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    Are we better than India?

    Are we better than India? Muhammad Umer Saleem Bhatti TFT Issue: 17 Oct 2014 Self esteem is important, but so is rational self-reflection There is a perception among our countrymen these days, a rousingly ethnocentric one, that Pakistan is better than India by almost all means. We think...
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    BSF firing leaves 13 Pakistanis dead 19 injured.

    for long our morlity, our forgivenss and our longing for peace has been taken as our weakness and for granted NO MORE
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    BSF firing leaves 13 Pakistanis dead 19 injured.

    o bhai o members of JeSI Jamaat E Sickulars India the time of talking even when they kill indians is over this is going to be the new norm however cruel it seems Get over it and Get used to it and you should have seen Pakistanis enjoy and rejoice today when there was a thread posted...
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    Ceasefire violations: India puts off flag meeting proposal

    lets see it wont stop with losses on this side also
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    BSF firing leaves 13 Pakistanis dead 19 injured.

    they forget ............ this is not MMS this is 56 inch though he dosent speak much but his actions speak Flag meet postponed .......... BSF asked to match Eak Golee Eaf Dushman........ Latoon ke Bhut Batoon se nhi mante this govt understand this very well
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    Ceasefire violations: India puts off flag meeting proposal

    jhanda ukhaad ke phenk diya hai check the news 13 died and 19 injured in pakistan in BSF retaliatory fire now ask the rangers to beg for flag meeting to deescalate
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    Is ZERO even??

    what is the period this person bh=rahmagupta is supposed to have lived in ........ 598 AD ok so it makes 2014-598 = 1416 years ago now lets see what is the mahabharat period ...........? when did mahabharat happened ? how mnay years ago ? more than 1416 years ... ie. pre BC era ? when were...
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    Is ZERO even??

    see there are so many other people like ayrabhatta, varamihir etc now it is not only about maths but many sciences like astronomy ans astrology based on maths i am not saying none of what he wrote down was his work what i am simply saying is the basic of mathematics zero and the place system...
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    Hardline Lanka Buddhists seek ties with India's Hindus

    not a bad idea this BBS - Bodu Bala Sena has just had a tie up with strong Budhhist leaders from Myanmar - the budhist laden as he is commonly known well This BBS also has good hold on the politics in Lanka if they can make the SL govt give up chinese line ......... budhists in Sl +...
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    "Made In India" Aircrafts

    you forgot Weaposined dhruv - RUDRA
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    Finmeccanica ready to pay penalty to repair ties

    MMS already got the money back They simply have to encash the bank guarantees which they have already done this is a fine over & above that amount
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    Ceasefire violations: Pakistan approaches UN over situation in LoC

    asymmetric response always use one step higher caliber fire for responding fire at least twice the amount of rounds that they fire
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    Pakistan Missile Technology is Amazing

    yes so now all our missiles will fly straight into UrAnus planet
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    PM Modi, council of ministers declare assets and liabilities, Jaitley is the richest

    how is this any meaningful declaring assets and liabilites after 120 days in gvt and they are also supposed to declare assets and liabilites during elections also it wud be very helpful to know if there is any significant unexplainable mismatch in those declared at the time of elections...
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    Is ZERO even??

    he was a genius no doubt about it he invented this spherical quadriletarals possible and lets give it to him no problems but he invented zero and took mathematics to this all in his one life span not possible
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    Is ZERO even??

    JUST ASKING what was the life span of this guy ? lets assume 80 years ? now IF he invented zero then at what age ? lets assume 20 years so rest of his life span 60 years so you mean to say in 60 years of his lifespan after inventing zero he developed to quadratic equations, astronomy...
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    Massive blast reported at suspected Iranian nuke facility

    Massive blast reported at suspected Iranian nuke facility Two reportedly killed in explosion that shatters windows kilometers away from secretive Parchin site 2004 satellite image of the military complex at Parchin, Iran (photo credit: AP/DigitalGlobe - Institute for Science and International...
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    The 10 easy steps to becoming an Indian Liberal

    A close cousin of Sickularism
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    India rolls out its First CNG based Rail Locomotive - Indian Railways Going Green!

    lets see there are legal binding contracts with international arbitration involved And yes ONGC and Oil India Ltd. (OIL) are still the leading companies with respect to production volume - ONGC supplies around 62% of India's total domestic Natural Gas supply! that is simply because...
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