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  1. Danny2014

    How to tell if your Galaxy Note 7 might explode

    I see no reasons to buy a Samsung Galaxy Note 7. I can get a ZTE Axon 7 for 399!! High end specs and 450 dollars cheaper!!
  2. Danny2014

    Impressions of Vietnam

    Nice pictures!! Vietnamese do not hate Chinese people in general. We actually get along quite well with Chinese. Those are all politics. My Chinese relatives in laws were extremely nice to me when I visited them last year.
  3. Danny2014

    Vietnamese fighter jet goes missing along South China Sea coast

    That is terrible news. Two accidents within a few days. It is very generous of China to help in the rescue. I hope Vietnam and China can see the light and become better neighbors.
  4. Danny2014

    By 2030, South China Sea will be ‘virtually a Chinese lake,’ U.S. study warns

    It is vietnam not annam you db! :yahoo::smitten:
  5. Danny2014

    Japan navy coming to Spratly along with the US

    Word class infrastructure in what? China doesn't even have decent toilets. The public bathrooms don't even have flushes or toilet paper. Lets not kid yourself here buddy. Third world is third world. China is glossy on the outside but full of shit on the inside. You can't really polish a...
  6. Danny2014

    Japan navy coming to Spratly along with the US

    Wow, a third world country like China is acting like a Super Power. Lets get this point across here. China will never be a power in this world. Please know your place. thank you:usflag::china:
  7. Danny2014

    Japan navy coming to Spratly along with the US

    Wow, the kettle calling the pot black lol.
  8. Danny2014

    Vietnam Conducts Air-Ground Military Exercises

    If it is true that over 300,000 Chinese soldiers served in the Vietnam War; then are why we fighting each others on PDF? We Chinese and Vietnamese should be allies!! Lets stop the bickering guys!!
  9. Danny2014

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    I don't speak any Mandarin. My relatives actually speak English quite fluently. We communicated rather well.:yahoo:
  10. Danny2014

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    Yes, I am sorry I meant Linyi. This is the city of Confuscious.
  11. Danny2014

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    My relatives live in Beijing and Linye (about 1 hour flight trip from Beijing). I have to admit I was impressed by Beijing. The city is awesome except for the polluted air.
  12. Danny2014

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    I can see the reasoning there. I was in Northern China Visiting relatives. They were nice hosts with great manners. They didn't really give a shit about political garbage.
  13. Danny2014

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    I just got back from a two weeks trip in Beijing and Linye. The people over there are mostly cool and nice as heck. Not sure why they Chinese here on this website are bunch of assholes. :woot:
  14. Danny2014

    Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

    amen brother!!!! Tiến lên!!
  15. Danny2014

    Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

    wtf is wrong with you dude? Is your full time job googling about Vietnam all day long? You need help....you sicko:usflag:
  16. Danny2014

    Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

    Why do I need to pose as an American? I am American with Vietnamese blood in me. What I know is you are quite a pathetic person who works at the Foxconn's factory in Shenzen. I am sure you get your 2 cents for every post so keep on posting. BTW is my Iphone 6 ready yet?
  17. Danny2014

    Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

    lol this Jlaw guy is hilarious. He is one of the biggest hypocrite I have heard off online. China has over 25 millions unemployed graduates. You guys also have 1.4 billions people who are sucking up all the world resources. So quit your whining Jlaw and go back to the factory and assemble...
  18. Danny2014

    US Senate passes resolution on East Sea ( S.RES.412 )

    and yet you are so desperate in proving your pathetic zipperhead's points:usflag:
  19. Danny2014

    US Senate passes resolution on East Sea ( S.RES.412 )

    I have seen you before. You are one damn ugly Han. I am not going to stoop to your level but China has the record for the most ugliest people in the world. I am assuming they numbered in the billions.
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