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  1. White Lion

    single national curriculum - 1 to 5 standards (Government’s single national curriculum is like martial law)

    The issue is no English but internationally recognized languages. These are French, English, Russian, Chinese and Arabic. So if children from play group to class 1 are taught as an option they would be speaking them by class 1 and continue to be well conversant with other subjects later on...
  2. White Lion

    West Bengal BJP chief Dilip Ghosh vows to ‘undivided’ India, included Bangladesh and Pakistan into Indian map

    Burma is also included... This is the map of British India but not the actual Indian map which included Afghanistan at the time of Ashoka. The BJP leader does not know his own history how ironic he should read more of his holy manuscripts.
  3. White Lion

    single national curriculum - 1 to 5 standards (Government’s single national curriculum is like martial law)

    I remember a friend of mine mentioned that he had to take Islamiat as the marks would be higher than he alternate subject. This was true if one did not take Sindhi language and opted for the alternate which was Lacknavi Urdu. This dated back to the times of the start of Urdu in India.
  4. White Lion

    India caused the loss of Afghanistan for America

    An infidel would never want a believer to gain power. They would like to keep them under there control. The real loss came because of the will to fight according to the US President and that is true. Without a positive reason there is no will to fight and when they have been at war for the past...
  5. White Lion

    U.S Cutting Off All Funding To Taliban

    This was expected. Look at Vietnam they were recognized only a few years back that too to the hatred of China. Money and food would come in from other sources and in a few years relations would become normal with the West.
  6. White Lion

    Why is Indian army training for ANA was so bad?

    It all depends on the raining of the instructor and the curriculum they follow. Its simple if a teacher is not competent at teaching the subject the entire class fails.
  7. White Lion

    JF17s For New Afghan Air Force?

    Sir, IMO this has been modified by the current military and foreign policy of Pakistan. Though the concept still keeps its inherent character of Strategic Depth but not with Pakistani boots on ground and their own bases in a third country. Pakistan would like to see Afghans themselves...
  8. White Lion

    Afghan Air Force Aircrafts for Pakistan airforce

    There are reports that PAF had given a warning to Afghan Air Force that they would be shot down if they came any where near 10 NM from Pakistan Border. This was the reason Afghans did not cross over to Pakistan rather went to other countries.
  9. White Lion

    Afghan Taliban in Kabul; Amnesty announced and Interim setup rumored

    Local time given to be in control of Kabul is 4pm. Though some think that is not possible. USA is evacuating their staff from the Embassy.
  10. White Lion

    My mother passed away today, the last of my family.

    Brother I can imagine how you are feeling...Loosing all those who loved you. I moved back to my home country in search of my relatives too but have not yet found any one. My mother died 4 years back and have been alone since. My advise is there is strength in living alone because you find...
  11. White Lion

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    On the contrary been in one such incident. Landed safely with the wind shield shattered as this occurred incidentally on finals too. True still there is always a chance of recovery though probability is low and this probability is dependent on the perception of the pilot and his abilities to...
  12. White Lion

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    Low Level bird strike is always dangerous. Just a thought though on finals the aircraft is on reduced power hence gliding. How come the pilots did not try to land? The only reason is structural failure due to bird strike in which the aircraft could not glide.
  13. White Lion

    Taliban rockets hit Kandahar airport in Afghanistan, flights suspended

    So you are stating that the Whites can do what ever they like because they are superior race? This is 180 deg opposite to what Islam teaches. The second part Afghans killing Afghans is not the right thing to do then Prove how did Pakistani go to War with the Pakistani (Zrb e Azb) considered...
  14. White Lion

    afghan army chief cancels visit to india...india not sending troops

    US President is in trouble hence things are getting bad to worse for all those supporting Afghan Government. India can not afford to send their forces as they have China right on their neck. Domestic front is also not relenting due to Covid failures. Sending Troops would be a nightmare incase...
  15. White Lion

    Pakistan Navy Overseas deployments and exercises

    PNS NASR is no were similar to the Turkish Sister ship. Pakistan Navy would be closely observing these developments in Turkey
  16. White Lion

    Rawalpindi court temporarily bars Careem from calling its drivers 'captains'

    One day they will start calling them you Highness
  17. White Lion

    Rawalpindi court temporarily bars Careem from calling its drivers 'captains'

    The word captain comes from Commander...In French PILOT is used for both Driver of a car and Aeroplane but then there is a difference as in French language PILOT DU AVION is used. Cars originally were replacement of Horse Carriage hence the appropriate term was Rider. However at that time Cars...
  18. White Lion

    Rawalpindi court temporarily bars Careem from calling its drivers 'captains'

    Here is the relevant Law regarding the Term Captain Paris Convention 1919 CHAPTER VII. STATE AIRCRAFT. Article 30. The following shall be deemed to be State aircraft : (a) Military aircraft. (b) Aircraft exclusively employed in State service, such as...
  19. White Lion

    Rawalpindi court temporarily bars Careem from calling its drivers 'captains'

    The thing is you have not read the Conventions of International Air Law otherwise you would have been clear that the terms used were Air Ship (Zeppelin) hence the term CAPTAIN on NAVY was directly used for Air Ship and later Aeroplane / Airplane / Aircraft.
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