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Latest Tension in LoC

This guy hates India to death, forgive him.

There should be courses on "international relations" mandatory in Pakistani schools.

seeing your example- i can say where you studied the results were not good at all- it produces so much sissies like you- who cant even stand for his country-
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@JonAsad Kya bhai aaj troll mood mein hein?
not in troll mood- but confused - what actually india has done instead of opening countless threads on pdf?- i see no befitting- casualty response anywhere- its frustrating how much you guys rely on hearsay- :D-
not in troll mood- but confused - what actually india has done instead of opening countless threads on pdf?- i see no befitting- casualty response anywhere- its frustrating how much you guys rely on hearsay- :D-

There is a tension going on Loc, and that is not hear and say, it is documented in both side of the LOC....Causality, is high or low is irrelevant now..... Because one need to understand the real reason behind this recent violations. .
There is a tension going on Loc, and that is not hear and say, it is documented in both side of the LOC....Causality, is high or low is irrelevant now..... Because one need to understand the real reason behind this recent violations. .
Dear brother- hear and say was used to point at the non apparent befitting replies and heavy casualties- that you claim-

There are two theories-
1. India see Pakistani politics in total mess- sees a weaker Pakistan and want to create tension to take some sorta advantage- war Tactic 101-
2. Nawaz sharif trying desperately to stir cross border tensions so he can save his government-

Exhibit A- Local Elections are coming some where- :lol:-
That's an absurd analogy you have there.

Kashmir is an Internationally recognized disputed zone . Meeting with Hurriyet leaders is our right a legitimate stakeholder in the conflict.

There is no such thing as a right to meet the Hurriyat. No such right is automatic. It is upto India to allow it or not (when on Indian soil). While previous governments have allowed meetings with the Hurriyat while making their protests, this government has taken an harder position. That too is their right. If the GoP wants to meet the Hurriyat inspite of Indian objections, they shouldn't look surprised at India's reactions.

As far as the economics is concerned, India loses billions of dollars every year, simply because we deny it the dry transit to C.Asian states and Russia.

Really? What billions of trade do we lose? Trade with whom? Afghanistan still remains a no-go area regardless of transit within Pakistan. Nobody in India spends too much time worrying, contrary to what many Pakistanis seem to think. Many Pakistanis actually think this is a trump card for which they will get concessions on Kashmir etc.. That's not about to happen.

Pakistan is not dependent on trade with India, nor is India on Pakistan. Our trade is indirect and minimal which will continue regardless of Modi's stupid policies which only harm India not Pakistan.

Oddly Pakistan is learning that the new Indian government is not as keen on pushing Pakistan on the trade front. The new government is not inclined to offer Pakistan the concessions offered by the UPA earlier. There is a real pull back on this score.
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Dear brother- hear and say was used to point at the non apparent befitting replies and heavy casualties- that you claim-

There are two theories-
1. India see Pakistani politics in total mess- sees a weaker Pakistan and want to create tension to take some sorta advantage- war Tactic 101-
2. Nawaz sharif trying desperately to stir cross border tensions so he can save his government-

Exhibit A- Local Elections are coming some where- :lol:-

I will Add a 3rd point to it (which was mentioned by some one in another thread) Modi want to send a message local population that he is a strong leader.....

Now when i look at the 2 points -

1) India is not in political mess, (if we were discussing 6 months back then yes) and i dont see a political mess in another 6 month at least, When it comes to Pakistan we all know how volatile is the political situation there.. I saw another poster saying NS asked some close friend of India to create tension in boarder to divert the attention (that was funny though)

2) NS trying to divert attention - It is possible, but the question is does he have the authority to direct the military to start a conflict???? I doubt!!!!

Gone are those days when Pakistan used to be a critical point to attract votes, Now voters are smart and they dont buy such arguments..... and All the parties knows it
I will Add a 3rd point to it (which was mentioned by some one in another thread) Modi want to send a message local population that he is a strong leader.....

