possession of more than 2,000 ballistic missiles https://www.foxnews.com/world/iran-attack-ballistic-missiles
  8. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    US is running away The US forces have vacated two bases in northeastern Syria, and moved in the direction of Iraq, Syrian state-run Sana news agency reported on Wednesday. Approximately 40 trucks with military equipment have left the Khrab al-Jir base in the Hasakah province heading to the...
  9. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    This was just an overt slap to USA and USA made a humiliating step back from their promise to attack 52 targets in Iran if Iran attacks american assets--- What will follow is covert assassination of US and Israelis to send a real message-----Khamenei has already said couple of hours ago that...
  10. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    Leader of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq Resistance Movement Qais Khazali, in a tweet on Wednesday, announced the time ripe for Iraq to take revenge for assassination of Second-in-Command Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Unit (PMU) Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis by the US. "Iran's first response to assassination of...
  11. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    It was just a overt response to slap US and force it to make a step back-without going to open war--what will follow is covert response via proxies to assassinate US generals and soldiers and force them out of the region
  12. G

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    This is just overt reaction---to openly attack USA and may USA make a step back. Recently Khamenei said that this is not enough and US will be forces out of the region---so what will follow is covert reaction like assassinations and attacks against US troops via proxies over time---
  13. G

    historic nightmare for US, Iran's retaliation wont be a single operation

    Every dollar US consumer overspends on high gasoline price----he will not spend this dollar in Walmart or Mcdonalds-----this will decrease demand in Walmart and Mcdonalds generating recession with multiplier effect. Then, since there will be far greater recession in OPEC oil consuming nations...
  14. G

    historic nightmare for US, Iran's retaliation wont be a single operation

    As I said, USA imports 8mln barrels of oil---and Latin America and Canada will sell oil at global prices which will increase dramatically if Iran closes the Strait of Hormuz and attack Saudi oil infrastructure And shale boom is long over
  15. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Saudi Arabia has 800 Patriot missiles---with two missiles per target---it can theoretically intercept 400 targets---but with 50% success rate---it will actually intercept 200 targets---So Iran should launch more than 200 missiles
  16. G

    historic nightmare for US, Iran's retaliation wont be a single operation

    US produces 12mln barrels per day and consumes 20mln barrels per day----so they import 8mln barrels per day
  17. G

    Breaking News: Iran Parliament passes law designating US Army a terrorist organization

    Russia and China need to provide satellite data on US vessels, aircraft and army positions---so Iran could target them with ballistic missiles. Especially Russia will help, because war in the Middle East, oil price increase and US in a new quagmire is in Russian interests
  18. G

    historic nightmare for US, Iran's retaliation wont be a single operation

    If Iran destroys Saudi, Kuwaiti, UAE and Qatari oil facilities with ballistic missiles, and closes the Strait of Hormuz---oil price will rise so high that USA will suffer trillions of dollars of losses---that is why they don't want full out war US is powerful, but Iran keeps oil infrastructure...
  19. G

    historic nightmare for US, Iran's retaliation wont be a single operation

    Supreme Leader said response should be military and open. No response from Iran will be viewed as sign of weakness and will invite more pressure. So probably Iran will attack US and US will respond and there will be a war that will last for a short period of time, because neither side wants...
  20. G

    Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

    Iranian envoy to China: Iran to retaliate for Soleimani murder with military action https://www.fxstreet.com/news/iranian-envoy-to-china-iran-to-retaliate-for-soleimani-murder-with-military-action-global-times-202001070721
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