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  1. Monkey King

    A top Chinese official was arrested after talking about the biggest threat to China's economy

    Vietnam is a traitor. In 1950s and 1960s, China sent many military supplies as well as troops to help Vietnam gaining independence first from France and then from US, although China was rather poor and backward at that time. However, when conflicts broke out between China and the USSR, they...
  2. Monkey King

    China ranks first worldwide in PV power capacity

    It is true that the Chinese government gives many subsidiaries to the PV industry in order to promote and encourage the development of this green energy. However, as far as I know, both Europe and US governments also give subsidiaries to their green energy industries, including wind power and...
  3. Monkey King

    By 2030, South China Sea will be ‘virtually a Chinese lake,’ U.S. study warns

    I think US "Pivot to Asia" policy to containing China is largely useless. There would be no war between US and China, as both are nuclear-armed and can assure mutual destruction. The probability of a war between China and any neighbouring countries such as Philippines, Vietnam or Japan is also...
  4. Monkey King

    China's Human Resources Thread

    I guess China’s population dividends or bonus can still last for as least a decade. The population bonus here, I mean, is not only the number of population, but also the quality of population which can be roughly measured by the years of education they received. Although China’s population...
  5. Monkey King

    China is catching up to the US on science and engineering spending, report finds

    The good trend is that Chinese government highlights the importance of science and technology and continues pouring money into R&D. The problem is that most publications or patents from China is of low-quality or without any potential use. This is mainly due to the publication-oriented research...
  6. Monkey King

    Japan should see China as partner, not threat: Chinese ambassador to Japan

    Many problems or issues in East Asia (as well as Middle East) is caused or stirred up by US. Without US meddling in Taiwan Strait in 1950s, China and Taiwan are already reunited. Without US meddling in Tibet, Dala Lama would not exile to India and become anti-China activist. Take the...
  7. Monkey King

    Japan should see China as partner, not threat: Chinese ambassador to Japan

    As declared many times by CCP, Taiwan issue involves China’s core interest and belongs to China’s internal affair. This indicates that if there was an emergency or even war broke out in Taiwan Strait, neither US nor Japan is allowed to meddle in. Otherwise, war would break out between China and...
  8. Monkey King

    China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

    The only sad thing is that the "father of Chinese HSR", Zhijun Liu, is in prison. :frown:
  9. Monkey King

    China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea

    Korea is still more advanced in the area of integrated semiconductor circuits. However, the gap is quickly narrowed in recent years. China is ahead of S. Korea in heavy-industries such as machinery, military, space technology and high-speed trains. As to the relatively "new" industries including...
  10. Monkey King

    1% of Chinese Own One-Third of National Wealth

    Under the anti-corruption campaign lead by Xi, I think the gap between the rich and poor can be effectively narrowed in the future.
  11. Monkey King

    Vietnam’s deficit with China rises 12.5% to $32.3bn

    Vietnam is heavily influenced by Chinese Confucius culcture and is sometimes considered as the East Asia culture sphere. Also Vietnam puts much focus on the education as indicated by their good results in PISA test. So I think Vietnam would be the most prosperous country in Southeast Asia in...
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