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  1. 8 pass charlie

    Cabinet reshuffle: Asad Umar likely to take charge as federal minister again

    plz also do something about kpk ministers.especially the terrorist health minister.for reference you can check out social media for what happened in Peshawar a few days back
  2. 8 pass charlie

    Where is maastankhan gone?

    I miss mastan khan and his comments starting always from Hi...............
  3. 8 pass charlie

    China plans to sell Pak an aircraft carrier and integrate it militarily

    yeah buy it and make a floating museum out of it.coz don't have money to effectively operate it.even thinking about type 055 is madness at this point let alone liaoning
  4. 8 pass charlie

    (NAZI) Army of youth being formed to deal with traitors in India: BJP MLA Raja Singh

    in simple words govt official lynching army to burn alive anyone especially Muslim who refuse to drunk gaao mutr and say jai hind
  5. 8 pass charlie

    These Nokia Phones on Discounted Rate in Pakistan

    never gonna buy Nokia again.remember they had partnered with Microsoft and launched Lumia series.i fell into their trap.coz the prices were really lucrative.now they have ended their support.facebook and Instagram wont work in my phone now and in December WhatsApp will also go away.go ahead and...
  6. 8 pass charlie

    Can someone suggest some Good TV series to watch ?

    black mirror.it amazing.set in a not very distant future.but not like with flying cars and weird dresses.you just have a look.very hard to explain it here
  7. 8 pass charlie

    Algeria buying MiG-29M/M2 and Su-30MKI(A)

    have they got their su-34s or it was just a fake news????
  8. 8 pass charlie

    PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

    every time I come here hoping to see some good news some confirmed deal news whatever but something solid.but just dissapointment.
  9. 8 pass charlie

    Pakistan Navy’s 2300 Tons OPVs launched by Damen

    why are all of them holding those viking style axes.oh sorry this is a CUTTING EDGE technology.
  10. 8 pass charlie

    All aboard the crazy train? Pakistan’s railways minister threatens India with mini nukes

    nukes Na Huey naswar Ki goli hogai.iss se Bari size Ki tou hum pathan naswar daalte Hain.
  11. 8 pass charlie

    Netmarketshare: Windows 10 finally captures 50% of the market share

    tons of updates downloading anytime but don't know which corner are they improving.atleast I don't see a evident improvement.
  12. 8 pass charlie

    Netmarketshare: Windows 10 finally captures 50% of the market share

    but the photos app sucks in Windows 10.all around the people are complaining about it.but don't know why Microsoft doesn't even care
  13. 8 pass charlie

    Bollywood to depict Indian air strikes on Pakistan over Kashmir bombing.

    In Hollywood movies 3 simple rules.first secure the president.second the world needs us and now is the time for sacrifice.third end up saving the United states of America.rest can go to hell.
  14. 8 pass charlie

    Like China, Pakistan is using Islamabad & Karachi’s civil airports for military purposes Satellite i

    killing a human for consuming meat is not an offense but pakistan using airports for airplanes is international crime.wow.
  15. 8 pass charlie

    Army pounds afghani terrorists

    200 firecrackers could have inflicted a lot more damage.
  16. 8 pass charlie

    My crime is to stand against injustice; Maryam Nawaz written reply to NAB

    yes the justice would only prevail if she is declared the ruler of Pakistan for life.as she is the true heir to the throne.and no one should disturb her while she is looting Pakistan and making fool out of us.
  17. 8 pass charlie

    Traders announce boycott of polio campaign in Bannu

    they don't even deserve medical care.close the govt hospital there.
  18. 8 pass charlie

    US cuts Pakistan’s aid by $440 million

    and we were hoping for BLK 70
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