Now when i look at the 2 points -

1) India is not in political mess, (if we were discussing 6 months back then yes) and i dont see a political mess in another 6 month at least, When it comes to Pakistan we all know how volatile is the political situation there.. I saw another poster saying NS asked some close friend of India to create tension in boarder to divert the attention (that was funny though)

2) NS trying to divert attention - It is possible, but the question is does he have the authority to direct the military to start a conflict???? I doubt!!!!

Gone are those days when Pakistan used to be a critical point to attract votes, Now voters are smart and they dont buy such arguments..... and All the parties knows it
Bingo. Hit the nail on the head. On both counts.
Kashmir is an Internationally recognized disputed zone . Meeting with Hurriyet leaders is our right a legitimate stakeholder in the conflict. Balochistan is none of your business, just like Assam, Nagaland, Khalistan and other separatist movements in India are none of our business. Kashmiri leaders are not separatists since Kashmir is NOT part of India, its under forceful occupation of the Indian forces.

Legitimate stakeholder? Neither you nor the separatists like huriyet are any kind of stakeholder in India's Kashmir. I thought I would never come across someone more delusional than that zaid hamid guy in life, but it looks like you have proven me wrong.

Let me clear a couple of your misconceptions:
1. Kashmir was, is and will forever be a part of India
2. If you have an issue with point no. 1, feel free to meet us in the border
3. See point 1
I will Add a 3rd point to it (which was mentioned by some one in another thread) Modi want to send a message local population that he is a strong leader.....

Send a strong message to local population at expense of relations with the neighbors?- at expense of his BSF or IA Jawans by unnecessarily putting pressure on them at LoC?-i dont see a smart leader here- i see a selfish narrow minded individual- one thing i dont understand is he was popular-on that basis he won the elections with overwhelming majority- based on that- within 6 months more or less- why there is such a need to show its public that he is a strong leader?-
Now when i look at the 2 points -

1) ......... I saw another poster saying NS asked some close friend of India to create tension in boarder to divert the attention (that was funny though)
2) NS trying to divert attention - It is possible, but the question is does he have the authority to direct the military to start a conflict???? I doubt!!!!

NS is a business men and an old politician- i am sure having such friends are a norm- even in enemy's country-
Unless the military takes over- NS has full control over its military- this is the second full democratic term- Pakistan has been through worse situations under Zardari 4-5 years and Military didnt do any thing- things are changing-

Gone are those days when Pakistan used to be a critical point to attract votes, Now voters are smart and they dont buy such arguments..... and All the parties knows it
i beg to disagree- from PM to army chiefs retired or newly appointed to Party leaders from BJP to VHS to education minister et all- all appear to cling to the same Pakistan bashing bandwagon- how can you say otherwise?-

Let me clear a couple of your misconceptions:
1. Kashmir was, is and will forever be a part of India
2. If you have an issue with point no. 1, feel free to meet us in the border
3. See point 1

i guess our point 1, 2 and 3 would be- fcuk you too- :lol:-
seeing your example- i can say where you studied the results were not good at all- it produces so much sissies like you- who cant even stand for his country-
So I should hate India and post nonsense in order for the brothers to think I come from a well known university? No chance.

When I was in Pakistan, I used to think it's all great, best nation in world, none power can defeat it (except US). Coming here, reading more impartial news, i see how we're used up by China, how a defeat against India is inevitable (ignoring international opinion and foreseeable future)

I stand up for country when it's a fact, not an opinion. I'm not going to blab about how Pakistan air force can go into India and destroy all their airfields or how our navy is going to destroy the Indian carrier.

Slight off topic, but to give you an example that I stand by truth, not by opinion. Opinion is what has held Pakistan back. It's time to admit we've rapist in our country, men who throw acid, pedophiles, few corrupt mulve and we still, as of this year, continue to support select taliban groups. These are all facts and until we fight these people, we can't progress as fast as we can. India is not our threat anymore as much as we're ourselves. As hasan nisar puts, geo anchor, "hum khud kush bombar hai"

I will Add a 3rd point to it (which was mentioned by some one in another thread) Modi want to send a message local population that he is a strong leader.....

