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  1. Fox Victor

    British forces hand over control of last base in Afghanistan

    afghans troops will be soon overrun by taliban as nato will leave the country by december... i think talibans are just waiting for this opportunity, .. there are also rumors that, some of afghan taliban groups are trying to link with ISIS as well.. so situation could be up side down.
  2. Fox Victor

    Iran attacked again and FC reply with same tune

    Pakistan and iran need to build up mutual strategic command and control on pak iran border to avoid such kind of incident in future.. this situation isn't good for both the countries and specially for pakistan,
  3. Fox Victor

    TTP gets divided Victory achieved

    this is the actual fate of these rebels, , Even i think TTP don't know for whom they are fighting... i wish they on future they will be killing each other, and will reduce some work of Pakistan army :police:
  4. Fox Victor

    Chinese air force ‘deeply impressed by PAF’s aggressive combat style’

    so i am talking about enemy skills ..not about skills of PLAAF pilots, they are the best ...:china::pakistan:
  5. Fox Victor

    16th Birthday of Nuclear Pakistan

    :pakistan::pakistan: ... youm e takbeer ... live long pakistan
  6. Fox Victor

    Chinese air force ‘deeply impressed by PAF’s aggressive combat style’

    PAF and PLAAF being together has a great importance both... joint exercises certainly make them more professional, PAF has already proved itself a highly professional and well built airforce in entire region, considering enemy has advantage over numbers,... but they are unable to beat PAF in...
  7. Fox Victor

    Is Nawaz sharif behaving hypocritically these days?

    nawaz shareef is a prime minister of pakistan ... So he should be well representative of pakistan especially occasions like this , mean while get up of leaders from other countries were representing respective cultures .
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