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Featured Why Israel’s annexation of parts of the West Bank would be a historic mistake


Aug 19, 2012
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United Kingdom
By Tzipi Livni
June 22, 2020 at 4:18 p.m. GMT+4
Tzipi Livni is a former minister of foreign affairs for Israel.

Israel is about to make one of the most fateful decisions in its modern history — a decision that will have a profound impact on its future as a Jewish democratic state and on the prospect for peace.

The Israeli cabinet is on the verge of unilaterally annexing territories in the West Bank. This is not a technical issue. It is a question that has a direct bearing on the very nature of the state of Israel — its identity, its values and its future.

Our country is deeply divided over competing visions of our national fate that lead us in starkly different directions.

One vision, which I hold, prioritizes Israel’s status as a secure Jewish democratic state: the nation-state of the Jewish people with equal rights for all its citizens, including the Arab minority.

We can sustain these values only as long as Israel has a Jewish majority. Otherwise, the next generation will face a terrible choice between a nondemocratic Jewish state or a binational state that will suffer from violent internal conflict.

The idea of two states for two peoples serves Israel’s interest because each state would separately answer the national aspirations of the Jewish people and the Palestinians. This solution should bring an end to the conflict, an outcome that justifies the compromises and risks involved.

As always in the Middle East, there is no perfect option. A two-nation-state solution, however, is the best one for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Unfortunately, negotiations to this end have stalled. Peace is not around the corner. Speaking frankly, I was the Israeli chief negotiator for the past two rounds of negotiations, and we were unable to reach an agreement.

The Palestinian failure to continue the negotiations based on then-Secretary of State John F. Kerry’s 2014 two-nation-states framework was a huge mistake and a missed opportunity for all of us. But a blame game leads nowhere.

The Palestinian refusal to discuss President Trump’s peace plan, which his administration offered as a basis for renewing negotiations, has given some Israeli leaders an excuse to move unilaterally to annex parts of West Bank territory in accordance with the conceptual maps enclosed in the plan.

I believe that this would be a historic mistake.

Such an annexation of around 30 percent of the West Bank might be carried out under an understanding between Israel and the United States, but not one between both sides of a peace treaty: Israel and the Palestinians. That means it move us past the point of no return in the quest for peace.

In doing so, we would sentence our children to live in an ongoing conflict in the tiny place between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

More than that, although the first step would keep the Palestinians in enclaves scattered across the West Bank, this kind of situation is not sustainable even if we call it “autonomy.” Without hope for a separate Palestinian state, the focus will turn to a one-state solution and would lead to a significant addition of millions of Palestinians within the state of Israel, changing its identity as a Jewish democratic state.

Those supporting annexation have their own vision. For them, more sovereignty on more land and the annulment of a future Palestinian state would be a dream come true for a “Greater Israel” — regardless of the existence of Palestinians living in the West Bank.

Their ideology is based on the historical and biblical rights of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel that includes Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). While I also believe in the rights of my people to the entire land, I continue to adhere to a vision of Israel as a democratic Jewish state on part of that historical territory.

This was also the historical decision of David Ben-Gurion and the Jewish leadership who accepted the partition plan of the United Nations and announced in 1948 the establishment of the state of Israel on part of the land.

Annexation would eventually jeopardize the nature of Israel as a Jewish democratic state as it was defined in the declaration of independence of the state of Israel, written in full consensus by the political leaders at the time.

In the first session of negotiations in 2007, we argued about who has more rights on the land. The first and best decision we made was this: Instead of arguing forever about rights, each side should adhere to its own historical narrative while both focus on how to make a better future for generations to come.
I am realistic. I understand that a peace treaty is far away. But even if we cannot reach an agreement now, we need to keep the path to peace open. We should not put up obstacles that will prevent us from implementing our vision of Israel as a nation state of the Jewish people with equal rights for all its citizens.

Supporting negotiations and finding an agreed solution to end the conflict is in line with the policy of all previous American presidents, whether Democratic or Republican, who have dealt with the issue, including President Trump.

Keeping that possibility alive is the responsibility of any leader who believes in the vision of Israel as a Jewish democratic state and who does not abandon the hope for peace.
Their ideology is based on the historical and biblical rights of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel that includes Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). While I also believe in the rights of my people to the entire land, I continue to adhere to a vision of Israel as a democratic Jewish state on part of that historical territory.

This statement states his Zionist mentality, their is no change in their perception of a Greater Israel and in order to quench their thirst for more land they will keep destroying towns, cities, Countries and will kill millions if they have to.
As once in February 1948, Ben-Gurion the first Prime Minister of Israel wrote: "The war shall give us the land. The concepts of 'ours' and 'not ours' are peace concepts only, and they lose their meaning during war." Also later he confirmed this by stating that, "In the Negev we shall not buy the land. We shall conquer it.
To think Isreal wants to keep Palestine only and live in peace for the rest of its days is a hope against hope. It wants the whole levant and then some. The goal is land grabbing by hook or by crook. So the two-state solution was never on the table.
Historically Israel took advantage of backwardness and weakness of local countries. But this will not be the case in the future.

Israel is a state with only 6mln Jews + 3mln Arabs.

By 2050 Egypt will have a population of 160mln, Turkey-100mln, Iran-105mln. Economies of these countries will become developed by then and their military capabilities will increase

In tiny Israel 6 powerplants produce 50% of electricity and 5 desalination plants produce 50% of water.---even today Hezbollah can destroy this tiny Israeli civilian infrastructure with its precise ballistic missiles and do enormous damage to Israeli economy.

