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    Latest Tension in LoC

    Legitimate stakeholder? Neither you nor the separatists like huriyet are any kind of stakeholder in India's Kashmir. I thought I would never come across someone more delusional than that zaid hamid guy in life, but it looks like you have proven me wrong. Let me clear a couple of your...
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    Nehruvian Blunders!!!!

    Nehru was an idiot, no doubt about that. He had no idea how to run defence/military and foreign relations. That being said, back in 1950 the UN was nowhere as close to being how influential it is today, so perhaps that was a reason why he passed it up. Gwadar I agree with Nehru here. We didn't...
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    Army jawan killed in encounter with militants in J&K

    You are clearly a muslim, you need to put on ur correct pakistani flags - false flagging troll :coffee:
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    Another major ceasefire violation by Pakistan: 40 BSF posts attacked

    Such incidents sadly are exactly why India's involvement in TTP and Afghanistan front is completely justified (and if India is already not involved, it needs to step up its efforts). Because if you let the pressure off Pakistani Army/ISI in Western front, they start coming to Eastern front with...
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    Which Country Drinks the Most Alcohol?

    As people in India get richer, we are getting into the alcohol/party lifestyle like Western Countries. I can see topping the list on the next 20-30 years.
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    National Shooter becomes victim of love jihad.

    If he is going as far as getting a fake Hindu identity for marrying her, I am pretty sure he had a fake story made up for that too. Do you even have to ask? In 21st century, there is only 1 religion that still indulges in this practice. Irony is it claims to be peaceful.
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    A harvest of horror and shame

    I never said that, re-read slowly this time if you have comprehension problems. I re-iterate: Hindus rape much less than Muslims (see National Crime Statistics for reference), and Hindus very rarely rape non-Hindus out of hate for non-Hindus (unlike Muslims). Everyday in Pakistan, Hindu women...
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    A harvest of horror and shame

    Just ran into this website, and had to create an account to refute some of the bogus claims made in this article. 1. Most rapes are committed by Muslims in India, not Hindus. It is a fact that can be corroborated by the National Crime statistics of India. 2. This "Indian Muslim" writer as she...
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