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  1. Socrates

    Khilafah in simple words

    There are lots of Jews in and out of Israel who doenst want Khilafat system, and their number is quite significantly larger than few rabbis in that video. Which one would you take for face value?
  2. Socrates

    Khilafah in simple words

    Thanks for the clarification. So i infer that Khilafat system is ideally suited for Muslims. In such a scenario it is best suited for Muslims to stick with Muslim nations and non-muslim to stick with non-muslim nations. Whats you take on that? The ideological state and non-ideological is not...
  3. Socrates

    Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

    Why would they be ever concerned. Has any of these Kashmir pandits incited violence on anyone ever? It was always the other way around. Hence it should be the pandits themselves who should be a bit concerned.
  4. Socrates

    Khilafah in simple words

    All these countries you have quoted are democratic countries. If the people of those countries really wants to implement a policy, they can easily legislate it, just like Khilafat has its predefined sets of rules. So its not a hypothetical question, this is something that could be a reality in...
  5. Socrates

    Khilafah in simple words

    @r2t2 Could you please clarify on the above query about Khilafat system?
  6. Socrates

    Khilafah in simple words

    It depends on the state policy of any country. As we know in many non-muslim countries Muslims are demanding for seperate laws for them. In that case isnt wise to impose a "jizya" on muslims in non-muslim countries. Regarding the Jizya. Do the non-muslims have a choice in terms of Jizya in the...
  7. Socrates

    Khilafah in simple words

    By that logic is allright to impose "Jizya Type" taxes to muslims living in Non-Muslim Countries. Would you stand by that?
  8. Socrates

    "Iran is the most friendly country in the world"

    Thats not correct. I have travelled extensively in Iran by Car. Never felt any insecurity especially in Tehran and Esfahan. I have even travelled northern parts close to Caspian sea. Even at midnight i have walked around the streets in Tehran , no one has bothered me. Well yes the government...
  9. Socrates

    "Iran is the most friendly country in the world"

    Wonderful Country! Educated and civilized people! The remnants of their ancient civilization always fascinated me. I never miss a trip to Iran. They are tired of revolution buddy. They expect a gradual change in their society, there are already signs of it.
  10. Socrates

    Kashmiris are named in a terror plot in Pakistan for the first time

    He is not a terrorist, but a "Freedom fighter". And during freedom struggles these are common.
  11. Socrates

    2014- Modi isn't Sweeping afterall

    BJP need to inspire local talents whom common people can relate as "development" and "hope" per panchayats level. And wait for 5 years and we can see positive results.
  12. Socrates

    Buddhism v Islam in Asia Fears of a new religious strife

    If you make much more deeper analysis, you can see an Islamic invasion into these countries which caused imbalance in these countries for first place. You conveniently forget that for conveying your interests. Its so strange that you have never mentioned and criticized about the after affects of...
  13. Socrates

    BJP set to name Narendra Modi as 2014 campaign chief, Advani sulks

    Most of us are frustrated with the 60 years of Pseudo Secular rule, and how our values are compromised. Enough of all this, we need a Nationalist leader us to lead us from front in true spirit of our nations value. The Indians are coming...........................................................!
  14. Socrates

    India’s vanishing Parsis

    Good to hear that you acknowledge the historical injustice that happened in Iran (what about the other countries BTW). The fellow Iranians have realized the gravity of the injustice and Iranians and few of their cousins back in India are seeking for justice, and as part of it they are moving...
  15. Socrates

    India’s vanishing Parsis

    i have explained to you numerous times grounds under which i made the statement. To get statistics,one need to research, and to perform research on such sensitive subjects one need freedom, unfortunately its not present in Iran at the moment. How you getting your numbers? Divine revelations?
  16. Socrates

    India’s vanishing Parsis

    I was only replying to one of your comments and as per your definition all of a sudden got off topic. You got off-guard and could not reply and told am off topic. Thats all you have got? Try some new techniques my friend.
  17. Socrates

    India’s vanishing Parsis

    Parsis are only going to make an offer to Ahmadinejad he cant refuse. Parsis are not as stupid as you are and this time statistics speaks the truth.
  18. Socrates

    India’s vanishing Parsis

    You still have not given an logical reply to previous question, instead you ran away crying that it will open a can of worms. The discussion was quite below your "head" then right? And as i mentioned before my points are based on frequent interactions with lots of my Iranian friends (Not...
  19. Socrates

    India’s vanishing Parsis

    I was away from this thread for sometime. Developer:- You would repeat the same even if the enter iranians come on to this forum and express their prspective. And as i mentioned before, to cover up your insecurity now you are catching hold of Dabashi. God one fine day Hamid dabashi makes a...
  20. Socrates

    India’s vanishing Parsis

    Let there be some changes to present state, and let the present state be such a "past" of the future.
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