Turkish naval development program will result in the navy that in the near future will be able to (potentially) impose a naval blockade on Israeli ports of Ashdod and Haifa and this will ruin Israeli economy

Iran has precise missiles that can destroy Israeli civilian infrastructure and will have nuclear weapons in the near future. So will Turkey and Egypt in the long-run......

Hardly tiny Israel will manage to survive in this region in the long-run.
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My take on the situation:

From Netanyahu's perspective now is the best time to annex more land since a) the world at large is busy with Covid-19 b) the Arab neighbors of Palestine are either in turmoil or have no will/desire to fight Israeli expansionism c) In Trump Netanyahu has a SC ally who will support Israel regardless of the latters actions.

War/revolt will be the inevitable result of this Israeli action with high casualties on the Palestinian side and marginal on the Israeli. Israel will be hoping for a 48 style Nakba exodus due to the conflict which eventually will ensure a Jewish majority plus more land. Sadly violence will be the result of this action and I see no chance for the Palestinians in the immediate future as they lack allies.
Israel is a state with only 6mln Jews + 3mln Arabs.

By 2050 Egypt will have a population of 160mln, Turkey-100mln, Iran-105mln. Economies of these countries will become developed by then and their military capabilities will increase

Had that been a case brother than we would have been living in a peace by now. How many wars have Arabs fought with Israel? and why were they defeated by then a very small military comparing to all the Arab Nations? The answer lies right deep inside USA and UK. They are the ones who always stood for Israel no matter how big the adversary was, they supplied men power, ammunition, weapons, war planes, Intelligence.

As you have mentioned 2050 regarding the other Nations but you have singled out the very culprit of this game i-e Israel. The way Israel is heading annexing town to town, areas to areas, by the time 2050 will come Israel would have annexed Gulf Countries, destroyed Iran and will march towards Pakistan.
Best time for them to annex...as its well planned.Coronavirus spread all over world.Flyod issue created alot meas in US.Arab iran situation...yesterday again ballistic missiles n drone attack on saudia.India china situation...who gave indian free hand to contain china.turkey eygpt Libya situation.India Pakistan tension.US n China in south china sea...I now believe its a man made virus to achieve alot...if they annex Muslim world will retaliate.because al aqsa is very near to our hearts.

My take on the situation:

From Netanyahu's perspective now is the best time to annex more land since a) the world at large is busy with Covid-19 b) the Arab neighbors of Palestine are either in turmoil or have no will/desire to fight Israeli expansionism c) In Trump Netanyahu has a SC ally who will support Israel regardless of the latters actions.

War/revolt will be the inevitable result of this Israeli action with high casualties on the Palestinian side and marginal on the Israeli. Israel will be hoping for a 48 style Nakba exodus due to the conflict which eventually will ensure a Jewish majority plus more land. Sadly violence will be the result of this action and I see no chance for the Palestinians in the immediate future as they lack allies.
Jordan will not sit quite.nor irans proxy...things will get messy focus will be diverted from fighting each other to al aqsa
As Pakistan is busy with India and Israel is taking advantage of this situation to annex Palestinian land.
Pakistan or no pakistan.muslims will not sit quite.Speacially talibans.our pasthoun belt.Turk people etc states may be not get evolved but people's will love to die for this cause.
If they do it then PA will have to explain itself. Also there will be no humanity towards Israel anymore. It's a war for survival and Jews are making moves to destroy another people so they shouldn't be surprised moves will be made against them.

Best time for them to annex...as its well planned.Coronavirus spread all over world.Flyod issue created alot meas in US.Arab iran situation...yesterday again ballistic missiles n drone attack on saudia.India china situation...who gave indian free hand to contain china.turkey eygpt Libya situation.India Pakistan tension.US n China in south china sea...I now believe its a man made virus to achieve alot...if they annex Muslim world will retaliate.because al aqsa is very near to our hearts.

Jordan will not sit quite.nor irans proxy...things will get messy focus will be diverted from fighting each other to al aqsa

Iran has no proxies in Palestine. They have them in Iraq ,Syria.
Alay Ibrahim Alai Salaam; Alay Musa Alai Salaam; Alay Isa Ibne Maryam Alai Salaam & Alay Muhammed صلى الله عليه وسلم will fight.

Not in the Name of Messiah !

Iran has no proxies in Palestine. They have them in Iraq ,Syria.

Iranian Military Personnels are there in Occupied Golan Heights who have been hoisted by the Colonizers of Palestine. The Fight is about this only.

The Blood of the Messiah will not Cleanse Your Sins !

Historically Israel took advantage of backwardness and weakness of local countries. But this will not be the case in the future.

Israel is a state with only 6mln Jews + 3mln Arabs.

By 2050 Egypt will have a population of 160mln, Turkey-100mln, Iran-105mln. Economies of these countries will become developed by then and their military capabilities will increase

In tiny Israel 6 powerplants produce 50% of electricity and 5 desalination plants produce 50% of water.---even today Hezbollah can destroy this tiny Israeli civilian infrastructure with its precise ballistic missiles and do enormous damage to Israeli economy.

Turkish naval development program will result in the navy that in the near future will be able to (potentially) impose a naval blockade on Israeli ports of Ashdod and Haifa and this will ruin Israeli economy

Iran has precise missiles that can destroy Israeli civilian infrastructure and will have nuclear weapons in the near future. So will Turkey and Egypt in the long-run......

Hardly tiny Israel will manage to survive in this region in the long-run.

European Colonizers Adopting the Deen of the Arabs doesn't makes them Yahuda !

Exorcism Cases are increasing Indeed in Europe and the Occupied Territories - Be those Territories of the Arya's or the Arabs !

Welcome to the Indian Space Research Organisation - Research & Analysis Wing ! Project 1951 - 1952.
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