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  1. BitHeroBD

    Ruling awami league used armed terrorist against Bangladesh Chief Justice

    lol its funny to see jaamatis and irrelevent BNP support bark on their own echo chamber
  2. BitHeroBD

    SHK in Riyadh Summit

    If 8 pass Kha-leda Zia went there with briefcases full of money, he would be really happy. He can't tolerate that Saudi Govt is now aligning with AL and vice versa
  3. BitHeroBD

    Bangladesh wants to have S Asia's largest airport

    Well I did not say this project should be done with our own money too...... Just saying this administration has the spine to do something like this
  4. BitHeroBD

    SHK in Riyadh Summit

    Well this thread went to shit :omghaha:
  5. BitHeroBD

    Power outage [load-shedding] back across country

    জ্যৈষ্ঠের তাপদাহে জনজীবনে যখন হাঁসফাস অবস্থা, তখন বিদ্যুতের লোড শেডিং তা অসহনীয় করে তুলেছে। এই সপ্তাহে গরম কমার কোনো আভাস না পাওয়ার মধ্যে বিদ্যুৎকর্তারাও জানিয়েছেন, রক্ষণাবেক্ষণসহ বিভিন্ন কারণে বন্ধ অন্তত ১০টি বিদ্যুৎকেন্দ্র, পরিস্থিতির উন্নতিতে আরও তিন-চার দিন লাগবে। কয়েকদিন ধরেই তাপদহ চলছে...
  6. BitHeroBD

    Bangladesh wants to have S Asia's largest airport

    Well it is a bit ambitious, but then again building Padma Bridge with own fund was ambitious and the subject of laughter for some too.
  7. BitHeroBD

    61-yr-old ‘air bomb’ found at Cox’s Bazar airport

    61-yr-old ‘air bomb’ found at Cox’s Bazar airport The air bomb, made in 1954, was discovered while street renovation of Cox's Bazar airport. Photo: Star Star Online Report A 61-year-old “air bomb” was found at the terminal of Cox’s Bazar airport yesterday. The bomb, weighing around 227 kg...
  8. BitHeroBD

    Contribution of Industry to Bangladesh GDP is 32.48% now.

    Still over reliance on service sector. I hope with the inauguration of Padma bridge, the industry percentage will shoot up
  9. BitHeroBD

    Bangladesh heading for fastest economic growth in FY17

    These online portals have defamed everyone from the president to hasina to khaleda, and 99% of the time got away with it
  10. BitHeroBD

    Bangladesh heading for fastest economic growth in FY17

    Very reliable source you have quoted there. "Analysisbd"
  11. BitHeroBD

    Padma division with Faridpur as headquarter soon

    I don't hate the sylhetis, I just hate some of their attitude like they are superior than other bengalis
  12. BitHeroBD

    Bangladesh heading for fastest economic growth in FY17

    BNP/Jaamati goons are now desparate to make the country poor LOL. 1/3rd of the tax revenue to rental power plants OK LOLLLL :omghaha::omghaha: But hey BNP at least put some precious khambas
  13. BitHeroBD

    Padma division with Faridpur as headquarter soon

    Agree to disagree LOL. I always hated the superior mentality of sylhetis. There are other wealthy areas in the country you know
  14. BitHeroBD

    Image of the nation in a limbo

    BNP will make bangladesh heaven bla bla bla bla bla bla. The had 5 years, drove the country to shit.
  15. BitHeroBD

    What is in Khaleda Zia’s Vision 2030?

    How many times in this forum have you used this same line and questioned other peoples intelligence :omghaha:. Seems to me that there is something wrong with you. Why are you using bold fonts. Are you OK ?
  16. BitHeroBD

    What is in Khaleda Zia’s Vision 2030?

    BNP supporters has been spouting the same shit for last 10 years. I did not forget the corruption during BNPs time. I'm not naive. AL and BNP both did corruption and looting. Difference is that I can see with my eyes all development that AL has done in terms of energy, infrastructure and...
  17. BitHeroBD

    What is in Khaleda Zia’s Vision 2030?

    But AL has been already doing that. Not sure if it will ever be possible to clamp down on corruption in Bangladesh by any party.
  18. BitHeroBD

    Saudi king invites Hasina to Arab Islamic-American Summit

    We should stay thousand miles away from anything the Saudis and Americans do
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