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Taliban rockets hit Kandahar airport in Afghanistan, flights suspended

That means they are justified to commit war crimes right? And Indian proxies had killed 70 thousands Pakistani means pak is justified to attack back on India right this is what your logic is
bhai aik aurat ke khat per mohmmad bin qasim karachi se multan per hamla ker sakta hai ? power decides how to take revenge . just think if we were powerful like USA hum india ka kya hashar karty ? :lol:
they were here to grip on asia as ahole and take revange from islamists and common muslims . but as other side islamists have huge manpower on the name pr jannat and shahadat it was not possible to hold the ground easily . the war of afghanistan was turned jehad long ago by CIA /ISI and this part of world so many crazy people ready to kill and die on the name of religion . USA failed because they were fighting with people whom willing to die for religion and willing to kill for religion but can not live with religion . good example taliban used drug money to fight a war . :lol: :P i think leadership of terrorist groups like af/pak taliban AQ ISIS laughing on word jehad every time they hear it :lol:

Why are they taking revenge from "Common Muslims"!!
Take on board the fake "WMD" in UN, so many fake reports and illegal occupations based on those fake evidence. Clear evidence that the agenda had always been to take down Islam and Muslims.

Why you have glee from such agendas!!
bhai aik aurat ke khat per mohmmad bin qasim karachi se multan per hamla ker sakta hai ? power decides how to take revenge . just think if we were powerful like USA hum india ka kya hashar karty ? :lol:
they were here to grip on asia as ahole and take revange from islamists and common muslims . but as other side islamists have huge manpower on the name pr jannat and shahadat it was not possible to hold the ground easily . the war of afghanistan was turned jehad long ago by CIA /ISI and this part of world so many crazy people ready to kill and die on the name of religion . USA failed because they were fighting with people whom willing to die for religion and willing to kill for religion but can not live with religion . good example taliban used drug money to fight a war . :lol: :P i think leadership of terrorist groups like af/pak taliban AQ ISIS laughing on word jehad every time they hear it :lol:

Again, agreed for the most part. You have clearly highlighted the problems, now what are the solutions?
Only reserved for Pakistanis. Deluded Afghans and their playboys PTM only want to vent their anger towards Pakistan.

Yet the Afghans are more than happy for the australians, americans and nato to rape, murder and oppress Afghans with complete immunity.......... :disagree:..........which means that the Afghans acknowledge their inferiority and worthlessness..........:disagree:
Australian were occupied forces i can understand as whites were there for revenge . but afghans themselves destroying the country and killing each other doing jehad is more worrying .
So you are stating that the Whites can do what ever they like because they are superior race? This is 180 deg opposite to what Islam teaches.

The second part Afghans killing Afghans is not the right thing to do then Prove how did Pakistani go to War with the Pakistani (Zrb e Azb) considered legal?

Sir please remember the term Jehad or War or Crusade require the same fundamental term called Belief / Neeat. This belief is what makes it right or wrong.
bhai aik aurat ke khat per mohmmad bin qasim karachi se multan per hamla ker sakta hai ? power decides how to take revenge . just think if we were powerful like USA hum india ka kya hashar karty ? :lol:
The United States is so powerful that there is an excuse for which country it wants to invade. Actually, it's all for what benefit.
The Kabuli thugs are moving toward the capitulation….

As for the Kabul airport, I am pretty sure the Turkish non-combatant troops stationed there are packing their bags! It’s not their fight to babysit the terrorist Hindutva’s pedophile bastards….
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