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  1. platinum786

    Pakistan's Human Cockroaches

    The only person who should be ashamed is the fat bas.tard who wrote this article. what an isolated life he lives if he thinks this represents Pakistan. Perhaps he should visit somewhere in Pakistan other than his local burger bar and he may see Pakistan for what it is. He is also a...
  2. platinum786

    Pakistan's Human Cockroaches

    Could you repeat that in English please?
  3. platinum786

    Pakistan rich and famous lead private flood efforts

    people should donate through these avenues rather than the corrupt government.
  4. platinum786

    Evidence Of Indian Involvement In SWAT

    It's it fascinating that on the hand hand your uncle is fighting "Islamist terrorists" who are educated in maddarsas, yet on the other hand, the populations you claim who fill those maddarsas don't even know know to read a janaza or don't even know basic words of Islam, ie what they might...
  5. platinum786

    Evidence Of Indian Involvement In SWAT

    Since when did education or wealth have anything to do with circumsicion? I know people who cannot read or write, but are circumsised, people who are aware that Muslim males need to be circumsised. Even the extremly poor are circumsised, it does not cost a fortune, heck most aren't even done...
  6. platinum786

    Evidence Of Indian Involvement In SWAT

    Guys, I don't post too often on this forum, so if this story is in the wrong place, my apoligises in advance, feel free to move it. Yesterday there was a buzz around the Pakistani journalist community that the Pak Army had killed an Indian operative fighting with the Taliban in Swat. It...
  7. platinum786

    Three soldiers killed during Pokhran wargames!

    As long as they practise cook-offs for when war really happens... :)
  8. platinum786

    ‘Army House to be besieged if Murree accord sabotaged’

    Having re-read my comments i can understand how you became confused. I love the army, it's the lawyers I consider snakes who I want killed. If they appraochjed army house I am pretty sure just that would happen.
  9. platinum786

    Spy agencies destroying explosive data

    Salim we know the ground realities are that if you get the intelligence services involved in the political arena as has been done in Pakistan, that balance does not remain. Our intelligence services have stuff to hide as do our "politicans" and "governments". There is an element of distrust...
  10. platinum786

    Is Asif Zardari a dropout?

    Forget dropout, the college doesn't even exist. The nearest thing to it is the London School of economics, established 1985, whereas Zardari claims to have graduated in 76.
  11. platinum786

    ‘Army House to be besieged if Murree accord sabotaged’

    I couldn't be more pleased if they beseiged army house, in fact i would make dua so that they do, with Aitaz Ahsan as thier head. This movement would be finished off overnight, the next morning we would see corpses where there were these snakes.
  12. platinum786

    McCain groupie: Wipe out Islam

    They are welcome to try, forces equal to them, perhaps even greater than them in the past have tried and failed.
  13. platinum786

    Spy agencies destroying explosive data

    This is a bogus article. You don't become a top spy by talking to journalists. This is sensationalist journalism and they now the intelligence agencies will not deny or confirm the tory as it would remove the veil of secrecy over thier work. Nobody reveals intelligence secrets, nobody is stupid...
  14. platinum786

    Demolishing the Spy satellite or A Test

    From my understanding the US and Soviets had the capability previously. The Chinese recently carried out a test, and this is simply the US carry out a counter test. I think we should start work towards a similar prject.
  15. platinum786

    Joint search for oil in Kashmir - Jawed Naqvi

    LOL... if found we can be assured the Americans will want to liberate us... heeheehee The discovery of oil would help the economy of Kashmir, but should remain totally untapped until we have refferendum.
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