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  1. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Guys you should some time try Bangladeshi meat it is purely smuggled from India. And thank India for forming Bangldesh. If it wasn't for their hard work we would have never gotten it. :D
  2. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    And who in Pakistan celeberated on Mumbai attack. Recent killing in Assam did you see any Pakistan celeberating.
  3. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Yeah losing Skardu, Muzaffrabad and many other areas in Azad Kashmir count as victory by Indians. Then why do you always talk about Azad Kashmir as Pakistan part. You won the war and we lost it according to you but still we have control over azad kashmir
  4. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    No my friend Machil fake encounter was reported by your media not by ours. Search it on any news site and you will see it
  5. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Indian also claimed that omg large number of Pakistan terrorist are there in Machil fake encounter, and we successfully killed all of them which later were found to be Kashmiri teenagers. You army also claimed during that incident, that Pakistan fired to support terrorist in Kashmir
  6. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Indian taking about Peshawar Attack what about Assam killing in which 72 indian were killed. A 7 year old child was shot seven times. And still after 4 days of the violence no response was taken. Operation clear up took longer than expected. Not only that Bodo militant who killed the people are...
  7. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Yeah we lost all the wars, is that why half of the Kashmir is under our control. Now don't claim that it was all because of Nehru. Indian be like we won 1947 war but some how Pakistan army is still guarding Kashmir.
  8. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Don't worry my friends let India enjoy today, but don't forget the operation BAT in which 10 indian soldiers were killed inside indian territory.
  9. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    More than half of Pakistan army is deployed along durrand line to seal the border. Soldiers are also deployed to fight in the operation against terrorist. Rangers are deployed in Karachi to fight the mafia war there. And according to India Pakistan is firing on BSF. Pakistan is in no condition...
  10. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Atomic bomb, we are not war mongers like those swamy who claimed that India would get enough technology by 2016. LOL he should start by building nuclear shelters first which take more than a year to build
  11. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Times of India also reported that Pakistan raised flag to pick their dead, which were killed near the international boundary. Cease fire happened before but this is the first time. How were the soldiers killed near the border. No sane person would go near the border. Wouldn't he find some cover...
  12. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Okay karan don't mind us we are wrong according to you. But your media which report Pakistan more than our media and are waiting for a news to bad mouth Pakistan hasn't reported any thing or complained about it.
  13. zeref

    A new vision of India that is 100% Hindu

    I don't see any reason why we should worry about muslims in India. It is there internal problem. At least they will stop talking about our conversation ( which is a wrong thing to do).
  14. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    If our media is wrong and Indian media is right then why for some reason your media or your government complain against it. We also summoned your high commissioner for this sole purpose and lodge protest against it.
  15. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    But this also accepted by Indian media that Pakistan had to raise the white flag to pick their dead ones. The two soldiers were killed near the International boundary that is why white flag was raised or for what other reason Pakistan raised it. Cease fire happened many times before but why did...
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