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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    brahmos will be ready by 2019 the 1st raale wont arive beofre 2018 - how much time it will take IAF to evolve operational doctrines around rafale ? even on this count Su30 Comes out on top IF we have 2 LCA it will l;essen need of Su30 on many fronts so they are free for more deeper strike...
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    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    i would have loved to tke you up this challenge book chapter verse on where it is written but it will be considered slandering islam and a bad discussion on islam and invite unnecessary infractions and this thread nor this topic nor this mess is worth getting banned for
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    indian army thumbs down to US offer of javelin ATGM

    better source wait till saturday - purchases of ATGM and other worth 70000 expected to be cleared Shoulder Launched NAG to be there in 3 years idont think we will go for co development of next gen jvelin
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    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    that is because canada has always rubbed ssalt into our wounds at our time of despair they have sheltered and encouraged indian terrorists when we kill terrorists they talk aboout human rights of those terrorists and call our security forces bad the people who bombed Kanishka - are...
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    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    for most pakistanis being muslim / islamic is not related to ideaology - so not religion but related to being descendants of Babur, Taimur Langda, Ghaznavi, Mughals - so it is in part racisim atleast for pakistanis
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    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    What has happened is very bad No sympathies for canada they shelter the Indian terrorists, they condemn BSF for killing terrorits and infiltrators Now today they are at the receiving end Let them suffer the pain which indians have sufferd due to terrorism @Kaneda (CAnanda) - welcome to...
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    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    no @Biplab Bijay and @DingDong are right only they are not politically right they are blunt truth and feeling sayers - they speak truth in blunt way dont dilly dally and use nice words
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    Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

    that is taking it too far that is not the corect way to judge a person and it has been proved that even highly educated people turn terorists - not only people with long beards or who pray 5 times a day
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    Surat-based diamond companies to start an airline service

    The airlines has already started Diamond Auronautics with 1st route Surat - Mumbai - Surat
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    Surat diamond firm gifts 491 cars, 200 two-bedroom houses & jewellery to 1,200 staff

    no worry these guys already faced the IT people when the diamond merchants arranged a function for Modi in Mumbai last year pre elections some 700 daimond units in gujarat were raided by IT Someone wote TELENT its not Talent its Skill + Talent + Hard Work second yes it was most probably...
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    Surat diamond firm gifts 491 cars, 200 two-bedroom houses & jewellery to 1,200 staff

    you from where the person who donated 51 crores originates from bhavnagar see this the person talking about in the interview Surat-based diamond companies to start an airline service
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    Are we better than India?

    not 15 years but in many parameters we can jump palces within 2-3 years also
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    Surat-based diamond companies to start an airline service

    this is actually not a commercial airline if you look at gujarat the HUB for diamond industry is SURAT which is between bomaby baroda stretch and most of the workers big shots industrialists are from Suarashtra both are seperated by Gulf of Khambhat / Cambay they were trying to get govt /...
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    Are we better than India?

    the author is a section officer in Pakistans ministry of commerce
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    Now, Tibetans-in-exile can start enterprises in India

    CHalo good one more stroke from new govt very very good
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    Musharraf targets Modi, says he is 'anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan'

    MODI is Anti - None - anti nobody - Anti no one He is PRO INDIA and PRO Himslef there is a difference
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    Hindu Sindhis from Pakistan to get elusive Indian citizenship

    INdia will be the natural refuge of HINDUS persecuted anywhere in the world
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    Surat-based diamond companies to start an airline service

    Surat-based diamond companies to start an airline service Ahmedabad: In a first of its kind initiative, four Surat-based diamond companies have come together to start an airline service to connect Surat with smaller cities in Gujarat. At an initial investment of about Rs 30 crore, these firms...
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