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  1. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    PAF Squadrons History

    would anyone happen to know why the air force didn't carry over the heritage from Indian squadrons, similar to what the army had done? Since we had inherited 3 squadrons, with one of them being the oldest squadron of the Indian air force.
  2. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Featured Three Nigerian JF-17 Almost Ready For Delivery From PAC

    I am bound by my religion and common sense to know that isn't the case, anyways, we're both to entitled to having our own opinions so.
  3. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    So when finally the US and the Arabs stop giving you money, they're the enemy now? If only we were diplomatically and economically strong enough for Israel to even consider us a threat. Sorry to burst your bubble but the only thing having nukes confirm is that you'll be equally dead as the ones...
  4. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Featured Three Nigerian JF-17 Almost Ready For Delivery From PAC

    they're serving their own interests, just because we fall in the way of that doesn't mean they're doing it "for Pakistan"
  5. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Featured Pakistani Navy confirms Brazilian jetliner will replace Orion patrol aircraft

    Pakistan itself is struggling financially, where do you suggest we bring in the necessary amount of capital from?
  6. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    PN doesn't operate Mirages, that's a wikipedia propagated myth.
  7. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    Fake. The Mirages in the movie were CGI.
  8. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    1967 for the IIIEP and first batches of IIIDP and IIIRP. 5PA and second batch of IIIDP in 1970. Second batch of IIIRP in 1975. 5PA2, 5PA3 and 5DPA2 in 1979.
  9. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    why? we aren't short of fighters capable of doing that.
  10. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    Phenom 100, Cessna Citation Excel, Gulfstream IV SP. Saab 2000 and Y-12 to a lesser extent.
  11. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    At least one Mirage had (pre delivery?) the classic steel grey/red scheme with PAF markings, can't seem to find the picture right now. Mirage IIIEP, IIIDP, IIIEP and later Mirage 5s were delivered in this standard two-tone green/grey above and sky blue below. Later Mirage 5 ROSE 2, ROSE 3...
  12. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

    Being dependent on one source doesn't really leave much room for having a strong lobby elsewhere, if it did we'd have the AH-1Zs etc. by now.
  13. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

    I think you didn't quite understand what I meant. Pakistan DID adopt the 7,62NATO caliber even tho it wasn't specifically made for this environment. That means other calibers can too, potentially. So why go thru the whole process of developing a new caliber if there can be something in the...
  14. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

    yes they are, they have been since the beginning what's changed now?
  15. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Urdu is not our language: Mahmood Khan Achakzai in PDM's Karachi gathering.

    if your goal was triggering people's sentiments by stating facts you got it pretty well and since you haven't studied languages why does your opinion matter in the slightest?
  16. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

    what's the logic behind developing a new caliber when's there are multiple out in the market that can do the job?
  17. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    Airbus stopped converting A310's in favour of A330's. In what sense of the world is the A330 an "older plane"?
  18. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    How to Prevent a War in Asia The Erosion of American Deterrence Raises the Risk of Chinese Miscalculation

    is that what they tell you on the state controlled "news" over there?
  19. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    Who came to the conclusion it's from the 14 squadron, last I checked the 16 squadron was also colocated at Kamra. What SAR squadron operates in the region tho? Because if it's using the AW139, it means another squadron has also transitioned on to it.
  20. CT-9914 "Snoop"

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    No. The back of the vertical stabilizer is completely vertical in a JF-17, and seems to be the same in the picture of the crash. Number could be missing as it might not have been assigned to a squadron yet or simply not painted on yet.
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