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  1. Umar27

    Creating an EA-16 B/D

    Isnt the SIGINT in Erieye just in air to air mode? As far as i understand the Sigint is used to detect signals beyond the range of the radar if it picks up something it will allow the radar to focus in that area to aee what aircraft it is once it enters radar range. More falcons would be nice 3...
  2. Umar27

    AJK capital sees first march for occupied Kashmir's independence

    Their is no point taking these people seriously they are a endangered species trying to grit their teeth in a flopped defiance they all just dwell in small pockets scattered across the northern districts of AJK just blabbering every now and again people loathe them everywhere. There was a time...
  3. Umar27

    Another Honour For My Family

    Congratulations to her and yourself and a big Thank You for General Asif Ghafoor who has truly taken ISPR to such great achievements of new thinking and projects
  4. Umar27

    Why China doesn't use JF-17s

    Answer is simple China doesnt need them It was built for Pakistans requirements not Chinas A single engine lighweight multirole fighter Not something China had been looking for the PLAAF. The only interest Chengdu have in it is profit from export.
  5. Umar27

    Abhiandan's picture with (our war trophy) HMD helmet , 2 years back in MIG-21 Squadron

    Havent we been calling it bharat ratshit forum for many years:rofl:
  6. Umar27

    One of the things i always think about is the now ceasefire line in Kashmir. These guys must be...

    One of the things i always think about is the now ceasefire line in Kashmir. These guys must be able to find ways past it if humans can then theyd be better at it. Along with that how many soldiers on both sides have seen these things reported and unreported
  7. Umar27

    Talks now only on Azad Kashmir: Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh

    Why arent people of Azad Kashmir being armed and trained by the state/army. Decades have gone by but no action. Even Bigger question is what has the population of Azad Kashmir ever done to prepare for an invasion (except some pockets of people along the cfl who have bunkers and weapons)...
  8. Umar27

    Massive protest in Downtown Toronto against Nazi regime occupying Jammu & Kashmir

    Im surprised nobody beat the crap out of that dog
  9. Umar27

    Indians has deployed Missile Launchers

  10. Umar27

    Indians has deployed Missile Launchers

    If the statement of 400 km is true then that rules out brahmos and prahaar due to their range. Unless they keeping them well back for safety for now. It they are not those missiles then they could be agni 1 with conventional warheads. As far as the words tactical nukes goes then their could be...
  11. Umar27

    LIVE: Protest in London against India's Kashmir crackdown

    Rumours that bjp supporters didnt do a counter rally are false. I was there and there were a good 50+ of them most were families with kids and grandparents. They all just stood there with big indian flags and pics of modi kutta and placards saying "terrorists out" refering3to us ofcourse...
  12. Umar27

    UNSC Special Meeting on Kashmir Issue - Developments and Discussion- August 16, 2019

    Who cares what the UN has to say bo!!ocks organisation i for one is not eager to know what they will say it will be the same old useless statement followed by a round of applause then go home to bed
  13. Umar27

    Pakistani Members from Europe

    Where i live in London the areas are sister towns of Mirpur AJK under the Local Authorities here so work is always ongoing with local Pakistani Politicians and Ulama with the Local Council here. Making paperwork reach the government mostly through the Labour Party and lib dems here but also...
  14. Umar27

    Army warns of 'stronger response' in case of any 'misadventure' by India

    Indian army got a drumming that time too you know especially in Sialkot Sector
  15. Umar27

    LIVE: Protest in London against India's Kashmir crackdown

    I have the standard 18-55 mm lens in future i will be looking at a 75-300 one or a 10-18 for landscaping
  16. Umar27

    LIVE: Protest in London against India's Kashmir crackdown

    Dal Khalsa Facebook is saying 12 not 1pm but whatever updates from any source i will post Still a rookie on that mate However i found found that filming in 60 fps really reduces focus hunting
  17. Umar27

    LIVE: Protest in London against India's Kashmir crackdown

    I dont know of any social media group giving updates regarding but best to check lord Nazirs accounts since his video regarding it was sent forward to me.
  18. Umar27

    LIVE: Protest in London against India's Kashmir crackdown

    Salam Guys Well in London 15th August 1pm start their will be yet another protest from a very very long line of protest history at the indian high commission. This is being done since Pakistan will now on a National level be commemorating it as a black day so it will be a black day demo going...
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