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  1. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Tail logo for Pakistan F-7s

    what's up with the quality of the patch?
  2. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Did PAF Cross The LOC !

    H-2/H-4 SOW's in this case were launched by Mirage 5's and guided onto target by 2-seater Mirages via datalink which means at least 1 aircraft each from the Mirage strike package had to have crossed the LoC in order for a successful strike.
  3. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan should consider Y 20 & MI 26

    Il-78's we operate can double as strategic airlifters so a sane option would be to procure more of those if a need for such a role ever arises, although ideally a more modern and far more efficient platform should be looked, preferably one that can refuel both F-16's and other platforms. As for...
  4. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    Delivered in November 1990. Served with No.5 squadron, later transferred to No.15.
  5. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    Since the 15 undertook one of the raids on 27 Feb and 67-116 is serving in the 15, does that mean that this veteran of the '71 war probably went against the Indians after 48 whole years and came out on top again?
  6. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    Thanks a lot for clearing that up. So does 116 lack a radar now and as such is pretty much a Mirage 5? And why "105" when all other Libyan M5's are "04-0xx"?
  7. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    And what about this one? Serial number is 04-105 and the airframe is clearly a 5R and '04 will mean an ex-Libyan 5DR but xx-1xx should mean it's a IIIEP. Maybe the serial conventions have changed or for some reason are probably being used/reused on different airframes.
  8. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    Probably because our airframes are approaching 40-50 years of age. Kfir/Nesher and Cheetahs were new airframes not converted from Mirages. Our production is currently focused on the JF-17 and since the higher ups are convinced the JF-17 is able to cover the role of the Mirage/F-7P/A-5, I doubt...
  9. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Air Force Operation Swift Retort l Indian Military targets in gun-sight of PAF

    24 Blinders, 29 Aggressors, 2 more viper squadrons and 2 JF-17's squadrons. Does anyone know what units were involved, including the Mirages?
  10. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Anyone got any info on the 29 squadron? When was it formed and where is it posted?
  11. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    4 Chinese Destroyer Ships available for Purchase , Decommissioned 2 Months ago

    Yeah how about we don't just limit our role to just labor and maybe put in some positive input in the development of vessels (or any other system for that matter) we intend to acquire and maybe our students won't have to go outside for employment. Why go for glorified gunboats armed with...
  12. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Navy | News & Discussions.

    Opinion: PN should equip it's frigates/corvettes with non-Chinese subsystems e.g. using a radar and associated equipment on let's the Zulfiqar-class, possibly Thales or Leonardo integrated with Turkish/European/South African weapon systems, because a Buk is still a Buk and a Crotale copy is...
  13. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    http://pafwallpapers.com/blog/2011/11/delta-legacy/ A good read for anyone interested in the status/history of our Mirages.
  14. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

    Why get a new platform and all the associated complexities, logistics/maintenance/training etc. when we're already replacing them with a platform we operate.
  15. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Defence Day Celebrations 2019

    Fingers crossed they have better cameras and people behind em for the air displays/fly pasts this time.
  16. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

    There's really no use for ROSE 4 with the JF-17 coming up smoothly, and as much as a lot of people, myself included, would love to see the Mirages flying, economically and strategically it's a loss if we still have them in service once the JF-17 concludes production. Highly unlikely, hopefully...
  17. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Navy’s 2300 Tons OPVs launched by Damen

    Since it's based off of a patrol vessel, how flexible is it in regards to future upgrades and are there any prospects of integrating a VLS considering it's a littoral ship? Also, what's the class name in PN service?
  18. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Navy’s 2300 Tons OPVs launched by Damen

    It's not a Romanian company. Damen is a Dutch company. It's common practice to have different components of ships/aircraft etc. manufactured/assembled in multiple locations. But have to agree with somewhat on the lack of indigenous production. Yea no, there's literally no point in putting...
  19. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

    The KLJ-7 used on the JF-17 I has 105/85 km range for Air/Land targets and can track 10 and target 2 targets simultaneously. The 7V2 version used on the JF-17 II has an increased air-to-air range of 130 km and possibly other improvements. The RC400 was stated, by Thales, to have a 20% decrease...
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