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  1. Anxious for Pakistan

    Aitzaz Ahsan resign after Dr. Afgan manhandled

    How can you say all that without any proves. This is your personal hat towards PML-N.
  2. Anxious for Pakistan

    Amazing tribute to Musharraf from PPP

    is there any prove? I am not agree with you. PPP & ANP forms the Govt. in Sarhad, PPP & PML-N in Punjab. If they form groups then it will be devastating for Pakistan and PPP too. Majority of PPP Workers don't like to shake hands with MQM. SO if PPP chairman joins hand with MQM and leave...
  3. Anxious for Pakistan

    Isolating President Musharraf, new campaign

    Why should he be allowed to complete 5 years without getting confidence vote from newly elected Govt. If he get the confidence vote from the current govt. then he should stay for five years. He promised before elections that he will get confidence vote from parliment after elections...
  4. Anxious for Pakistan

    MQM Sold theirselves again.

    MQM is hungry for power, i wonder how can a party remain in govt. since 1990.
  5. Anxious for Pakistan

    AQ Khan hopes new govt will free him

    The govt. will not free him, but give him more relaxation as he can meet with friends & family. he will be allow to move but his movements will be confined. disgrace but the need of the time
  6. Anxious for Pakistan

    PM Choices

    Amin fahim deserve for this seat but he is not as wise to become PM. We should have a PM with sharp mind. Who can easily convey the messages regarding terrorism and extremism to the world. Shah Mehmood Qureshi Or Yousaf Raza Gillani can be the good choice. They both have very good...
  7. Anxious for Pakistan

    US concerned over caretaker interior minister’s statement

    well, this is the truth, no doubt, He knows that his tenure of being minister is at end and he can speak truth freely. Its shamfull for pakistani peoples, our so called allies are actually against us. Should we need to change our policies?
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