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Afghan Taliban in Kabul; Amnesty announced and Interim setup rumored

Taliban have attacked Kabul pretty much from all sides and they are not facing any resistance. Kabul could fall in next two hours.
They are outside of Kabul at the moment and are waiting on negotiations and further announcements from their superiors. At the moment the only TB presence are their local cells, the main force is still outside skirmishing with the ANDSF.
More than half an hour has passed since this thread was posted. I guess we need to wait another hour & a half to conclude this thread. That would be a record of sorts for PDF - kudos to Zarvan bhai for managing the feat.
Local time given to be in control of Kabul is 4pm. Though some think that is not possible. USA is evacuating their staff from the Embassy.
Tells you that morale rather than gadgets win wars.
Yes, we also defeated the US military in the Korean war with rifles, bayonet and grenades.
Unfortunately, we didn't wear slippers because it was too cold in North Korea.


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Taliban have released the statement in which they have rejected the reports that their fighters have entered Kabul. Instead they have ordered their fighters to stay on outskirts of Kabul and they are negotiating peaceful handover of Kabul.
The blitzkrieg my goodness. This was the first day they entered a city July 29th which was in Kandahar and 2 weeks later it is allover they have taken all of the country and now inside Kabul..

I had a feeling it was gonna be good but it was over my expectation and surprised me alot it was overly blast entertaining 2 weeks from a military nerd pov. Taliban just entered a good period and they were in good shape which now makes everything that taliban envoy said in his Moscow press conference become truthful statement.. He said we can take all of Afghanistan in 2 weeks.

I guess he knew that Taliban was just in great shape in this time and era.. Or maybe they are going thru a golden generation
Sky Arabia is saying the UAV and B52 have bombed the in roads into Kabul ?

is this true anyone confirm this ?
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