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  1. G

    The beginning of the end of Iran is here

    Angry India? There is no other civilization that was beaten more times than Indian civilization First Aryans invade India and bring Indo-european speech then Achaemenid Persians occupy northern India then Alexander the Great occupies northern India then Greco-Bactrian kingdom from...
  2. G

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Even if you don't declare US as great Satan---US can't tolerate Iran's domination of the region that has 60% of global oil Russia didn't declare US a great Satan---but still US does a lot to prevent Russia's domination of Ukraine and Eastern Europe This is geopolitics
  3. G

    Iranian Chill Thread

    The problem between US and Iran is not about "Death to America" slogans but about BALANCE OF POWER IN THE PERSIAN GULF. Iran has bigger population/industrial base/military power than Iraq plus Persian Gulf states combined. Iran is a power that seeks hegemony in the Persian Gulf, but US...
  4. G

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Iran didn't outsmart the US in Iraq The decision to invade Iraq was dictated by Israeli lobby, which wanted to save Israel from Iraq's WMD. Israeli lobby in Washington wanted to destroy strong Iraqi state and get rid of its WMD and balkanize it into Sunni (ISIS), Kurdish (Peshmerga) and Shia...
  5. G

    Iranian retaliation, scenarios (how to respond?)

    I saw couple of wooden ships on the video.... compare it to Jizan refinery and US NAVY amphibious warship
  6. G

    Breaking News: Large explosion in western Tehran

    If maximum pressure continues, there is nothing to lose----Iran should expel IAEA inspectors and increase number of centrifuges and uranium stockpile. Iran should develop its nuclear program like a normal sovereign country without taking humiliating responsibilities on its nuclear program. In...
  7. G

    Breaking News: Large explosion in western Tehran

    Note that murder of Soleimani was a direct US response to Iranian actions like attack on Abqaiq, downing of US drone and attack on oil tankers in 2019. Iran started to act cocky by attacking oil tankers/downing US drone and most importantly attacking Abqaiq oil facility which was like a...
  8. G

    Genocides of France in Algeria

    Fair to be that is not me on the photo, but I have met with Angela Merkel two times during the annual "Day of the Open Doors" that takes place in the Chancellery in Berlin every year in the last Sunday of August and is open for all visitors. Two things amazed me during the "Tag der offenen Tur"...
  9. G

    Genocides of France in Algeria

    Cottbus----no surprise---it is in East Germany. People of former GDR or East Germany are Islamophobes--they are the dudes who vote for AfD. West Germans are a bit different from East Germans. I've lived in Koln for two months and didn't experience racism, but fair to be I didn't interact with...
  10. G

    Genocides of France in Algeria

    These French barbarians also have a tourist attraction in Paris called "Catacombs of Paris" where real human skulls and bones of dead people, who died in previous century,are put on display for tourists
  11. G

    Genocides of France in Algeria

    Can you please say in which cities in Germany have you lived and experienced Islamophobia?
  12. G

    Genocides of France in Algeria

    When I visited Marseille I felt like I'm in Algeria...... When I visited Paris I felt like I'm in either Africa or semi-arab country.---same for Brussels This is divine punishment for europeans for their crimes and colonialism. This map is a projection of Muslim population in Europe in 2050...
  13. G

    Iranian retaliation, scenarios (how to respond?)

    Everything will pass.....no need to retaliate at this moment... US is already in deep shit with coronavirus and protests and recession and exploding federal deficit and debt levels Israel can be sent to stone age with 70 Hezbollah missiles anytime, so no need to hurry
  14. G

    New details of Iran-China 25-year cooperation pact

    In the event of war and major oil shock: China consumes 13,5mln barrels of oil per day of which 11mln barrels is import. Suddenly there is an oil shock and you lose 4,5mln barrels of Persian Gulf oil and remaining 6,5mln barrels of import oil is sold to you at 170$ per barrel. Expensive oil...
  15. G

    New details of Iran-China 25-year cooperation pact

    You are right. Persian Gulf supplies 45% of Chinese oil imports or 4.5 mln barrels of oil per day. And this 4.5 mln barrels of Persian Gulf oil is 34% of Chinese daily oil consumption.....still substantial amount. 80-85% is Chinese oil imports.....11mln barrels of import oil while domestic...
  16. G

    New details of Iran-China 25-year cooperation pact

    There is no infrastructure to supply Iranian oil through Russia....and Russia if anything itself will be heavily sanctioned if it acts like a proxy
  17. G

    New details of Iran-China 25-year cooperation pact

    China's Giant $400 Billion Iran Investment Complicates U.S. Options https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2019/09/19/chinas-giant-400-billion-iran-investment-snubs-trump/#bcb59a984d1e To understand this 25-year cooperation pact and Chinese desire to invest in Iran we should understand...
  18. G

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Maybe the purpose of Qased SLV which is launched by TEL is to quickly put camera into space (even in military environment) and take real-time pictures of enemy airfields in order to locate enemy aircrafts positions and target them with precise ballistic missiles
  19. G

    Featured Why Israel’s annexation of parts of the West Bank would be a historic mistake

    Historically Israel took advantage of backwardness and weakness of local countries. But this will not be the case in the future. Israel is a state with only 6mln Jews + 3mln Arabs. By 2050 Egypt will have a population of 160mln, Turkey-100mln, Iran-105mln. Economies of these countries will...
  20. G

    Iran's currency hits record low against US dollar

    When country devalues its currency it reduces imports, stimulates import-substitution and domestic production and makes non-oil exports more competitive High inflation is good for those who have taken loans and bad for those who gave those loans. Anyway High inflation-rate tends to reduce the...
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