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  1. Möbius Curve

    @Horus He is a Lion that I am proud to Hunt!

    @Horus He is a Lion that I am proud to Hunt!
  2. Möbius Curve

    Why should you read Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”?

    I have in my possession "Complete Works of William Shakespeare", which I bought from Vanguard Books F-6 Islamabad. I must say that the Works of Shakespeare are the ultimate embodiment of all collections of human sentiments and emotions. But understanding Elizabethan English and its true...
  3. Möbius Curve

    Pakistan to earn millions by exporting donkeys to China

    So that was all about "Donkey King" coming soon in Pakistan! Gadha Ghost Masala by Möbius Curve posted Feb 7, 2019 at 4:52 PM
  4. War on Terror

    War on Terror

  5. Möbius Curve

    The Arabs are paying the price for peace with Israel

    Here the chronology in the formation of MOSSAD: 1915 November: Netzah Yisrael Lo Yeshaker (NILI), a clandestine pro-British spying organization, is founded in Ottoman Turkish-ruled Palestine by Aharon Aaronsohn, his brother Alexander Aaronsohn, his sister Sarah Aaronsohn, Avshalom Feinberg, and...
  6. Möbius Curve

    'I assumed I was a target of MI5, but I didn't have secrets & wasn't too worried' – K. Livingstone

    24 Jan, 2019 16:08 Britain's conservative newspapers are obsessed by claims of Russian intelligence interfering in UK and US elections and Skripal allegations, but they have no interest in exposing the illegal activities of MI5 and MI6. The Undercover Research Group worked with the Guardian...
  7. Möbius Curve

    ANF seizes narcotics worth Rs 350.7m from drug peddlers

    You DO KNOW about the location of "Opium" to "Heroin" conversion factories somewhere inside Afghanistan. Strike the enemy in the heart!
  8. Möbius Curve

    Kashmir’s struggle for freedom

    The road to FREEDOM of Kashmir is paved by the Skulls of Indian soldiers, and the road to FREEDOM of Palestine is paved by rotting bodies of IsraHELLI soldiers!
  9. Möbius Curve

    ISIS launches massive counter-offensive in eastern Euphrates

    2019-01-25 ISIS-terrorists by Möbius Curve posted Jan 25, 2019 at 11:44 AM BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:30 A.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) launched a massive counter-offensive in the eastern region of the Euphrates River Valley last night. Using suicide bombers to penetrate the defenses...
  10. Möbius Curve

    Is a Foreign Military Intervention in Venezuela Imminent?

    Jan 25th 2019 at 12.04 am According to conventional wisdom, there should be no serious talk of foreign military intervention in Venezuela. But these aren’t conventional times. The conventional playbook would adopt a strategy of foreign coordination of the Venezuelan opposition, economic...
  11. Möbius Curve

    Kashmir’s struggle for freedom

    January 25, 2019 The 1948 United Nation’s Resolution clearly states that accession of Jammu and Kashmir will be decided through plebiscite; however, India has remained consistent with use of force to dictate its unlawful occupation. As the Kashmir solidarity day approaches, Kashmiris are again...
  12. Möbius Curve

    An Open Letter to the United States: Stop Interfering in Venezuela's Internal Politics

    If the Trump administration and its allies continue to pursue their reckless course in Venezuela, the most likely result will be bloodshed, chaos, and instability. Thursday, January 24, 2019 The following open letter—signed by 70 scholars on Latin America, political science, and history as...
  13. Möbius Curve

    The Arabs are paying the price for peace with Israel

    January 22, 2019 In the past few years, Israel, the alien state in the region, has been sleeping in peace in a way that it has never dreamt of since it was founded more than seven decades ago. Meanwhile, the Arabs are drowning in war and blood day after day. If we expand our awareness and...
  14. Möbius Curve

    Israel pilots invite Saudi Crown Prince to visit

    January 24, 2019 at 9:51 am Meidan Bar, head of the Israeli Airline Pilots Association, sent a letter to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, praising him and inviting him to visit Israel. In the letter, published in Israeli newspaper the Jerusalem Post, Bar wrote: “You and I are about the...
  15. Möbius Curve

    Pakistan Test Fires “Nasr” Missile in Salvos (VIDEO)

    Masha Allah! Sharpen the blade, ye may need it one day!
  16. Möbius Curve

    China is facing not just a trade war with the US but an assault on all fronts. Can it survive?...

    Andrew K.P. Leung says the US is confronting China in multiple arenas, ranging from technology to Taiwan to the South China Sea. China can emerge stronger if it makes changes that benefit both itself and the US while retaining its development model UPDATED : Thursday, 24 January, 2019 While...
  17. Möbius Curve

    Fears of US-Backed 'Coup' in Motion: Trump Recognizes Venezuela Opposition Lawmaker as 'Interim Pres

    January 23, 2019 President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela officially cut off dipomatic ties with the U.S. government on Wednesday—and gave American diplomats 72 hours to leave the country—in response to President Donald Trump declaring formal recognition of an opposition lawmaker as the "Interim...
  18. Möbius Curve

    What is More Important than Pompeo’s Reassurances

    Wednesday, 23 January, 2019 - 20:15 One understands that there are differences in how two opposing radical wings of America’s two major political parties view its global role. It is obvious also that those two wings have different approaches to challenges and problems with America itself. Some...
  19. Möbius Curve

    Kuwait-based organization supports Palestinian farmers’ determination

    23/01/2019 KUWAIT: The Arab Organization for the Protection of Nature in Kuwait launched the ‘One Million Trees’ campaign to support the resoluteness of Palestinian farmers. The event was sponsored by the Women’s Cultural Social Society (WCSS), Kuwaiti Committee for Jerusalem and Kuwait Alumni...
  20. Möbius Curve

    Russia agrees to tolerate Israeli attacks in Syria

    Wrong! IsraHELL tacitly shot Russian Plane by hiding behind the Russian Plane. You don't know the extent to which these Yuds can go, Read the following article Carefully...
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