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  1. Wardaddy

    India hosts Balochistan based terror head in its Capital.

    We will if it comes to that point.
  2. Wardaddy

    Pakistan Finalizes S20 Submarine Order from China?

    So other than nuclear thingy, you do accept you took the way of oppression and cruelty in Manawadar and junagar.. and does it really matter if rebellion never happened? The objectives and the cause matters , not how it was executed/ And about the legitimacy , whih counter attacks are you talking...
  3. Wardaddy

    Confirmed:ISIL Leader Al-Baghdadi Injured, Guarded at Hospital by Militants

    As said the poster, the hospital is guarded by a group of MILITANTS...and its not as easy as eating a cake... You have to keep in mind the after effects and the consequences of what you do internationally...things are easier to say than to do.....I also do wonder, whats hindering them to give...
  4. Wardaddy

    For PTI Peshawar seems to be the whole of KPK

    I do not have any solids thoughts on this matter....Actually the point here is PTI is not doing what was promised...IK made people of KPK see dreams of a whole new Europe emerging out from KPK but unfortunately, my eyes today don't see that type of development which was presumed during the...
  5. Wardaddy

    Pink Rickshaws Lahore

    hahahha.....nah mate, its the scheme and rickshaws ofc....
  6. Wardaddy

    India hosts Balochistan based terror head in its Capital.

    Aight Indians, Do whatever you want and try everything....plan every conspiracy in every manner....test us for everythinhg....try our patience till you can and spit on us for as long as you can..Try to establish more and more monopoly...but dont cry when we do something about it....when we try...
  7. Wardaddy

    Pink Rickshaws Lahore

    Seems nice....
  8. Wardaddy

    Investigating PTI votes 'thrown out' of NA-122: Imran Khan

    ajeeb bnda hy yaar..... He keeps on talking about the so called "Dhandli" when things dont go his way....
  9. Wardaddy

    Pakistan Finalizes S20 Submarine Order from China?

    Such a twaddle talk on this....I think you already know that if any nation tries to harm/invade another nation, it is quite natural that the latter will not only be defending themselves but might try to show them the strength. Gilbraltar and Grand Slam were actually answers to Indian...
  10. Wardaddy

    Pakistan believes Russia’s military action in Syria against ISIS helpful

    I do support Russians' efforts against ISIS. And as said by faisal6309 , hell yeah their efforts are proving useful far more than Americans'.
  11. Wardaddy

    Pakistan Finalizes S20 Submarine Order from China?

    Really??? Did you have no knowledge on what exactly happened in 1965 before posting a comment, and ofcourse a stupid one...You guys intentionally invaded and not to mention the invasion begun from lahore....After getting repeatedly defeated, you guys kept on trying your luck at different...
  12. Wardaddy

    Pakistan Finalizes S20 Submarine Order from China?

    Ok, so when you no nothing about what exactly happened, do NOT just show up and debate on things just not to assay on it.....I admit that Pakistan retaliated in the Kargil but not due to imcompetency of our Armed Forces....It was a silly mistake made by our political leaders which we still are...
  13. Wardaddy

    Pakistan Finalizes S20 Submarine Order from China?

    India has way too many written policies regarding Foreign Affairs which are worth mentioning but the point here to keep in mind for Pakistan is that those policies are just written.....India had done MANY MANY things in past which were completely not in accordance to what was planned/policized...
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