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  1. Kwame Brown

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Hopefully this doesn't get out of hand and cooler heads prevail.
  2. Kwame Brown

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Is India and Pakistan going to war? :pop:
  3. Kwame Brown

    World leaders back one-China policy

    I'm not surprised, considering Trump is our Clown-in-chief. Big win for China on the global stage. On the bright side, tensions are defused and we move away from WW3. Humanity wins.
  4. Kwame Brown

    Shenzhou-11 Space Mission News

    Congratulations, China. Tremendous job. Any space exploration is a win for mankind.
  5. Kwame Brown

    Vietnam officially labels pro-democracy group Viet Tan a terrorist organization

    I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about if you think Latinos are not active in communities. They are some of the loudest voices (whether right or wrong) and hold a ton of positions in public office. As I mentioned in a previous thread, I live in Southern California (Diamond...
  6. Kwame Brown

    Blogger arrested in Vietnam

    I live in Southern California and have been to San Jose countless times and it's not even close to the same league as San Marino, where the Chinese live. Last I checked, median home prices in San Jose is around $820,000, which definitely gets you a beautiful house, but San Marino is on another...
  7. Kwame Brown

    Donald Trump shot himself in the Foot , Video leaked of him saying I grab Women by P***y (Video).

    Our election has been an out of control reality TV show.
  8. Kwame Brown

    Cute, Lovely & Adorable Pandas - The Symbol of China

    Panda is my spirit animal.
  9. Kwame Brown

    Jackie Chan To Receive Lifetime Achievement Oscar

    Well deserved. Jackie Chan is in a league of his own.
  10. Kwame Brown

    South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

    This will change absolutely nothing. China has already stated they reject and will not recognize this. International law only works for countries who have both the might and willingness to enforce it, and then only against countries who do not have the might and/or willingness to fight back...
  11. Kwame Brown

    China Credit Outlook Cut to Negative From Stable by Moody's

    This is the same Moody's that was handing out 'triple-A' rated CDO's like candy back in 2006 right before the housing bubble. How did that work out during the 07-08 Financial Crisis? If I remember correctly, over 70% of these so-called 'triple-A' rated securities were downgraded to 'junk'.
  12. Kwame Brown

    Hungry Bear: Chinese Restaurants Boom in Moscow

    Gee. Thanks, Barry!
  13. Kwame Brown

    North Korea sanctions punish the whole population

    Well said. Being that I'm a realist and not biased, I have no rebuttal.
  14. Kwame Brown

    South China Sea Forum

    Pot. Kettle. Black.
  15. Kwame Brown

    China says Australia should consider Japan's war history before submarine contract

    Don't think you (we) have any room to talk sheeeit about one of the most ancient civilizations to stand the test of time, considering the problems we currently face stateside that we can't even resolve.
  16. Kwame Brown

    First 'Silk Road' train arrives in Tehran from China

    China: The Undisputed King of Business When/if humans discover aliens, guaranteed China will secure their business lol. Jokes aside, this is fantastic news and will benefit everyone in the region.
  17. Kwame Brown

    Happy Chinese New Year:) Beautiful China.

    Gotta have endless plates of jiaozi too.
  18. Kwame Brown

    Spring Festival Gala highlights screened on Times Square

    This won't make Trump the Bozo happy.
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