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  1. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Which Book are you reading

    Sure just read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
  2. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Which Book are you reading

    Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
  3. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Fazl warns of Islamabad lockdown

    Mulana Joker (Dizal)
  4. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Had warned Pakistan of consequences if IAF pilot not returned.

    Day by day Modi & Indians becoming JOKER BROKERS . Joker Broker is one… [who goes about] plying deals often involving a string of brokers from one end of the planet to another, and yet not a single one has verified the very existence of the goods at hand. INDIANS always acting like Jokers while...
  5. Mahmood uz Zaman


    Welcome back Brother
  6. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Shares of Indigo, Spicejet hit 52 week high

    Why we allow Air India to use Pakistani airspace.Air India as of today 20th April 2019 Pakistani airspace for Europe while Pakistan airline can't even cross India for any destination.
  7. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Anyone of you seen Hazrat Muhammad SAW in dream? or any other important personality?

    MashsaAllah ..While I have seen 3 times with sahaba karam and Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra) and Hazrat Omer Farooq(ra)
  8. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

    Huh.. Don't tell me who is Kulbhush jadhav. Yeah yeah he was just doing import export business and we caught him from Mars. LIE...LIE..LIE...LALA LAND.. YOU Indians are PhD in lying just like Sushma Swaraj where she accept that no one killed in balakot airstrike FINALLY. :woot::rofl::omghaha:.
  9. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

    How you can just say that both are same where you and anyone can justify that any person who do personal act or government sponsored terrorism done by military commander "Jadhav" is equal as speaks of India’s state policy of sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. Since partition, India has...
  10. Mahmood uz Zaman

    No casualties in Balakot strike, Admits India after shameful lies

    Soo funny:laugh::sarcastic:now Indian come in their senses.
  11. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

    I don't have time read your stupid reply. I don't have time read your stupid reply. If there is any then show it to the world specially ICJ International court of justice. You can't because you got no military personnel just innocent civilian. Yeah regarding your civil courts everyone knows...
  12. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

    Watch this video again where he accept all his terroest activities against Pakistan .This is how coward enemy like Indian attack innocent people.
  13. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

    OK tell me who is Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav ( Hussain Mubarak Patel) and what he was doing in Balochistan..Don't tell me that he was just doing import export business with help of Iran.
  14. Mahmood uz Zaman

    Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

    إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ As usual India is behind of it by using PTM TTP.
  15. Mahmood uz Zaman

    The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

    Very good decision in this time when War is at your door step . Remember the Mirage III/5 is the PAF’s sole delivery platform for key stand-off weapons (SOW), namely the H-2 and H-4 glide-bombs (which are derived from the Denel Dynamics Raptor I and Raptor II , ranges of 60 km and 120 km...
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