Now when i look at the 2 points -

1) India is not in political mess, (if we were discussing 6 months back then yes) and i dont see a political mess in another 6 month at least, When it comes to Pakistan we all know how volatile is the political situation there.. I saw another poster saying NS asked some close friend of India to create tension in boarder to divert the attention (that was funny though)

2) NS trying to divert attention - It is possible, but the question is does he have the authority to direct the military to start a conflict???? I doubt!!!!

Gone are those days when Pakistan used to be a critical point to attract votes, Now voters are smart and they dont buy such arguments..... and All the parties knows it
Pakistan is still very big issue and modi, bjp played heavily on it. From the beheading, mumbai, loc violations and so forth, modi was furious. I don't doubt at all that millions of people voted modi because they feel congress failed to put up with pakistan more rigourously
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As far as the exchange of fire, well that is used by BJP for 'looking tough', despite the fact that it has cost them soldiers and embarrassment. The problem is your own govt which doesn't know how to run its affairs, therefore it seeks an easy way out, which is blaming us.
and suddenly your gov know how ran its affairs:lol:.. making joke of yourself.....every day i pakistanis curse its gov and suddenly it know how ran its affairs
As far as the economics is concerned, India loses billions of dollars every year, simply because we deny it the dry transit to C.Asian states and Russia. Pakistan is not dependent on trade with India, nor is India on Pakistan. Our trade is indirect and minimal which will continue regardless of Modi's stupid policies which only harm India not Pakistan. Nothing benefits Pakistan more than an Indian PM behaving like a monkey with a grenade, which is precisely what Modi is doing.
we dont have problem either you people still going to buy our product through dubai at higher price .....which is actually should be done for the waste of forex ....MMS give too much space to pakistan by lowering the expense
and suddenly your gov know how ran its affairs:lol:.. making joke of yourself.....every day i pakistanis curse its gov and suddenly it know how ran its affairs

we dont have problem either you people still going to buy our product through dubai at higher price .....which is actually should be done for the waste of forex ....MMS give too much space to pakistan by lowering the expense
India played its cards very well with that maid problem in US. Let's look at what we did with people who killed our civilians (running over people!) and got out in no time. Then look at those italians in India.

And let's not forget US helping india with civi nuclear power and ignoring Pakistan. And china india having bigger trade (investment too?) than pakistan and china. Lastly, remind me when was last time Obama visited Pakistan, if ever? And bush? Or Putin?

Also India can isolate power in numerous ways due to their purchasing stuff. Like those rafales so Pakistan couldn't get that aesa or whatever it's called. Note, numerous ways. Pakistan cannot be entirely isolated as it is a big country with big exports and India is not as powerful as they think they're. But India can play its cards

I know some will call me paid indian, but these are facts. Counter my argument with facts instead of "paid indian, pak hater" etc
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So I should hate India and post nonsense in order for the brothers to think I come from a well known university? No chance.

When I was in Pakistan, I used to think it's all great, best nation in world, none power can defeat it (except US). Coming here, reading more impartial news, i see how we're used up by China, how a defeat against India is inevitable (ignoring international opinion and foreseeable future)

I stand up for country when it's a fact, not an opinion. I'm not going to blab about how Pakistan air force can go into India and destroy all their airfields or how our navy is going to destroy the Indian carrier.

Slight off topic, but to give you an example that I stand by truth, not by opinion. Opinion is what has held Pakistan back. It's time to admit we've rapist in our country, men who throw acid, pedophiles, few corrupt mulve and we still, as of this year, continue to support select taliban groups.

So you are the Hussain Haqqani or Dr. Shakeel Afridi kind- already accepted defeat with in and cant stand other ghairatmand Pakistanis standing up- or atleast that are trying-
Seeing your above post few more morally weak people come to my mind-
one thing lead to another and we have
the Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadiq kind-

News flash- you are not the only enlightened one buddy- there are alot of Pakistanis who have studied- researched- read impartial histories- all sides- impartial news- both sides-
We know just like in any other country- we have rapists- throw acids- pedophiles- corrupt molvis or politicians- support extremism- that doesnt mean we submit all hands up-

the difference is unlike you we have not lost hope- or the belief that together we can amount to something- that we can stand on our own in front of all the adversaries and actually win- self belief is first chapter of any success-
you can beg india to spare us weak links all you want- i would not- you can imagine total annihilation in case of war with india- i will not- and i am happy to know majority of Pakistanis will not aswell-

