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  1. Royal Lancer

    Honest question ? Why do indians prohibit locals to slaughter cow but export meat in mass?

    I said it's both - but it's important to specify that when it comes to figures of Indian beef export, buffalo meat is also included in those numbers along with meat from cows. I don't really understand the second line of arguments/questions. If they're questions, that you want answers to...
  2. Royal Lancer

    Honest question ? Why do indians prohibit locals to slaughter cow but export meat in mass?

    See that's where I personally don't really follow along with these things. You would likely find a variety of answers/reasons. I have known many Hindus who had no problem eating buffalo, but drew the line at beef. I've known some who ate neither (both amongst vegetarians and non-vegetarians)...
  3. Royal Lancer

    HAL converts jet trainer aircraft into combat-ready Hawk-I

    Is there any interest in this project within the Indian Armed Forces/Defense Establishment? Giving the Army control of all the Helicopter gunships + a few squadrons of Armed Hawks would perfectly address their CAS needs (and be better for integration), meanwhile the Air Force could then focus...
  4. Royal Lancer

    Honest question ? Why do indians prohibit locals to slaughter cow but export meat in mass?

    Since you say it's an Honest Question, here goes; As Half Moon said, Out of sight, out of mind. Also, a small technical point, a lot of the "beef" India exports is actually buffalo meat (I'm not denying cows are sold off as well, but the figures on Indian "beef" export always include a...
  5. Royal Lancer

    Kamal Haasan demands ‘referendum’ in Kashmir, terms Pakistan Occupied Kashmir as ‘Azad Kashmir’

    LMFAOOOOOO, you're so overly sensitive and insecure it's hilarious; the Pakistani-Canadian thing wasn't a jab, Genius; I just didn't remember the name of your other pal while typing the comment in full flow - I only remembered that both of you had Pakistani & Canadian flags on your mini profiles...
  6. Royal Lancer

    Kamal Haasan demands ‘referendum’ in Kashmir, terms Pakistan Occupied Kashmir as ‘Azad Kashmir’

    He did not answer them satisfactorily; but if you were able to accept that I suppose there wouldn't be a Kashmir conflict in the first place. So as I predicted, stalemate. LMFAOOOO, the only people who've been abusing here are you and your fellow Canadian-Pakistani who've routinely thrown...
  7. Royal Lancer

    Kamal Haasan demands ‘referendum’ in Kashmir, terms Pakistan Occupied Kashmir as ‘Azad Kashmir’

    LMFAOOOOOO. Look who's all riled up. Quoted me five times, and this is all you have to show for it...sad. As I told you above, everything that needs to be said in regards to the Resolutions has already been said by folks like Milspec and Joe Shearer ages ago - I prefer not to waste my time...
  8. Royal Lancer

    Kamal Haasan demands ‘referendum’ in Kashmir, terms Pakistan Occupied Kashmir as ‘Azad Kashmir’

    This has already been addressed by others like milspec, here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/india-terms-oic-resolution-on-kashmir-completely-unacceptable.378920/ and here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/kashmir-plebiscite-and-un-security-council-resolution.215581/ The UN doesn't even waste...
  9. Royal Lancer

    Kamal Haasan demands ‘referendum’ in Kashmir, terms Pakistan Occupied Kashmir as ‘Azad Kashmir’

    "No plebiscite was ever guaranteed until the Pakistanis withdrew both their official soldiers and tribal irregulars from the entirety of Jammu & Kashmir." ^ Read that, and keep reading it until you understand it. And if even after that you think some treaty is being broken, then go bring...
  10. Royal Lancer

    Kamal Haasan demands ‘referendum’ in Kashmir, terms Pakistan Occupied Kashmir as ‘Azad Kashmir’

    No plebiscite was ever guaranteed until the Pakistanis withdrew both their official soldiers and tribal irregulars from the entirety of Jammu & Kashmir (including the third that you still have). And the UN Resolution clearly states that only after Pakistan withdraws all soldiers and tribesmen...
  11. Royal Lancer

    Kamal Haasan demands ‘referendum’ in Kashmir, terms Pakistan Occupied Kashmir as ‘Azad Kashmir’

    Sure, hold a referendum after Pakistan withdraws from its one-third of Kashmir as originally stipulated; and once India gets an opportunity to engage in targeted demographic change like Pakistan did. But those things won't happen, and the Plebiscite died at Shimla. Welp.
  12. Royal Lancer

    Pulwama mastermind D.E.A.D!

    Ghazi & Kamran both; but at the cost of 4 men, and only then did they allegedly blow up the building. Almost a pyrrhic victory. This has to be the beginning not the end.
  13. Royal Lancer

    Mahatma Gandhi Reassasinated.

    Because there was no justification for the ban - still didn't stop him from initially banning them and being upset with them. As for Ambedkar, again, you dislike him because he wasn't delusional and suicidal like Gandhi - and didn't believe in appeasement of those who hated us, wanted to kill...
  14. Royal Lancer

    Mahatma Gandhi Reassasinated.

    More examples of the classic victim mentality; if you think someone critiquing Islamofascism is being Islamophobic, you're the one who has explaining to do, not me. And what a bunch of nonsense, you were bluffing big time about how Pakistan is some great equal society compared to India - I...
  15. Royal Lancer

    Mahatma Gandhi Reassasinated.

    "faulty reasoning; misleading or unsound argument." - AKA your posts The sources are literally countless and quite easy to access; it's not that I can't list example after example, and source after source, but these things would be lost on an apologist of Islamist Conquest like you. You'd...
  16. Royal Lancer

    Mahatma Gandhi Reassasinated.

    Again, massive fallacy. I see a lot of apologists of Islamic Conquest make false claims like that, airbrushing the religious angle out of things. Glad to see your mask slip off. LOOOL, are you even really Indian, or are you a false flagger?
  17. Royal Lancer

    Mahatma Gandhi Reassasinated.

    Since all your other counterpoints were basically about not quoting you - I'm going to counter this one assertion you made and then call time on the whole conversation (from my end). 1. It's not a hatred of Muslims, it's a hatred of Islamists, the kind who believe in things like Ghazwa e Hind...
  18. Royal Lancer

    Mahatma Gandhi Reassasinated.

    Gandhi absolutely gave Hindus and Sikhs the short end of the stick; and he thankfully died before he could screw over independent India with his delusional idealism and pacifism any more than he already had - because there's no doubting that he would have emotionally arm twisted the leadership...
  19. Royal Lancer

    Mahatma Gandhi Reassasinated.

    We would've eventually got that India one way or another - after WWII once the Brits saw their Empire as unsustainable if nothing else, but as I said, I've never denied his role or denied him his due credit. So I don't know what you're rambling on about. And I'm already being quite polite and...
  20. Royal Lancer

    Mahatma Gandhi Reassasinated.

    There was a lot more to him than his contributions to the freedom struggle, a lot of what he did/taught/instilled/ordered turned out to be a serious setback both for India and for Hindus. Not selfishness, pragmatism. I've never denied he had a role in getting freedom or that he was a founding...
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