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  1. Möbius Curve

    Exposed: How Al-Houthi brainwashes children, blesses targeting civilians

    Al-Houthi is from the same mold as Osama bin Laden, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, Iranian militia strongman Qassim Soleimani and Daesh leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, analysts told Arab News. Oh Really? Osama Bin Laden or Tim Osman, the story of ISI Collocation with CIA along-with SAUDI MONEY...
  2. Möbius Curve

    Around 700 children reportedly fell sick after Polio vaccination in Peshawa

    I am at Peshawar and it is true. There is anger & resentment in the peoples, and their anger must immediately be redressed. Never, an incident like this has happened at a large scale, and precautionary measures must be taken and all civilian places and utilities centers must be closely guarded...
  3. Möbius Curve

    Military forces of Iran, Oman hold joint naval rescue, relief drills [PIC]

    Well done. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya are all gone like little dominoes! Now only Iran & Pakistan are left! Keep up your preparations for the coming great war.
  4. Möbius Curve

    Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

    First of all, May Allah bless the souls of innocent martyrs and offer them highest place in Jannat ul Firdoos. I am late, because Internet was not working at my end. The solution to ALL problems MUST NOT be placed on Army, Security Forces or Rangers etc. Civilians must be issued NPB Weapons...
  5. Möbius Curve

    Freak Weather - 16 April 2019

    Nikola Tesla, Serbian genius scientist was closely watched and guarded by FBI. The moment he died, FBI took in possession, whatever he had, in an attempt to guard the "lethal secrets". Time – 1931 Interesting excerpt from the 1931 Time Magazine article commemorating Nikola Tesla’s 75th...
  6. Möbius Curve

    Deadliest Journeys - Pakistan

    On long journey's I am never afraid of Death, as a Muslim I have firm belief in it. But I am generally more worried about armed robbers, bandits and miscreants which are generally found in every area. However, with your family, your responsibility increases. Once I arrived in Abbottabad at...
  7. Möbius Curve

    Freak Weather - 16 April 2019

    Army? HAARP facility was developed at Alaska University, later it was handed over to US Airforce. What R&D Sector is doing in Pakistan? I have seen many ambitious & bright technical peoples ending up as Clerks, or Steno-typists and lower than that! Ulti Ganga Beh rhi hay yahan!
  8. Möbius Curve

    Freak Weather - 16 April 2019

    Weather WARFARE is real, It's NOT a joke. Americans call these Chemtrails, and a lot of videos are available on YouTube about it. I must say that, Weather is being manipulated, and it is being used as a Weapon on Pakistan. Pakistan must launch quick and swift response to Weather Warfare...
  9. Möbius Curve

    Saudi sisters become latest women to plead for help to flee the kingdom on social media

    Perhaps, its WAY DEEPER that you are trying to guess! Whole freaking machinery was activated for Rahaf al-Qunun, keep in mind. There are SOOOOOO many questions. However, one thing is sure. She has sold her soul to devil, and as you are so is your destination!
  10. Möbius Curve

    'World's largest Officeworks' opening doors in Melbourne

    Cool! I am institutionalized and have a unique taste for Office Stationary. By the way, they should keep quality ball points and pens. I am sure, peoples will like them. What fascinates me most are quality ballpoint pens. Actually, in my home I have piled Schneider, Pilot, Mistubishi Jel Pens...
  11. Möbius Curve

    See How Spineless Indian Mullah Twisting The Ghazwa-e-Hind

    Nothing new to me, because you will find everywhere..... RAW Mullah driving Indian Hindu Objectives and training Terrorists for Pakistan! CIA Mullah driving American Objectives/Interests. MOSSAD Mullah, driving Israeli ambitions/objectives and ISIS/Daesh propagation (Khilafat propagation). Its...
  12. Möbius Curve

    US envoy for Middle East negotiations released a map of Israel which includes the Golan Heights

    Behold! Greater Israel is on its way! Greater Israel by Möbius Curve posted Apr 17, 2019 at 10:26 AM Arabs have promised never to be united again, and Israeli Intelligence is doing this job done well by plowing seeds of discord and dissension. Arabs are laughable stock, and I follow...
  13. Möbius Curve

    The Director of Human Rights Watch in Israel Is Being Deported

    11:15 PM EDT (JERUSALEM) — An Israeli court on Tuesday upheld a deportation order against Human Rights Watch’s local director and gave him two weeks to leave the country. The Jerusalem District Court rejected an appeal by Omar Shakir to remain in the country, saying that his activities...
  14. Möbius Curve

    Fire erupts at Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on Temple Mount in Old Jerusalem (VIDEOS)

    But you CANNOT build Third Temple as far as Al Aqsa Mosque Exists. And you won't be blessed with "MESSIAH" unless and until Third Temple is established and all your religious rites are performed. So Fire is in your favor, why so serious? Come on, bring out your MESSIAH, where is he hiding? One...
  15. Möbius Curve

    Army needs to stop doing internal operations.

    The Function of Police is to maintain law & order. The Function of Army is to Shoot & Kill. Army already treats all Civilians as suspects, and Army should stay away from the peoples they don't know, they dont TRUST. Otherwise terrible incidents might happen!
  16. Möbius Curve

    Army needs to stop doing internal operations.

    Of course Our Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police is better that Punjab Police, which is charged with so many Fake Encounter Killings! Punjab Police mein to Allah ka Khoof bhi nhi hay!
  17. Möbius Curve

    Fire erupts at Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on Temple Mount in Old Jerusalem (VIDEOS)

    So, we are heading towards those times! You must be fully prepared & ready!
  18. Möbius Curve

    cheap way to establish shelter home in Pakistan unlike what ik govt is doing

    For the first time in 2018 I saw & studied election process in Pakistan by serving as Assistant Presiding Officer (APO) at PK--- at --. During my entire life I have NEVER polled vote to any party, be it any, and I will NEVER give my vote to any party, because I think a lot and I study a lot...
  19. Möbius Curve

    Evidence: BRAS terrorist group operated from India.

    Back in 2006-08 I did those things. But I was supporting Afghan Taliban's and Iraqi Resistance Groups inside Iraq, Since both Afghanistan & Iraq were the active hotspot during those times. Now, I am after earning money, because life in Pakistan is tough, exceptionally tough if you are poor, and...
  20. Möbius Curve

    Netanyahu is Israel's Master Incrementalist

    Instinctually pragmatic, conservative and cynical, Benjamin Netanyahu has consistently asserted that any peace in the Middle East must be based on security for Israel. Not since Abraham Lincoln defeated George McClellan has a democratically elected leader been faced with an election campaign...
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