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    Finance minister lies yet again: Liar Liar your pants on fire !!

    What exactly did he lie about? I'm still clueless.
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    Danish Ambassador on Islamabad Metro Bus.

    Wow. Wouldn't that create security vulnerability for the Ambassador? Anyways, it is a very encouraging sign for the country.
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    China and Pakistan setting up an economic corridor. Should India be worried?

    Indian are afraid of increased Chinese naval profile in the Indian Ocean.
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    India raises objections over China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

    India is crying fool. Seriously, when J&K and Gilgit Baltistan are under administrative control of Pakistan, how the hell complaining about the route of an economic project make sense? I mean, they can't just dictate development policies even if J&K and GB may be considered as disputed terrirtories.
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    Conspiracies against Pak-China economic corridor

    There is no doubt that the nationalists in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and Balochistan want to stir this controversy to create Kala Bagh Dam styled hype over the Corridor issue. And exploiting these ethnic sentiments would be a veryy attractive strategy for India.
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    Hundreds Of Foreign Agents Arrested From Pakistan

    Foreign agents have infiltrated the NGO circles operating all over Pakistan. Particularly, during Musharraf era, when Pakistan came increasingly under the radar of so-called human rights oragnizations, foreigner 'experts' got a free ride across the length and breadth of Pakistan.
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