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  1. Steelrain

    China-US Geopolitics: News & Discussions

    I think this is nonsense news, the US does not have to send a ship there when their submarines are always in that region.
  2. Steelrain

    Chest-thumping aside, who can win an Indo-Pak war?

    Today war is not fought to win it is fought to meet the interests.
  3. Steelrain

    China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

    The link is of a chinese website guys so chill, nothing new in this propaganda.
  4. Steelrain

    Forbes: India Should Come Up With A Better Plan For Sri Lanka Or Send A Thank You Note To China

    You have to be kidding me, the chinese built a port and airport both are considered as world's emptiest ports.
  5. Steelrain

    Two years now to get it right

    Modi would be elected in 2019 as well.
  6. Steelrain

    Free electricity generator by a Pakistani

    One more water car kit in the making.
  7. Steelrain

    Believe it or not! Petrol could be below Rs 30 a litre in 5 years

    Solar and biofuels would takeover soon.
  8. Steelrain

    Disturbing Video - Sikhs beaten up by 'Hindu' vigilantes

    These are just propaganda videos.
  9. Steelrain

    Forbes: India Should Come Up With A Better Plan For Sri Lanka Or Send A Thank You Note To China

    Srilanka has to choose between being indebted forever with china or bring development by being with India.
  10. Steelrain

    'Welcome Home, India's Daughter': Woman Forced To Marry Pak Man Returns

    All hail the Foreign Minister of India.
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