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    Indian Writers and their Propaganda busted in recent two articles in WSJ & MSN

    This should put things in perspective. An account of Indian media propaganda on Russia-Pakistan relations by a Russian analyst. India’s First-Ever Infowar Against Russia Was A Failure 27.09.2016 India Andrew Korybko India launched its first-ever information war against Russia last week...
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    Russian intelligence chief's Pakistan visit leaked

    Wishful thinking will not benefit India. Instead of writing articles like this and believing that somehow Russian-Pakistani rapprochement will ultimately fail, Indian media should inform its people of emerging geopolitical realities and how to adjust accordingly.
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    John Kerry and the death of diplomacy

    In recent years, US has not been addicted to diplomacy. In recent years (2001 till today) the US has invaded Afghanistan, Iraq and and spear headed a military intervention in Libya. The result is for all to see. Yes, it was indeed clear that any ceasefire would fail. The reason being that John...
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    There is more than one truth to tell in the terrible story of Aleppo

    Our political masters are in league with the Syrian rebels, and for the same reason as the rebels kidnap their victims – money Robert Fisk | Tuesday 13 December 2016 Western politicians, “experts” and journalists are going to have to reboot their stories over the next few days now that Bashar...
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    Would women of Aleppo choose death over rape?

    But from time to time we come across brief bursts of truth that somehow slither their way into the mainstream. This is one of those rare but beautiful moments.
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    Must Watch: The Agenda of Corporate Media Is Regime Change' in Syria

    Independent journalist Eva Bartlett sets a smug Norwegian reporter straight during a UN Syria Mission press conference. Please take 3 minutes from your busy schedule and watch this amazing video.
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    Mahira Khan looks stunning in 'Raees' trailer

    For that alone, China deserves to be a superpower
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    India overestimates its South China Sea leverage

    Hence the title "India overestimates its South China Sea leverage".
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    India overestimates its South China Sea leverage

    explain your answer. don't throw punchlines....
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    India overestimates its South China Sea leverage

    It will take some time for new regional realignments to become more visible. It will also become clear to what extent India has given up its strategic autonomy. Why is India so eager to make a statement about SCS when Philippines, the aggrieved party in the Hague ruling, is willing to back off...
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    CM Shahbaz Resists Ranger’s Operation in Punjab

    Link for full story doesn't work...
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    Why no action yet against source of dawn leaks?

    The problem is that both military and civilian part of government deny that the conversation reported in Dawn actually took place. So why did someone 'fabricate'(the word used in ISPR release after Corps Commanders' conference) the details and release it to the media.
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    Chirya says some Baboons are going to tried under the ARMY ACT

    pathetic attempt by NS to undermine Army's role in foreign policy formation. To play these cheap games shows Nawaz's mentality (he probably draws inspiration for these maneuvers from soap operas). If he wants more space and limit army's influence he should improve his governance.
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    "Red lines" of Minsk agreements for Ukraine: analysts' warning

    An additional measure should be disarmament of neo-nazi militias (like the Azov battalion) which are working alongside but outside the jurisdiction of Ukrainian army and are unaccountable. These militias should also be investigated for killing civilians. Another measure should be the...
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