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I'm studying economics, political science taking multiple languages. I plan to one day come to Pakistan and work for the nation. That is trying. I haven't given up saying Pakistan is messed up and it'll be waste of time with one man heading there, trying to do good.

As mentioned in previous post, I do plan to come back to Pakistan. But what I see in this forums is outright denial of what is wrong in Pakistan and we laugh at India when there's a rape or domestic violence.

And many of those who study here, they stay here. Read up about it. There is VERY little amount of students coming back to Pakistan after graduating. Brain drain: 2.7m Pakistanis have exited country in last 5 years – The Express Tribune

Begging to China is no different, or to US.
Indeed Pakistan is strong, but let us not forget that Indian military is stronger. We're outnumbered and yet we have people here who think we can conquer India.

I haven't lost hope. But nations do succeed when they've lost hope. Look at world war 2, germany was leveled. Yet it made a comeback, despite having no hope.

Also no need to swear in your post. It's against forum rules.

Stating a fact and presenting it doesn't make us more Pakistani or less. I could question why you're in Saudi Arabia or how millions of us are sitting outside of Pakistan and don't plan on returning. Or how so many of us are desperately trying to leave Pakistan. Yet here I'm willing to return to Pakistan, despite the turmoil. Do you not hear people asking "how do i get to canada" or other foreign countries? The other day we had a call from someone who said allow me to come to canada and i'll declare asylum. Or this Quran academy constantly calling our home and one day this guy talks, we tell him we don't want his services and he says "acha choru, yeh batao mein canada kasay ah sakta hou." I was at a wedding in Pakistan and met this moulvi who asked for a visa to Canada.

There is no clear way to define who is more Pakistani and who is less.

this forum is not the measuring stick- if you look at the indians to them india can even defeat the mighty US of A while simultaneously fighting 2 front war with Pakistan & China- :lol:-
this forum is full of testosterone laden machos- keyboard warriors from both sides- thats besides the point-
the beef between us arose when you see everybody in a thread vomiting love for their country and hate for other country- all guns swinging- drop kicks- guillotine chokes- elbow drops- low kicks- stray punches- a fellow countrymen comes in and try to undermine another Pakistani- thats back stabbing in context to be honest- max you can get out of it are some useless indian thanks- no honorary Pakistani will do that in front of an adversary- -
this forum is not the measuring stick- if you look at the indians to them india can even defeat the mighty US of A while simultaneously fighting 2 front war with Pakistan & China- :lol:-
this forum is full of testosterone laden machos- keyboard warriors from both sides- thats besides the point-
the beef between us arose when you see everybody in a thread vomiting love for their country and hate for other country- all guns swinging- drop kicks- guillotine chokes- elbow drops- low kicks- stray punches- a fellow countrymen comes in and try to undermine another Pakistani- thats back stabbing in context to be honest- max you can get out of it are some useless indian thanks- no honorary Pakistani will do that in front of an adversary- -
I dont need thanks. Look at how many thanks I've given. This rating system is flawed. And I really don't care about e-peen here, this is just internet.

Giving thanks is asking for thanks in return. Hell some people have posted, i can reference, that they've been thanking someones all post but he's not returning the favor as much.
this forum is not the measuring stick- if you look at the indians to them india can even defeat the mighty US of A while simultaneously fighting 2 front war with Pakistan & China- :lol:-
this forum is full of testosterone laden machos- keyboard warriors from both sides- thats besides the point-
the beef between us arose when you see everybody in a thread vomiting love for their country and hate for other country- all guns swinging- drop kicks- guillotine chokes- elbow drops- low kicks- stray punches- a fellow countrymen comes in and try to undermine another Pakistani- thats back stabbing in context to be honest- max you can get out of it are some useless indian thanks- no honorary Pakistani will do that in front of an adversary- -
Will you please stop fighting among yourselves - dear Pakistani friends? :D
I dont need thanks. Look at how many thanks I've given. This rating system is flawed. And I really don't care about e-peen here, this is just internet.

Giving thanks is asking for thanks in return. Hell some people have posted, i can reference, that they've been thanking someones all post but he's not returning the favor as much.

the important part was the other part not the thanks issue- :lol:-
btw thanks is old now a days-
the new kid in the block is ratings-
+ve or -ve you love em-cant hate em- :lol:-

Will you please stop fighting among yourselves - dear Pakistani friends? :D
what you gona do about it?- call in the moderators and admins like you usually do- will ya indian?- :lol:-
the important part was the other part not the thanks issue- :lol:-
btw thanks is old now a days-
the new kid in the block is ratings-
+ve or -ve you love em-cant hate em- :lol:-

what you gona do about it?- call in the moderators and admins like you usually do- will ya indian?- :lol:-
I take that as sarcasam, but i'll add i dont care about those + - either. As majority of pti goons here have been giving positives and negatives for not good reasons.
I take that as sarcasam, but i'll add i dont care about those + - either. As majority of pti goons here have been giving positives and negatives for not good reasons.
as an ex pti member- i do agree some PTIans follow IK like a cult- which is not good at all-
Send a strong message to local population at expense of relations with the neighbors?- at expense of his BSF or IA Jawans by unnecessarily putting pressure on them at LoC?-i dont see a smart leader here- i see a selfish narrow minded individual- one thing i dont understand is he was popular-on that basis he won the elections with overwhelming majority- based on that- within 6 months more or less- why there is such a need to show its public that he is a strong leader?-
Now when i look at the 2 points -

If one believes the recent surves he doesn't need to take such step to show his strength....And i dont belive he will do anything to show his strength.... Instead he will take actions as a strong leader... (the point i mentioned was by a poster, i just added one more aspect, and i dont believe in that )

NS is a business men and an old politician- i am sure having such friends are a norm- even in enemy's country-
Unless the military takes over- NS has full control over its military- this is the second full democratic term- Pakistan has been through worse situations under Zardari 4-5 years and Military didnt do any thing- things are changing-

Well He has friends in India for sure, but for having a friend who can influence such a drastic decision, it has to be one man " MODI" ... NS have control over Military???? I agree he is I dono how many will buy that statement.... If he has control over them then good....
If one believes the recent surves he doesn't need to take such step to show his strength....And i dont belive he will do anything to show his strength.... Instead he will take actions as a strong leader... (the point i mentioned was by a poster, i just added one more aspect, and i dont believe in that )

Well He has friends in India for sure, but for having a friend who can influence such a drastic decision, it has to be one man " MODI" ... NS have control over Military???? I agree he is I dono how many will buy that statement.... If he has control over them then good....
Why don't you quote me :(
i need some love too
Pakistan is still very big issue and modi, bjp played heavily on it. From the beheading, mumbai, loc violations and so forth, modi was furious. I don't doubt at all that millions of people voted modi because they feel congress failed to put up with pakistan more rigourously

Well it is not, There were days when Both Pakistan and Indian politicians used to use the sentiments of people in their respective countries and used work to convert them into votes, But recent elections and campaign in both countries suggest that the citizens cant be bought using this cheap tactics, and they are more interested in social and economic growth....

Yes there are instances where in Pakistan was bashed, that will never stop, atleast till we resolve our differences.... Be it Modi or Be it Rahul.....

Why don't you quote me :(
i need some love too

While you were typing this post, I was quoting you and typing a reply.....I am sorry i will have to dissapoint you in "Love", because i am here to discuss, debate and get to know perspective from other side of boarder :P
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