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GSAT-15 Launch Set for November


Oct 2, 2015
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Ariane Flight VA227 will carry the Arabsat-6B and GSat-15 telecommunications satellites, and is set for a November launch date.
Both payloads on Flight VA227 in November are for long-time Arianespace customers, continuing the company’s relationships with Arab nations and India.
Arabsat-6B is a sixth-generation satellite for Arabsat – the inter-governmental organization founded by the Arab League in 1976. The spacecraft was built in a consortium led by Airbus Defence and Space, supplier of the Eurostar E3000 platform and the satellite’s integrator; along with Thales Alenia Space, which designed and built the communications payload.
Weighing in at a liftoff mass estimated at 6,100 kg., Arabsat-6B will provide telecommunications and TV broadcasting services for the Middle East and Africa.
Flight VA227’s other payload, GSat-15, was developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation and will deliver C- and Ku-band telecommunications services. GSat-15 will have a liftoff mass of approximately 3,150 kg.
source Arabsat-6B and GSat-15 launch set for November
Lifting 10MT is awesome.
..but GSLV can put 5MT...then why Ariane??
Btw, is there any record of heavist load sent to space
Lifting 10MT is awesome.
..but GSLV can put 5MT...then why Ariane??
Btw, is there any record of heavist load sent to space
GSLV mk2 which uses the cryogenic engine CE-7.5 (upper stage), can only put a satellite weighing 2500 kg in geostationary orbit (36000km altitude). 5 MT is for Low Earth orbit(lower than 2000km altitude). Since GSAT 15 is a communication satellite it is required to be positioned in Geostationary orbit.
In the near future, when GSLV mk3 is ready with CE-20 engine (upper stage), then we can lift satellites with 8000kg and 4000 Kg to GTO and LEO respectively.
Lifting 10MT is awesome.
..but GSLV can put 5MT...then why Ariane??
Btw, is there any record of heavist load sent to space

Location location location....

Even A PSLV launced from French Guyana can put 1800-2000 kg satellite into GTo. But from sriharikota it can do 1400 max..

Coz the launch pad of esa is equator
Location location location....

Even A PSLV launced from French Guyana can put 1800-2000 kg satellite into GTo. But from sriharikota it can do 1400 max..

Coz the launch pad of esa is equator
Thanks. I remember somebody proposed to move Indian launch pad to lower Andmans....or near Kanyakumari.
..But Russians, Chinese and Japanese are much further...from equator..
Location location location....

Even A PSLV launced from French Guyana can put 1800-2000 kg satellite into GTo. But from sriharikota it can do 1400 max..

Coz the launch pad of esa is equator
This is wrong imo. Irrespective of the lattitude of launch site, the launch vehicle places the satellite in GTO (at an angle to the equator, so for french Guyana that angle is 5 deg).
The GTO to GEO (Equator plane 0 deg) transfer is done by the internal satellite thrusters by consuming its fuel.
So lesser is the deg(i.e closer to the equator), more fuel is conserved by the satellite and hence longer is the life of the satellite; as fuel is also used for orbital corrections.
So there are two reasons for India to use Ariane 5 for GSAT-15
1) No present launch vehicle to lift 3 tons to GTO
2) If we had a launch vehicle capable enough but wanted to keep the service life high; if you want the same service life by launching from India, more fuel will be needed, hence increasing the weight of the satellite.

*PSLV can launch 1400 kg to GTO, irrespective from where it is launched.

..But Russians, Chinese and Japanese are much further...from equator..
Hence, they fill higher amounts of fuel in their satellites, which also increases the overall wet mass of the satellite.

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