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  1. Ragnarok connection

    GSAT-15 Launch Set for November

    This is wrong imo. Irrespective of the lattitude of launch site, the launch vehicle places the satellite in GTO (at an angle to the equator, so for french Guyana that angle is 5 deg). The GTO to GEO (Equator plane 0 deg) transfer is done by the internal satellite thrusters by consuming its...
  2. Ragnarok connection

    Sorry for the rude and derogatory comment that I made on the thread "Muslim students walk out...

    Sorry for the rude and derogatory comment that I made on the thread "Muslim students walk out during Australian national anthem", saying "Its part of Islamic culture/religion to be disrespectful of other religions, cultures, nationalities. Don't blame them for it, they must follow their culture...
  3. Ragnarok connection

    GSAT-15 Launch Set for November

    GSLV mk2 which uses the cryogenic engine CE-7.5 (upper stage), can only put a satellite weighing 2500 kg in geostationary orbit (36000km altitude). 5 MT is for Low Earth orbit(lower than 2000km altitude). Since GSAT 15 is a communication satellite it is required to be positioned in Geostationary...
  4. Ragnarok connection

    Muslim students walk out during Australian national anthem

    There is no point in talking with indoctrinated people on the topic of religion. Good bye.
  5. Ragnarok connection

    Muslim students walk out during Australian national anthem

    Truth hurts doesn't it? Should I quote the Quran? They might have not intended to be disrespectful, but others find it disrespectful.
  6. Ragnarok connection

    Muslim students walk out during Australian national anthem

    Its part of Islamic culture/religion to be disrespectful of other religions, cultures, nationalities. Don't blame them for it, they must follow their culture and religion.
  7. Ragnarok connection

    DRDO: More failures than successes.

    I am against reservation on basis of caste and religion in posts of National Interest and security. Why do you think there is no caste based reservation in the Indian armed forces? And if there was, what do you think would happen? Deserving people who have the highest aptitude and intelligence...
  8. Ragnarok connection

    DRDO: More failures than successes.

    Quite a few points raised by @Ifrit are harsh but true. The major problems with DRDO imo: 1) Reservation for SC/ST, OBC. 2) Bad work culture 3) Useless upper management 4) Suppression of Talented scientists due to internal regional/caste politics. All these plus more reasons result in an...
  9. Ragnarok connection


    Yep, exactly like interstellar.
  10. Ragnarok connection


    Consider twins A and B. Now suppose that twin B is sent to Mars. The time Dilation effect felt between the two would be negligible due to the low mass and velocity of Mars, meaning that time will go faster for B only by a few seconds compared to A. So there would be no extra ageing effect on B...
  11. Ragnarok connection


    A very simple synopsis of philosophy, religion and science: Philosophy is about questions that can't be answered Religion is about answers that can't be questioned. Science is about questions that can be answered and answers that can be questioned.
  12. Ragnarok connection

    Modi’s India…Pakistan’s opportunity

    I would like to thank you for caring about our country and its problems; when you give so much meticulous attention to Indian affairs, I wonder whether your posts on India are directing much needed attention from Pakistans problems. And then I realise.... Ah Pakistan...enemy numero uno of India...
  13. Ragnarok connection

    Pakistanis seem to love Indians. Do Indians feel the same way?

    If people, with a mindset similar to yours are governing Pakistan, then I fear Peace is never possible; only a conclusive victory by one side can bring about a change. The bad news for you is that your bigotry will be counterproductive. However much the 'common' people of Pakistan have feelings...
  14. Ragnarok connection

    Could Alien Life Spread 'Like a Virus' to the Stars?

    If aliens come to earth tomorrow, their technology would be so advanced that they would be equivalent to gods.
  15. Ragnarok connection

    Educated Indians' support for Modi is a sad let down

    Your hatred for dogs is unjustified. Like humans, a dogs behavior/actions also depends on his temperament, breed, environmental conditions during adolescence, etc. So if you see a German shepherd/Pit bull/mongrel attack a Kid, you would be wrong to assume that all dogs are dangerous. Your views...
  16. Ragnarok connection

    Muslim Indians Should Demand A Seperate Nation:--

    This is exactly the root of the problems of Indian Muslims, and the problem will persist until one generation obtains success through hard work and education. If not, then that victimisation mindset keeps getting passed down the generations. Do you know of any possible solution to changing this...
  17. Ragnarok connection

    Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo

    News article that may better explain the 'harassment' Australian couple were not harassed, facts twisted to create a negative image, say eyewitnesses-INews - IBNLive Mobile
  18. Ragnarok connection

    Will Pakistan Soon Have the World’s Third-Largest Nuclear Arsenal?

    We don't need to worry about this development, as their nuclear warhead yield and ballistic missiles accuracy is questionable (Especially the longer ranged ones). Their cruise missiles Babur and Ra'ad can be dangerous, but it is highly doubtful whether India and Pakistan were able to...
  19. Ragnarok connection

    Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo

    The media in this country is f(_)cked up, can't understand why they post biased stuff all the time.
  20. Ragnarok connection

    Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo

    LOL, now I get why he is so riled up...this guy is a joke just ignore him...out to waste our time. He must have confused Bangalore with his 'beautiful' hometown Chennai.
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