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  1. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    2 confirmed claimed by Pakistan, including at least 1 MiG-21 Bison. 2 pilots captured as stated by ISPR l, later said to be only 1. 1 MiG-21 lost, pilot in Pakistani custody claimed by India. 1 F-16 shot down, claimed by India, denied by Pakistan. 1 Mi-17 crashed inside Indian administered...
  2. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    In the first video the initial two letters of ZP are visible on what is clearly a helicopter tail. Also, the registration ZP are used for helicopters by the IAF. Here's another image of the same site, clearly showing the rotor assembly of a HELICOPTER.
  3. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    poora jahaz dhekna hai tho yahan aajao :)
  4. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Indian statement said ground troops reported an aircraft falling into Pakistani territory. For a ground combatant having no prior knowledge of the identity of the aircraft, an aircraft falling inside Pakistan, be it a MiG-21, can easily be misidentified as/assumed to be a PAF aircraft.
  5. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Can you please point out details of the wreckage that point to it's identity, as I, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people on this forum wouldn't be able to identify an aircraft from a mangled wreckage.
  6. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    The body visible in the video is of the crashed helicopter pilot, which ISPR clearly said has nothing to do with them. As for the confusion regarding number of pilots, ISPR stated two aircraft were shot down, currently assumed to be MiG-21's. Of these, one was said to have fallen inside India...
  7. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    That is the (almost flattened) front fuselage of a MiG-21.
  8. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Same in Peshawar, continuing till the morning.
  9. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    What squadron did the pilot/aircraft belong to?
  10. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    PIA suspend dahaka flights

    PIA requires some serious restructuring, beginning with the type of aircraft they operate and the number. Currently due to the prevailing image of the airline it isn't realistic to operate the same amount of destinations they used to in their heyday. Similar is the situation with their aircraft...
  11. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    IDEAS 2018 - Updates & Discussions

    does anyone know what happened here? the tweet seems to have been deleted
  12. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    The first time a Thunder crashed, the pilot ejected, but the pilot's parachute didn't completely open. As for the second crash there wasn't really an official statement, so the details of that crash remain shrouded in mystery for now. In this case, there was engine flameout, naturally this means...
  13. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    The locals were praying a lot for the pilots praising them for avoiding the populated areas. It was smoking in the air for quite a lot of time apparently.
  14. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    The undershoot of Peshawar airport is a very densely populated area; Bara road/Ring road passes thru it. I know a lot of people living there and according to them the aircraft was smoking throughout the landing approach, which was lower than usual and the aircraft had an usually high nose up...
  15. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    KSA: The Last 2 Typhoons Arrive

    I was only considering air forces in my statement. Still, I wouldn't completely agree with you here. Iran has some modern Russian and China supplied SAM systems but it still operates large number of 1960's/70's equipment, MIM-23 and SA-6 for example and also a large number of domestically...
  16. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan training Nigerian Special Forces for Boko Haram fight.

    There's an article on quwa about it, but I cant post it, don't meet the requirements :angry:
  17. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    KSA: The Last 2 Typhoons Arrive

    Not really easy to fire them in the first place. Iran doesn't have a border with KSA, it will have to cross into Iraqi airspace or launch attacks from above the Gulf, either way they will have to encounter US air defence which won't hesitate to protect an ally.
  18. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    KSA: The Last 2 Typhoons Arrive

    According to Eurofighter's website, not yet. Kuwait is to procure ~30 Tranch 3 aircraft with deliveries set to start from 2019. It's been around 30 years since Iran's air force saw combat. Most of their aircraft are outdated and their domestic upgrades and aircraft aren't proven in air-to-air...
  19. CT-9914 "Snoop"


    Your scenario will only work in perfect conditions. India, weather you like it or not has naval superiority over us and India has an anti-ballistic missile system in development and economic infrastructure will be one of the main priorities to defend from a missile strike. And stop relying on...
  20. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    India’s Isolation In Asia Deepens As China And Pakistan Boost Military Ties

    mind explaining the reason for Make in India initiative then?
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