You are mentally weak-you have thin skin-i believe what people say about Pakistan you let it sink in deep- instead of learning and struggling to become better- you have lost all hope- instead of confront- you felt comfortable to tag alone with the common notion of us Pakistanis being bad boys of the world- weak as fcuk- becoming the part of the world- forgetting your Pakistaniyat-
you know against india its not about how morally corrupt or weak or heavily outnumbered or out gunned we are- its about identity and survival-

I dont care Bro- dont blab as you might- if not in favor surely not against it-
So you are the Hussain Haqqani or Dr. Shakeel Afridi kind- already accepted defeat with in and cant stand other ghairatmand Pakistanis standing up- or atleast that are trying-

I'm studying economics, political science taking multiple languages. I plan to one day come to Pakistan and work for the nation. That is trying. I haven't given up saying Pakistan is messed up and it'll be waste of time with one man heading there, trying to do good.

News flash- you are not the only enlightened one buddy- there are alot of Pakistanis who have studied- researched- read impartial histories- all sides- impartial news- both sides-
We know just like in any other country- we have rapists- throw acids- pedophiles- corrupt molvis or politicians- support extremism- that doesnt mean we submit all hands up-

As mentioned in previous post, I do plan to come back to Pakistan. But what I see in this forums is outright denial of what is wrong in Pakistan and we laugh at India when there's a rape or domestic violence.

And many of those who study here, they stay here. Read up about it. There is VERY little amount of students coming back to Pakistan after graduating. Brain drain: 2.7m Pakistanis have exited country in last 5 years – The Express Tribune

the difference is unlike you we have not lost hope- or the belief that together we can amount to something- that we can stand on our own in front of all the adversaries and actually win- self belief is first chapter of any success-
you can beg india to spare us weak links all you want- i would not- you can imagine total annihilation in case of war with india- i will not- and i am happy to know majority of Pakistanis will not aswell-

Begging to China is no different, or to US.
Indeed Pakistan is strong, but let us not forget that Indian military is stronger. We're outnumbered and yet we have people here who think we can conquer India.

You are mentally weak-you have thin skin-i believe what people say about Pakistan you let it sink in deep- instead of learning and struggling to become better- you have lost all hope- instead of confront- you felt comfortable to tag alone with the common notion of us Pakistanis being bad boys of the world- weak as fcuk- becoming the part of the world- forgetting your Pakistaniyat-
you know against india its not about how morally corrupt or weak or heavily outnumbered or out gunned we are- its about identity and survival-

I haven't lost hope. But nations do succeed when they've lost hope. Look at world war 2, germany was leveled. Yet it made a comeback, despite having no hope.

Also no need to swear in your post. It's against forum rules.

Stating a fact and presenting it doesn't make us more Pakistani or less. I could question why you're in Saudi Arabia or how millions of us are sitting outside of Pakistan and don't plan on returning. Or how so many of us are desperately trying to leave Pakistan. Yet here I'm willing to return to Pakistan, despite the turmoil. Do you not hear people asking "how do i get to canada" or other foreign countries? The other day we had a call from someone who said allow me to come to canada and i'll declare asylum. Or this Quran academy constantly calling our home and one day this guy talks, we tell him we don't want his services and he says "acha choru, yeh batao mein canada kasay ah sakta hou." I was at a wedding in Pakistan and met this moulvi who asked for a visa to Canada.

There is no clear way to define who is more Pakistani and who is less.

I dont care Bro- dont blab as you might- if not in favor surely not against it-

Source: Latest Tension in LoC | Page 2

I'm in favor of truth, even if it's against us. When we evade truth, we only get worse. SEeking truth has made me more knowledgeable. There is no way I can stand up in class in my Internationl relation class and say "Pakistan didn't lose 1971 war, we didn't start kargil or it was a embarrassing war per foreign news, how Pakistan doesn't support taliban anymore"

Also read people's post before giving rating. Your rating was quite fast. I hope you had given it a tohrough read.
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