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  1. islamrules2020

    NATO concerned by Russia’s growing presence in East Mediterranean

    No it is not, I think NATO is more concerned about Turkey than Russia, because they see a Muslim world alliance forming once the Arab spring defeats dictatorships, in which case Europe will lose its influence on the south Mediterranean (like in western Libya), Russia is too weak, mark my word...
  2. islamrules2020

    The Caesar Act Comes Into Force (Part 1): Increasing the Assad Regime’s Isolation

    ok ok, here is the coordinates, narrator:Jaber Ibn Abdellah. the Muhaddit : Imam Muslim the source: Sahih Muslim The Chapter : The Book of Tribulations and Portents of the Last Hour Here it is for online reading https://sunnah.com/muslim/54/81
  3. islamrules2020

    The Caesar Act Comes Into Force (Part 1): Increasing the Assad Regime’s Isolation

    Can you believe our Prophet salla allahu aleihi wa sallam prophesied this #Caesar_Law ? He said (I trying to translate to the max the meaning):"Iraq would be prevented from its currency" The companions said :"From whom oh prophet of Allah ?" He replied:"from the Ajam(non arabs)" Then he...
  4. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    warning & threats from LNA commander to Misrata this guy says UAE needs to control Misrata's port .
  5. islamrules2020

    Ethiopian army official: Country will defend itself over dam

    Nobody believes the Egyptian military lies, everyone knows Israel kicked the *** of Egypt
  6. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    my friend, that quote of Ataturk (I think) would have been true before Turkey started going out of its borders and trying to lead the Muslim world, now its loo late, Turkey can't make out with France or Greece and pretend everything is fine, there is no way forward but confrontation, unless...
  7. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    look at what's happening in France's Dijon, it tells you how weak Europe is, the Muslims have already taken over Europe, the only thing we need is some leader smart enough to use this, imagine if the Turkish Intelligence could control the gangs of belgium, Netherland, France and Germany ... ...
  8. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Turkey should arm and train and prepare 50000 Syrian/Iraqi/Afghan/Pakistani/Somali fighters and ship them to Libya.. I think GNA are badly outnumbered by the LNA's janjaweed/Chad/Russian/Syrian/Egyptian fighters !!
  9. islamrules2020

    TAF announce the start of Operation Claw-Eagle against pkk in Northern Iraq

    What I said is that once the Kurds embrace the Muslim unity idea, they won't be tempted by the idea of Kurdistan anymore, and the separatists will lose the battle without a single bullet,I am just giving you the simple solution here, I just want u guys to be tolerant and smarter and get along...
  10. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    France gets billions from UAE to piss off Turkey. If I were in Erdogan's place, I would sign some 100 Tubitak-Sage SOMs and give them to the Houties, and let them sand niggers burn, Trust me that is the only way to stop the UAE arrogant behaviour and at the same time spare Turkey the blame ;)
  11. islamrules2020

    TAF announce the start of Operation Claw-Eagle against pkk in Northern Iraq

    I wish Kurds go back to Islam then they can claim a state of their own if they want ,they only way to have peace is by fighting off nationalism and promoting Islamic unity, then Kurds will hang Ojalan and the other atheist kurdish commies by themselves . there is no military solution
  12. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    France is evil but they have Dassault Systems, they will probably suspend any cooperation with Turkey on military projects like TF X and TF 100 ... they are superior in technology over Turkey lets admit that, but as long as the majority of Arab people hate France, Turkey could use that, also...
  13. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    French Macron attacks Turkey, I told you Turkey should forget about Nato and start preparing for a military embargo, but don't worry, Erdogan has chosen the side that's going to win eventually trust me I know the future, the Europeans and Arab dictators are going to lose the ME, Turkey has...
  14. islamrules2020

    Ethiopian army official: Country will defend itself over dam

    Sisi won't attack the dam because the situation in Egypt is relatively stable, and he is in total control. but if Egyptians decide to grow some balls and overthrow the dictator, then he might think of attacking the dam as a distraction
  15. islamrules2020

    Greek Foreign Minister will visit Cairo on June 18th to demarcate the sea border

    what the foreign minister said isn't an attempt to fix relations, he just speaks like a politician, nothing more, they know Sisi's regime is hostile but they don't want war with them
  16. islamrules2020

    Greek Foreign Minister will visit Cairo on June 18th to demarcate the sea border

    I don't know about Iraq supply route, but Turkey made a lot of money from GCC too, and yes the Turkey accepted Sisi, Erdogan even wanted relationships back , but Sisi didn't accept it because he uses the fake MB threat to stay in power , and also to scare the GCC leaders and blackmail them for...
  17. islamrules2020

    Greek Foreign Minister will visit Cairo on June 18th to demarcate the sea border

    Turkey made a lot of money from the GCC, now that money goes to Sisi, and if they hadn't moved quickly in 2017, Qatar would have been also lost to a Saudi military coup, Turkey can't sustain its economy without foreign markets, they are frustrated now but have no other choice or else they will...
  18. islamrules2020

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Footage for the History book, shows Syrian Assadists backing Hafter and shanting in the middle of Benghazi, the two camps are beginning to form, Arab dictatorships uniting against the muslims, never forget that UAE's MBZ is an ally of Bashar, I mean somebody should tell him he will hang for this...
  19. islamrules2020

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    I doubt Eurojet will give Turkey their EJ200 engine for TF X, not after the troubles with Greece and Italy and France, and I doubt Turkey can develop a capable fighter jet engine in less than 15 years time from now, it's one of the hardest technologies, the Chinese are having troubles with it...
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